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Yoast SEO Plugin Support

Ben Huson edited this page Sep 4, 2019 · 1 revision

The plugin allows you to include the subtitle in your Yoast SEO meta titles and descriptions. Similar to the Yoast %%title%% placeholder which inserts the post title, you can use:

Inserts the post subtitle.

Inserts the seperator if a subtitle is set. Can be overriden by the wps_subtitle_seo_before_sep filter.

Inserts the seperator if a subtitle is set. Can be overriden by the wps_subtitle_seo_after_sep filter.

By default the prefered Yoast SEO seperator %%sep%% is used.

'Before' and 'After' Seperators

The reason for providing custom wps_subtitle_{position}_sep placeholders is so that these show only if a subtitle is set and allows you to have a different seperator before and after the subtitle using the wps_subtitle_seo_{position}_sep filters.

For example, if %%wps_subtitle_before_sep%% was filtered to be " ,":

%%title%%%%wps_subtitle_before_sep%%%%wps_subtitle%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%

If a subtitle is set would display:
Page Title, Page Subtitle - Site Name

If a subtitle is not set would display:
Page Title - Site Name