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JSON.class.php: Simple JSON export can now generate nested JSON objec…
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…ts when field names contain "." delimiters. Nested fields must be sequential.
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tohagan committed Apr 15, 2016
1 parent f48960a commit 75e9628
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 18 deletions.
65 changes: 47 additions & 18 deletions plugins/exportTypes/JSON/JSON.class.php
Expand Up @@ -42,46 +42,75 @@ public function generate($generator) {

private function generateSimple($generator, $data, $stripWhitespace) {
$newline = ($stripWhitespace) ? "" : "\n";
$tab = ($stripWhitespace) ? "" : "\t";
$space = ($stripWhitespace) ? "" : " ";
$tab = ($stripWhitespace) ? "" : "\t";
$space = ($stripWhitespace) ? "" : " ";

$nested = array();

$content = "";
$comma = "";
if ($generator->isFirstBatch()) {
$content .= "[$newline";
$content .= "[";
} else {
$comma = ",";

$numCols = count($data["colData"]);
$numRows = count($data["rowData"]);

for ($i=0; $i<$numRows; $i++) {
$content .= "{$tab}{{$newline}";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; $i++) {
$content .= "{$comma}{$newline}{$tab}{";
$comma = "";

$pairs = array();
for ($j=0; $j<$numCols; $j++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $numCols; $j++) {
$varName = preg_replace('/"/', '\"', $data["colData"][$j]);

if ($this->numericFields[$j] && is_numeric($data["rowData"][$i][$j])) {
$pairs[] = "{$tab}{$tab}\"$varName\":{$space}{$data["rowData"][$i][$j]}";
} else {
$pairs[] = "{$tab}{$tab}\"$varName\":{$space}\"{$data["rowData"][$i][$j]}\"";
// x.y.z field names => Nested JSON
$levels = explode(".", $varName);
$fieldName = array_pop($levels);

// How many nested levels match the previous column?
for ($k = 0; $k < count($levels) && $k < count($nested) && $nested[$k] === $levels[$k]; $k++) {

// Pop closing levels
while (count($nested) > $k) {
$content .= $newline . str_repeat($tab, count($nested) + 1) . "}";
$comma = ",";

// Push new nested levels
for ($l = $k; $l < count($levels); $l++) {
$lev = $levels[$l];
array_push($nested, $lev);
$content .= "{$comma}{$newline}" . str_repeat($tab, $l + 2) . "\"{$lev}\":{$space}{";
$comma = "";

$value = $data["rowData"][$i][$j];
if (!($this->numericFields[$j] && is_numeric($value))) $value = "\"$value\"";
$content .= "{$comma}{$newline}" . str_repeat($tab, count($nested) + 2) . "\"{$fieldName}\":{$space}{$value}";
$comma = ",";
$content .= implode(",$newline", $pairs);

if ($data["isLastBatch"] && $i == $numRows - 1) {
$content .= "{$newline}{$tab}}$newline";
} else {
$content .= "{$newline}{$tab}},$newline";
// Pop all levels
while (count($nested) > 0) {
$content .= $newline . str_repeat($tab, count($nested) + 1) . "}";

$content .= "{$newline}{$tab}}";
$comma = ",";

if ($generator->isLastBatch()) {
$content .= "]";
$content .= "{$newline}]";

return $content;

private function generateComplex($generator, $data, $stripWhitespace) {
$content = "";
if ($generator->isFirstBatch()) {
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