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Magic 8 Ball

Logic/Data Considerations

  • To minimize on duplicate data, I chose a simple JSON object structure to encapsulate the complete set of potential states for the magic 8-ball. The top level of the object is an array of objects. Each object element in the array has the following attributes
    • tone: A string that indicates a tone of "positive", "neutral", or "negative"
    • color: A string that corresponds to the color of the tone.
    • messages[]: An array of possible messages that correspond to the tone.


  • To produce a random message, a top-level object is selected from the list using

let ebReply = magic8ball[Math.floor(Math.random() * magic8ball.length)]

  • Then a random message is selected from the available array using

eb.messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * eb.messages.length)]

  • All of the required data is passed to the view. This is done in the route file at `routes/magic.js'
router.get('/8-ball', function (req, res, next) {
    // Get 8-ball message
    let ebReply = eightBall[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];

    res.render('magic/8-ball', {title: 'Magic 8 Ball', msg: ebReply.messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * ebReply.messages.length)], tone: ebReply.tone, bg_color: ebReply.color});

JSON Object representation of Magic 8-Ball

        tone: "positive",
        color: "green",
        messages: [
            "It is certain",
            "It is decidedly so",
            "Without a doubt",
            "Yes - definitely",
            "You man rely on it",
            "As I see it,yes",
            "Most likely",
            "Outlook good",
            "Signs point to yes"
        tone: "negative",
        color: "red",
        messages: [
            "Don't count on it",
            "My reply is no",
            "My sources say no",
            "Outlook not so good",
            "Very doubtful"
        tone: "neutral",
        color: "blue",
        messages: [
            "Reply hazy, try again",
            "Ask again later",
            "Better not tell you now",
            "Cannot predict now",
            "Concentrate and ask again"

Magic 8-Ball


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