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This modules deploys addons for a kubernetes cluster, such as:

This module requires:


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13


Name Version
helm 2.0.1
kubernetes 1.13.3



Name Description Type Default Required
addons Comma-separated list of to-be enabled addons string "cert-manager,descheduler,dex,externaldns,gangway,gatekeeper,ingress,klum,kured,metallb" no

Note: Version for each add-on is declared in


Name Description Type Default Required
dex_expiry_device_requests Expiry time for device requests string "5m" no
dex_expiry_id_tokens Expiry time for id token string "24h" no
dex_expiry_signing_keys Expiry time for signing keys string "6h" no
dex_ldap_bind_dn LDAP/AD account for Dex string "" no
dex_ldap_bind_pw LDAP/AD account password for Dex string "" no
dex_ldap_endpoint LDAP/AD endpoint for Dex string "" no
dex_ldap_groupsearch Enable LDAP/AD groupsearch bool true no
dex_ldap_groupsearch_basedn LDAP/AD domain to fetch groupsearch from string "" no
dex_ldap_groupsearch_filter LDAP/AD filter for groupsearch string "" no
dex_ldap_groupsearch_groupattr LDAP/AD group attribute to fetch from groupsearch string "" no
dex_ldap_groupsearch_nameattr LDAP/AD name attribute to fetch from groupsearch string "" no
dex_ldap_groupsearch_userattr LDAP/AD user attribute to fetch from groupsearch string "" no
dex_ldap_insecure_no_ssl Insecure connection to LDAP/AD server bool true no
dex_ldap_ssl_skip_verify Do not verify TLS certs when connection to LDAP/AD server bool true no
dex_ldap_start_tls Execute StartTLS operations bool false no
dex_ldap_username_prompt Username prompt field for LDAP/AD string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch Enable LDAP/AD usersearch bool true no
dex_ldap_usersearch_basedn LDAP/AD domain to fetch usersearch from string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch_emailattr LDAP/AD user attribute to fetch from usersearch string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch_filter LDAP/AD filter for groupsearch string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch_idattr LDAP/AD id attribute to fetch from usersearch string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch_nameattr LDAP/AD name attribute to fetch from usersearch string "" no
dex_ldap_usersearch_username LDAP/AD username to fetch from usersearch string "" no
dex_oauth_skip_approval_screen Show approval screen bool true no
dex_url FQDN for publishing dex through ingress controller string "" no
gangway_api_server_url Kubernetes API-Server URL for Gangway to print in kubeconfig string "" no
gangway_cluster_name Cluster name for Gangway config string "" no
gangway_url FQDN for publishing gangway through ingress controller string "" no
grafana_url URL for using dex auth in grafana string "" no


According to descheduler config

Name Description Type Default Required
descheduler_low_node_utilization Configure descheduler for balancing workloads in the cluster bool true no
descheduler_rm_duplicates Cleanup orphan pods bool true no
descheduler_rm_node_affinity_violation Ensure that pods violating node affinity are removed from nodes bool true no
descheduler_rm_pods_affinity_violation Ensure that pods violating interpod anti-affinity are removed from nodes bool true no
descheduler_rm_taint_violation Ensure that pods violating NoSchedule taints on nodes are removed bool true no
target_treshold_cpu CPU usage percentage for nodes to evict pods from number 50 no
target_treshold_mem RAM usage percentage for nodes to evict pods from number 75 no
target_treshold_pods Pods ammount for nodes to evict pods from number 75 no
treshold_cpu CPU usage percentage for nodes to allocate pods to number 20 no
treshold_mem RAM usage percentage for nodes to allocate pods to number 20 no
treshold_pods Pods ammount for nodes to allocate pods to number 20 no


According to kured config

Name Description Type Default Required
kured_end_time End time to execute reboot operations string "23:59" no
kured_reboot_days Days allowed to reboot nodes list
kured_start_time Start time to execute reboot operations string "00:00" no
kured_timezone Timezone to set in kured string "UTC" no

Nginx Ingress Controller

According to ingress config

Name Description Type Default Required
ingress_autoscale Enable autoscale bool true no
ingress_default_backend_enabled Deploy default backend for 404 bool true no
ingress_extra_args Attach extra config map {} no
ingress_max_replicas Maximum replicas for autoscaling number 5 no
ingress_metrics_enabled Enable metrics bool false no
ingress_min_replicas Minimum replicas for autoscaling number 1 no
ingress_prometheus_rule_enabled Add prometheus rule bool false no
ingress_service_monitor_enabled Add service monitor bool false no
ingress_service_type Service type for deploying ingress string "LoadBalancer" no

External DNS

Note 1: DNS can configure with AWS (Route 53) for default, also is possible to use RFC-2136 (Bind) for now.

Note 2: zone_id is used both in externalDNS and cert-manager, also dns_zone is used to build

Note 3: Is possible to use same domain to external DNS and cert-manager, but to propose of this repo dns_zone and cert_manager_zone to manage external-dns and cert-manager respectively.

Name Description Type Default Required
dns_zone DNS zone to manage string "" no
external_dns_aws_access_key AWS access key to manage DNS zone string "" no
external_dns_aws_prefer_cname Prefer CNAME records bool false no
external_dns_aws_region AWS region to manage DNS zone string "us-east-1" no
external_dns_aws_secret_key AWS secret key to manage DNS zone string "" no
external_dns_interval Interval to watch cluster for changes string "30s" no
external_dns_provider external-dns provider to use as add-on string "aws" no
external_dns_rfc_alg TSIG Algorithm used in RFC DNS string "" no
external_dns_rfc_axfr enable zone transfers for RFC DNS bool false no
external_dns_rfc_host DNS zone for RFC server string "" no
external_dns_rfc_key TSIG key used in RFC DNS string "" no
external_dns_rfc_port Default port for RFC DNS number 53 no
external_dns_rfc_secret TSIG secret used in RFC DNS string "" no
external_dns_rfc_ttl default RFC DNS record TTL string "0s" no
external_dns_rfc_zone Zone used on RFC DNS string "" no
external_dns_txt_owner_id Owner used on RFC DNS string "" no

Cert manager

Note 1: This configures a Let's Encrypt issuer by default with DNS challenge in AWS, also is possible to use RFC-2136 for now.

Name Description Type Default Required
acme_email Email for creating acme account string "" no
acme_server Server to fetch LE certs from string "production" no
cert_manager_access_key AWS access key to manage DNS zone string "" no
cert_manager_aws_region AWS region to manage DNS zone string "us-east-1" no
cert_manager_provider cert-manager provider to use as add-on string "aws" no
cert_manager_rfc_alg TSIG Algorithm used in RFC DNS string "" no
cert_manager_rfc_key_name TSIG key used in RFC DNS string "" no
cert_manager_rfc_nameserver Address of authoritative nameserver DNS with port string "" no
cert_manager_secret_key AWS secret key to manage DNS zone string "" no
cert_manager_zone DNS zone to manage certificates string "" no
create_default_cert Create a default certificate of dns resolver bool true no
zone_id DNS zone id to manage string "" no


Name Description Type Default Required
metallb_addresses Range of IPs to configure metallb in layer2 mode string "" no