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antocuni committed May 17, 2012
2 parents a92d129 + 19eab90 commit 52c00e7
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Showing 11 changed files with 307 additions and 35 deletions.
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions pypy/doc/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import py
import pypy
from commands import getoutput
ROOT = py.path.local(pypy.__file__).dirpath().dirpath()

def parse_doc(s):
startrev = None
branches = set()
def parseline(line):
_, value = line.split(':', 1)
return value.strip()
for line in s.splitlines():
if line.startswith('.. startrev:'):
startrev = parseline(line)
elif line.startswith('.. branch:'):
return startrev, branches

def get_merged_branches(path, startrev, endrev):
# X = take all the merges which are descendants of startrev and are on default
# revset = all the parents of X which are not on default
# ===>
# revset contains all the branches which have been merged to default since
# startrev
revset = 'parents(%s::%s and \
merge() and \
branch(default)) and \
not branch(default)' % (startrev, endrev)
cmd = r"hg log -R '%s' -r '%s' --template '{branches}\n'" % (path, revset)
out = getoutput(cmd)
branches = set(map(str.strip, out.splitlines()))
return branches

def test_parse_doc():
s = """
.. startrev: 12345
bla bla bla bla
.. branch: foobar
xxx yyy zzz
.. branch: hello
qqq www ttt
startrev, branches = parse_doc(s)
assert startrev == '12345'
assert branches == set(['foobar', 'hello'])

def test_get_merged_branches():
branches = get_merged_branches(ROOT, 'f34f0c11299f', '79770e0c2f93')
assert branches == set(['numpy-indexing-by-arrays-bool',

def test_whatsnew():
doc = ROOT.join('pypy', 'doc')
whatsnew_list = doc.listdir('whatsnew-*.rst')
last_whatsnew = whatsnew_list[-1].read()
startrev, documented = parse_doc(last_whatsnew)
merged = get_merged_branches(ROOT, startrev, '')
not_documented = merged.difference(documented)
not_merged = documented.difference(merged)
print 'Branches merged but not documented:'
print '\n'.join(not_documented)
print 'Branches documented but not merged:'
print '\n'.join(not_merged)
assert not not_documented and not not_merged
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions pypy/doc/whatsnew-1.9.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
What's new in PyPy 1.9

.. this is the revision just after the creation of the release-1.8.x branch
.. startrev: a4261375b359
.. branch: array_equal
.. branch: better-jit-hooks-2
.. branch: exception-cannot-occur
.. branch: faster-heapcache
.. branch: faster-str-decode-escape
.. branch: float-bytes
Added some pritives for dealing with floats as raw bytes.
.. branch: float-bytes-2
Added more float byte primitives.
.. branch: jit-frame-counter
Put more debug info into resops.
.. branch: kill-geninterp
.. branch: kqueue
Finished select.kqueue.
.. branch: kwargsdict-strategy
.. branch: matrixmath-dot
numpypy can now handle matrix multiplication.
.. branch: merge-2.7.2
The stdlib was updated to version 2.7.2
.. branch: ndmin
.. branch: newindex
.. branch: non-null-threadstate
cpyext: Better support for PyEval_SaveThread and other PyTreadState_*
.. branch: numppy-flatitter
.. branch: numpy-back-to-applevel
.. branch: numpy-concatenate
.. branch: numpy-indexing-by-arrays-bool
.. branch: numpy-record-dtypes
.. branch: numpy-single-jitdriver
.. branch: numpy-ufuncs2
.. branch: numpy-ufuncs3
.. branch: numpypy-issue1137
.. branch: numpypy-out
The "out" argument was added to most of the numypypy functions.
.. branch: numpypy-shape-bug
.. branch: numpypy-ufuncs
.. branch: pytest
.. branch: safe-getargs-freelist
.. branch: set-strategies
.. branch: speedup-list-comprehension
.. branch: stdlib-unification
The directory "lib-python/modified-2.7" has been removed, and its
content merged into "lib-python/2.7".
.. branch: step-one-xrange
The common case of a xrange iterator with no step argument specifed
was somewhat optimized. The tightest loop involving it,
sum(xrange(n)), is now 18% faster on average.
.. branch: string-NUL
PyPy refuses filenames with chr(0) characters. This is implemented in
RPython which can enforce no-NUL correctness and propagation, similar
to const-correctness in C++.
.. branch: win32-cleanup
.. branch: win32-cleanup2
.. branch: win32-cleanup_2
Many bugs were corrected for windows 32 bit. New functionality was added to
test validity of file descriptors, leading to the removal of the global
.. branch: win64-stage1
.. branch: zlib-mem-pressure
.. "uninteresting" branches that we should just ignore for the whatsnew:
.. branch: sanitize-finally-stack
.. branch: revive-dlltool (preliminary work for sepcomp)
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions pypy/module/select/
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, unwrap_spec
from pypy.interpreter.typedef import TypeDef, generic_new_descr, GetSetProperty
from pypy.rlib._rsocket_rffi import socketclose
from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import r_uint
from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi, lltype
from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,9 +227,12 @@ def __del__(self):
if self.event:, flavor="raw")

@unwrap_spec(filter=int, flags='c_uint', fflags='c_uint', data=int, udata='c_uint')
def descr__init__(self, space, w_ident, filter=KQ_FILTER_READ, flags=KQ_EV_ADD, fflags=0, data=0, udata=0):
ident = space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_ident)
@unwrap_spec(filter=int, flags='c_uint', fflags='c_uint', data=int, udata=r_uint)
def descr__init__(self, space, w_ident, filter=KQ_FILTER_READ, flags=KQ_EV_ADD, fflags=0, data=0, udata=r_uint(0)):
if space.isinstance_w(w_ident, space.w_long):
ident = space.uint_w(w_ident)
ident = r_uint(space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_ident))

self.event = lltype.malloc(kevent, flavor="raw")
rffi.setintfield(self.event, "c_ident", ident)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,7 +324,7 @@ def descr_get_data(self, space):
return space.wrap(self.event.c_data)

def descr_get_udata(self, space):
return space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.SIZE_T, self.event.c_udata))
return space.wrap(rffi.cast(rffi.UINTPTR_T, self.event.c_udata))

W_Kevent.typedef = TypeDef("select.kevent",
Expand Down
105 changes: 82 additions & 23 deletions pypy/module/select/
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,32 @@ def poll(self, space, w_timeout=None):
pollmethods[methodname] = interp2app(getattr(Poll, methodname))
Poll.typedef = TypeDef('select.poll', **pollmethods)

# ____________________________________________________________

from pypy.rlib import _rsocket_rffi as _c
from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi

def _build_fd_set(space, list_w, ll_list, nfds):
fdlist = []
for w_f in list_w:
fd = space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_f)
if fd > nfds:
nfds = fd
_c.FD_SET(fd, ll_list)
return fdlist, nfds
_build_fd_set._always_inline_ = True # get rid of the tuple result

def _unbuild_fd_set(space, list_w, fdlist, ll_list, reslist_w):
for i in range(len(fdlist)):
fd = fdlist[i]
if _c.FD_ISSET(fd, ll_list):

def select(space, w_iwtd, w_owtd, w_ewtd, w_timeout=None):
"""Wait until one or more file descriptors are ready for some kind of I/O.
The first three arguments are sequences of file descriptors to be waited for:
Expand All @@ -99,29 +125,62 @@ def select(space, w_iwtd, w_owtd, w_ewtd, w_timeout=None):
iwtd_w = space.listview(w_iwtd)
owtd_w = space.listview(w_owtd)
ewtd_w = space.listview(w_ewtd)
iwtd = [space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_f) for w_f in iwtd_w]
owtd = [space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_f) for w_f in owtd_w]
ewtd = [space.c_filedescriptor_w(w_f) for w_f in ewtd_w]
iwtd_d = {}
owtd_d = {}
ewtd_d = {}
for i in range(len(iwtd)):
iwtd_d[iwtd[i]] = iwtd_w[i]
for i in range(len(owtd)):
owtd_d[owtd[i]] = owtd_w[i]
for i in range(len(ewtd)):
ewtd_d[ewtd[i]] = ewtd_w[i]

ll_inl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
ll_outl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
ll_errl = lltype.nullptr(_c.fd_set.TO)
ll_timeval = lltype.nullptr(_c.timeval)

fdlistin = None
fdlistout = None
fdlisterr = None
nfds = -1
if len(iwtd_w) > 0:
ll_inl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
fdlistin, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, iwtd_w, ll_inl, nfds)
if len(owtd_w) > 0:
ll_outl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
fdlistout, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, owtd_w, ll_outl, nfds)
if len(ewtd_w) > 0:
ll_errl = lltype.malloc(_c.fd_set.TO, flavor='raw')
fdlisterr, nfds = _build_fd_set(space, ewtd_w, ll_errl, nfds)

if space.is_w(w_timeout, space.w_None):
iwtd, owtd, ewtd =, owtd, ewtd)
timeout = -1.0
iwtd, owtd, ewtd =, owtd, ewtd, space.float_w(w_timeout))
except rpoll.SelectError, s:
w_errortype = space.fromcache(Cache).w_error
raise OperationError(w_errortype, space.newtuple([
space.wrap(s.errno), space.wrap(s.get_msg())]))

return space.newtuple([
space.newlist([iwtd_d[i] for i in iwtd]),
space.newlist([owtd_d[i] for i in owtd]),
space.newlist([ewtd_d[i] for i in ewtd])])
timeout = space.float_w(w_timeout)
if timeout >= 0.0:
ll_timeval = rffi.make(_c.timeval)
i = int(timeout)
rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_sec', i)
rffi.setintfield(ll_timeval, 'c_tv_usec', int((timeout-i)*1000000))

res = + 1, ll_inl, ll_outl, ll_errl, ll_timeval)

if res < 0:
errno = _c.geterrno()
msg = _c.socket_strerror_str(errno)
w_errortype = space.fromcache(Cache).w_error
raise OperationError(w_errortype, space.newtuple([
space.wrap(errno), space.wrap(msg)]))

resin_w = []
resout_w = []
reserr_w = []
if res > 0:
if fdlistin is not None:
_unbuild_fd_set(space, iwtd_w, fdlistin, ll_inl, resin_w)
if fdlistout is not None:
_unbuild_fd_set(space, owtd_w, fdlistout, ll_outl, resout_w)
if fdlisterr is not None:
_unbuild_fd_set(space, ewtd_w, fdlisterr, ll_errl, reserr_w)
if ll_timeval:, flavor='raw')
if ll_errl:, flavor='raw')
if ll_outl:, flavor='raw')
if ll_inl:, flavor='raw')

return space.newtuple([space.newlist(resin_w),
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pypy/module/select/test/
Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ def test_queue_event(self):
client.connect(("", server_socket.getsockname()[1]))
except socket.error as e:
except socket.error, e:
if 'bsd' in sys.platform:
assert e.args[0] == errno.ENOENT
Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions pypy/module/signal/
Expand Up @@ -16,19 +16,27 @@
def setup():
for key, value in cpy_signal.__dict__.items():
if (key.startswith('SIG') or key.startswith('CTRL_')) and \
is_valid_int(value) and \
key != 'SIG_DFL' and key != 'SIG_IGN':
globals()[key] = value
yield key

NSIG = cpy_signal.NSIG
SIG_DFL = cpy_signal.SIG_DFL
SIG_IGN = cpy_signal.SIG_IGN
signal_names = list(setup())
signal_values = [globals()[key] for key in signal_names]
signal_values = {}
for key in signal_names:
signal_values[globals()[key]] = None

if sys.platform == 'win32' and not hasattr(cpy_signal,'CTRL_C_EVENT'):
# XXX Hack to revive values that went missing,
# Remove this once we are sure the host cpy module has them.
signal_values[0] = None
signal_values[1] = None
includes = ['stdlib.h', 'src/signals.h']
if sys.platform != 'win32':
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions pypy/module/signal/test/
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,11 @@ def setup_class(cls):
cls.w_signal = space.appexec([], "(): import signal; return signal")

def test_exported_names(self):
import os
self.signal.__dict__ # crashes if the interpleveldefs are invalid
if == 'nt':
assert self.signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT == 1
assert self.signal.CTRL_C_EVENT == 0

def test_basics(self):
import types, os
Expand Down

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