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Rebar templates for generating custom couchdb releases

This project provides rebar templates that allows you to create your own CouchDB releases or embed CouchDB applications based on the rebared version of Apache CouchDB provided by the refuge project.

Platforms supported are Linux, FreeBSD 8.0x and sup, MacOSX 10.6/10.7 with Erlang R13B04/R14x, Windows is coming. Tested on i386, amd64 and Arm platforms.


Install rebar. You can do that via homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install rebar

Or build it from source

$ git clone

Note: make sure to use the latest rebar version.

Drop these templates in ~/.rebar/templates.

##Create a custom CouchDB release

To create a custom release of CouchDB with your own plugins, use the rcouch template:

$ make myapp
$ cd myapp
$ rebar create template=rcouch appid=myapp

This prepares a custom rcouch release in the rel directory. You can customize it by adding your plugins to rebar config and editing rel/reltool.config. Then build and run it:

$ make rel
$ ./rel/myapp/bin/myapp

##Embed CouchDB in your application

To start an Erlang OTP application that embeds CouchDB, use the rebar_embed template:

$ rebar create template=rcouch_embed appid=myapp

It creates a custom app in apps/myapp/src that you can edit. Then use it like above.

##Notes on building a truly distributable package

The package built above will still depend on some libraries from your system, so additional work has to be done to distribute it to older/newer systems.

  1. CouchDB will depend on the ICU library version that was present in your system at build time. To easily bundle this library with the package, build with:

      $ make rel USE_STATIC_ICU=1
  2. Check whether your package depends on Ncurses:

      $ ldd ./rel/myapp/erts-*/bin/erlexec|grep ncurses

    If it does, copy the .so file to ./rel/myapp/lib/ or rebuild Erlang without this dependency.

  3. Decide whether you need SSL support in your package and check whether it depends on OpenSSL:

      $ ldd ./rel/myapp/lib/ssl-*/priv/bin/ssl_esock|grep 'libcrypto\|libssl'

    If it does, copy the .so file to ./rel/myapp/lib/ or rebuild Erlang without this dependency.

If you copied any .so files in the last 2 steps, run this command, so that your app can find the libraries:

$ sed -i '/^RUNNER_USER=/a\\nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$RUNNER_BASE_DIR/lib"' ./rel/myapp/bin/myapp


Rebar templates for generating custom couchdb releases





