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merkle tree-based state replication from master to followers, with a live stream of data


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An OTP application to do merkle tree-based state replication from master to followers, with a live stream of data for low latency updates.

The library contains both client code and server code.

The merkle tree implementation is in memory, so a dataset at least the size of O(n) where n = hash(Key) + hash(Value) will be required, plus a partial copy of the tree (common binaries should be shared) per client connected.

Basic Server Usage

The server code is expected to be canonical. A user creates a server by calling

sdiff_serv:start_link(Name, ReadFun)

where ReadFun is a function that accepts a key, and returns either {delete, Key} or {write, Key, Val}, the two basic operations that can be streamed through sdiff.

The server sync process is built using sdiff_serv:write(Name, Key, Val) and sdiff_serv:delete(Name, Key). Once the state table is fully built, call sdiff_serv:ready(Name), which will signify to whatever standby server (such as sdiff_access_tcp_ranch_server) that it can start subscribing clients to the server.

The server supports concurrent clients being connected, both for streams and diffs.

Basic Client Usage

The client code has the same ability to build a basic tree in memory before connecting. The client is started by calling:

sdiff_client:start_link(WriteFun, AccessMod, AccessArgs)

Where WriteFun takes either {delete, Key} or {write, Key, Val} and lets the user update data in whatever persistent storage it requires. The operation is assumed to always succeed, or error out (which kills the client and the tree, sadly)

Once the client state is ready, call sdiff_client:ready(NameOrPid). It will then connect to the server.

See demo/demo.erl for an example of a full client+server setup.


Now this is where it's fun.

Server Initialization

        SERVER              RANCH WORKER
          |                      |
--ready-->|                      |
       [spawn],                  |
          |   '--MIDDLEMAN       |
          |         |            |
          |         |---self()-->|
          |         |            |

The middleman process handles blocking on connections and the client-logic and translation, whereas the server really handles fanning out the tree structure and updates to streaming clients. The protocol handling may or may not be in a different process (RANCH WORKER), but for the sake of composability, the current code base demo makes it a standalone process.

Client Initialization

          |   '--MIDDLEMAN
          |          |

As for the server, the middleman holds the connection and blocks. However, because there's no server involved, each client expects a 1:1 connection and avoids the need for a third process.

Streaming Updates

Streaming update is a push-based mechanism from whatever on the server is the auhtoritative system:

                     SERVER-SIDE                ||          CLIENT-SIDE
          |         |              |            ||             |           |
--write-->|         |              |            ||             |           |
          |--write->|              |            ||             |           |
          |         |------write--------------->||----write--->|           |
          |         |              |            ||             |---write-->|
          |         |              |            ||             |           |

As an optimization, the middleman server knows the socket of the worker and can avoid passing message through it to reach the client directly


This is where all the complexity lies. The protocol is in multiple phases, and is triggered by a client demand, and requires synchronization with the server so that updates are received in the right order.

The server middleman will maintain a queue of keys relayed in updates during the diffing, and will remove them from the diff result (as the diff would now be outdated regarding these keys).

Because the diffing action enabled by merklet is blocking and stateless, a fourth server process (DIFFER) is introduced:

                         SERVER-SIDE                      ||             CLIENT-SIDE
    SERVER    MIDDLEMAN                RANCH WORKER       ||         MIDDLEMAN    CLIENT
       |         |                          |             ||             |           |
1.     |         |                          |             ||             |           |<--diff--
2.     |         |                          |             ||             |<---Tree---|
3.     |         |                          |<--sync_req--||<--sync_req--|           |
       |         |<----------diff-----------|             ||             |           |
       |         |--------------sync_start--------------->||-sync_start->|           |
       |         |                          |             ||             |           |
       |      [spawn]........DIFFER         |             ||             |           |
       |         |             |            |             ||             |           |
4.     |<---------tree---------|            |             ||             |           |
       |----------Tree-------->|            |             ||             |           |
5.     |         |<-{sync_req}-|            |             ||             |           |
       |         |---------------{sync_req}-------------->||-{sync_req}->|           |
       |         |             |            |<-{sync_res}-||<-{sync_res}-|           |
       |         |--------recv------------->|             ||             |           |
       |         |<--------{sync_res}-------|             ||             |           |
       |         |-{sync_res}->|            |             ||             |           |
       |         |             |            |             ||             |           |
6.     |         |<-{done,Res}-|            |             ||             |           |
       |         |          [close]         |             ||             |           |
       |         |                          |             ||             |           |
       |         |----------------sync_seq--------------->||--sync_seq-->|           |
7.     |         |------------------write---------------->||----write--->|           |
       |         |                          |             ||             |---write-->|
       |         |----------------sync_done-------------->||--sync_done->|           |
       |         |                          |             ||             |           |
  1. The client is asked to diff
  2. The client process sends the tree to its middleman, making a copy of it
  3. The synchronous phase begins, letting all in-flight messages prior to the diffing drain to the client. This isn't strictly necessary, but opens the door to some protocol-specific optimizations.
  4. The differ grabs the tree from the SERVER
  5. Diffing starts, with the differ on the server asking for data on the merkle tree of the client, and the client answering back. This goes on for a while. To make sure all writes are in order no matter the scheduling, the DIFFER proxies its requests and responses through the server MIDDLEMAN (and this is ugly), which forces proper serialization of messages sent to the socket.
  6. The diffing is done, a list of result is returned to the MIDDLEMAN, which uses the ReadFun value to replay results after closing the diff protocol
  7. The values in 6. being replayed.

During the entire operations, regular updates can still be streamed to the client without interruption.

Another subtlety is that while the diff is a PUSH operation from RANCH WORKER to MIDDLEMAN, all other reads from the socket are PULL-only with MIDDLEMAN asking RANCH WORKER for data (recv), allowing implicit control-flow of the whole procedure.


$ rebar3 compile


All tests can be run at once:

$ rebar3 do ct, proper, dialyzer

To run more advanced/trickier PropEr tests, you can try to tweak the VM time options (+T 9), a thing rebar3 can't do:

$ rebar3 proper -n 1
... compiler output to set up environment ...

$ ERL_LIBS=_build/test/lib erl +T 9 -pa _build/test/lib/sdiff/test/
1> proper:module(prop_sync, [{numtests,1000}]).

This has a tendency to find a few timing bugs more easily, but runs quite a bit slower.


$ rebar3 as demo shell
1> demo:run(8123).
Tables populated...
server state:

client state:

Stream sync test, adding key4:val4
server state:

client state:

Triggering a diff to repair state...
server state:

client state:

Shows both a very quick stream (1 key) and a repair operation between one client and one server using TCP and the reference TCP access protocol implementation.


$ rebar3 as bench shell
1> bench:all(PortNumber, Count).

Where Count is how many time each benchmark should be run. A value =< 10 is recommended, as benchmarks themselves can run with ~10,000 internal repetitions each.


  • More Tests
  • have deletes delete entries that exist in property-based tests
  • tree snapshot functionality (for cheaper success/failure)
  • Failure handling in sockets closing too often
  • Define the access function behaviour for clients and servers (lets people use other stuff than unauthenticated TCP for things)
  • use TCP_NODELAY only when diffing / evaluate impact
  • conditional updates on the client-side (so that failures are automatically retried on the next repair)
  • tree + dataset snapshot functionality (to re-sync trees too out of date? maybe better as a side-protocol)
  • and so on


merkle tree-based state replication from master to followers, with a live stream of data







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