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Digital Enhanced Living service management APIs
This service is still under development and features are constantly being added. Additions may break existing functionality. Please refer to the development branch for the latest changes.

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Installation and Running
  3. Docker
  4. Environment Variables


The Digital Enhanced Living (DEL) api (del-api) service is the management module for the DEL platform and handles user profiles, application details and tracks linked services and user activities on the container application. The service will be expanded to add more features including health metric tracking and mHealth profiles for remote health management by caregivers.
The service has been configured with Swagger UI for quick visualisation and interaction with the service and is available at hostname:port
Other services contributing to the platform include del-auth, del-web and del-container. More details can be found on their respective pages.
Please note that the repositories may be private at the moment and will be made public as they are developed.

Installation and Running

The service is built using JavaScript (NodeJS) and uses MongoDb for storage. For testing, please ensure both are installed.
To install dependencies, execute the following from the cloned directory:

$ npm install

The following script will start the mongo daemon if not already running:

$ ./

Once the setup is complete, the service can be launched (in dev mode) using:

$ npm run dev_local

Once running, the api documentation can be viewed through the SwaggerUI at {host}:{port}/docs


The application has also been dockerized to simplify deployment and can also be launched using docker-compose. This may be useful for quick deployments where you want to avoid local package installation. However, the app image must be built prior to deployment using the command:

$ docker build -t del/del-api .

Run the following to launch the application:

$ docker-compose up -d

The containers can be shut down using:

$ docker-compose down

If the app image is built several times, it may occupy a significant amount of system storage. In that case, you may delete the app images and reclaim memory. Please note that the following commands remove all images, containers and volumes. If other images are present on the system, the del-api images should be removed individually to avoid deleting other images. For more details, please refer to the docker reference documentation.

$ docker image rmi $(docker images -a -q)
$ docker volume prune
$ docker system prune

Please ensure that you have installed the docker engine and docker-compose before running the above.
Please note that if you are making changes to the code, the app image will have to be built each time to run the latest updates. Similarly, the .example_env file contains the DB_HOST value set to the docker service name. Please update this value if you are not using Docker.

Environment Variables

The del-api service requires several environmental variables to define runtime settings as well as parameters for default service profiles. These can be exported to the bash environment OR stored in a .env file as key-value pairs such as:


The service will recognise the file and read on launch.

Host parameters

Key Description Default Value
HOST Application hostname localhost
PORT Application port number 3000

Database parameters

Key Description Default Value
DB_DATABASE The application database. This value should be changed to mongo_del for docker deployments del_api
DB_HOST The database hostname. This value should be modified in the .env file for docker deployments localhost
DB_PORT The database port 27017

Authentication parameters

Key Description Default Value
JWT_SECRET_KEY The secret key used in the token generation/verification algorithm none
JWT_ALGORITHM The algorithm used for generating and verifying tokens HS256
JWT_DEFAULT_EXPIRY The default validity duration for a token. Valid values include strings such as "1d", "60s", "1m" "1h" for 1 day, 60 seconds, 1 minute or 1 hour 1d
AUTH_STRATEGY Authentication strategy name used to refer to the mechanism from plugin registration to routes jwt_auth

Default superuser profile

Key Description Default Value
SU_FIRSTNAME Superuser first name admin
SU_LASTNAME Superuser last name admin
SU_EMAILID Superuser email id (this will be the default admin login credential)
SU_AGE Superuser age (doesn't matter for the superuser and can be any number) 40
SU_SEX Superuser gender (doesn't matter for the superuser) Male
SU_PASSWORD Superuser password @dminpassword!
SU_USERROLE Superuser role admin

Default developer profile
This profile describes the default publisher of health services

Key Description Default Value
DEV_NAME Default developer name. Jsut like the superuser, this profile cannot be deleted. del_developer

Dialogflow Integration
This service provides a chatbot based on Dialogflow and requires the Google project id and the authentication key

Key Description Default Value
DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID The dialogflow project id none
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS Google application credentials none

More details to come soon!


Digital Enhanced Living service apis







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Contributors 4

