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Semantic Versioning with Build Number

This plugin is designed to replace any and all operations performed on a projects version number in Gradle. I wrote this as I wanted something more reliable and portable than just copy/pasted tasks in a build.gradle. I have tried a number of the other similar plugins over the years but none of them were ever exactly what I wanted or worked the way I wanted to use them. There was always something that was missing. With that said ... introducing ... drum roll please ... the semantic-versioning-with-build-number plugin. To see my release blog post take a look here.

Why would I want this?

By using this plugin you are able to add items to your build script such as updating your version number programmatically. For example, you could structure your build.gradle file such that if you are running a CI build in a certain environment that you want any artifacts to be generated with the BETA artifact type.

versionConfig {
  if (environment == "UAT") {
    artifactType = "BETA"

You could also use it if you are practicing SAFE Agile to match the version to PI's and Increments of work (see below).


I wouldn't exactly call this a warning, but I don't want anyone caught off guard about how certain functionality in this plugin operates. When this plugin updates the project version it is fully regenerating whatever property file it is operating on. I realize that to some if they do not understand this up front that it might cause some concern. In an attempt to mitigate this I have implemented it in such a way that the order of the properties file is maintained and the only visible changes to the end user is updated versioning properties and a timestamp at the top of the file explaining that the file has been regenerated. I personally have worked on this part extensively as I make heavy use of property files and wanted to ensure that this would not cause me problems. I have not found this to be an issue but consider yourself duly informed on how this plugin works operationally.

How to install

  • Declare it in the plugin block of gradle like any other plugin.
plugins {
    id 'com.benrhine.semantic-versioning-with-build-number' version '0.0.1'
  • Add the following properties to your file.

Legacy Install

Or if you are manually building from source.

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.benrhine:semantic-versioning-with-build-number:0.0.1'

plugins {

apply plugin: 'com.benrhine.semantic-versioning-with-build-number'

Note: These properties are required for the plugin to work correctly. If do not set these properties you will get error(s) similar to the following.

A problem occurred configuring root project 'semantic-versioning-with-build-number'.
> Could not set unknown property 'major' for root project 'semantic-versioning-with-build-number'

What does it do?

Once the plugin is applied it will replace any / all the operations that you would expect to do on a projects version number. With just applying the plugin your version will now be set to whatever you specified in the file and will be available from gradles default version variable. To inspect the version after applying the plugin.

Print the current version

./gradlew printVersion

Note: Make sure you are not assigning to the projects version anywhere else in your build.gradle otherwise that will mess up the plugins function.

What is the default version?

The default version will be whatever was set in the (see above reference). Note: I normally set it to 0.0.0-LOCAL to start.

Available Tasks

This plugin includes the ability to print the current version at any point of your development process as well as increment or decrement major, minor, or patch programmatically.

Print the current version

./gradlew printVersion

Increment the patch portion of the version

./gradlew incrementPatchVersion

Increment the minor portion of the version

./gradlew incrementMinorVersion

Increment the major portion of the version

./gradlew incrementMajorVersion

Decrement the patch portion of the version

./gradlew decrementPatchVersion

Decrement the minor portion of the version

./gradlew decrementMinorVersion

Decrement the major portion of the version

./gradlew decrementMajorVersion


In addition to the tasks listed above this plugin also supports a number of configurations out of the box.


By default, there is no need to do any additional configuration, by applying the plugin (and adding the properties) when your app loads the version will be created using this information and the tasks listed above will be available to you.

Using an alternate properties file

By default, this application uses the file but if you wish you can use a properties file in an alternate location. To achieve this, add the following block to your build.gradle

versionConfig {
    customVersionPropertiesPath = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/"

I had experimented with using a instead of when I started writing this plugin, I like the explicit nature of it but dislike the verbosity. The original reason I tried this is I was unsure of how much of a challenge it would be to keep the order of the properties file (which is super important to me and how I write code). As stated above, it ended up not being too challenging to keep the properties ordered as written, so I did away with this approach. You can still use it if you like by applying it as a custom path as stated above.

Note: When doing this you still need to add the property keys to the otherwise the plugin will prevent the project from starting up. While the property keys in the will not be updated they are required to get the necessary property keys in the gradle property context.

Follow-up note: This was another interesting thing I ran across while working on this plugin is that the property keys essentially have to be initialized from the very beginning of the applications' operation. While it is possible to see and work with the existing property keys I was unable to find a way that would allow me to successfully add them into the gradle context at operation time.

Setting artifact type

By default, the application will set your artifact to whatever has been defined in the properties file or LOCAL. To update this for your needs you can assign the type as follows ...

versionConfig {
    artifactType = "SNAPSHOT"

Supported artifact types

  • BETA
  • RELEASE These are the artifacts that are validated as part of the plugin, but it doesn't have to be one of the above. You can choose to assign any value you wish to the artifactType but will receive a warning if it is something not in the listed types above.

CI/CD Builds

If you are using this plugin while performing remote builds (who isn't?) the following configuration is necessary.

versionConfig {
    remoteBuild = true                              // Required (optionally) for CI/CD
    ciBuildNumberEnvVarName = "BUILD_RUN_NUMBER"    // Other known CI/CD predefined ENV's [BUILD_RUN_NUMBER, BITBUCKET_BUILD_NUMBER]
    includeReleaseTag = true
    includeBuildNumber = true

remoteBuild (Or how to include your build number)

While technically not required the plugin looses functionality without this option and I assume if you made it this far this might be a feature you are looking for. Without enabling remoteBuild it is not possible to include the build number in your version.

ciBuildNumberEnvVarName (Or how to get the build number from your provider)

To specify which ENV VAR to get the build number from specify the expected ENV VAR name here. This will validate if it is GitHub Actions or BitBucket and warn for anything else (please feel free to send me other known good names and I will include them in future releases).

If this is not set it will warn you and will default to the provided version with an artifact but NO BUILD NUMBER.

includeReleaseTag && includeBuildNumber

These properties can be declared at any and or all the time. These only take effect when creating a release artifact AND when artifactType is set to RELEASE. If neither includeReleaseTag or includeBuildNumber is set in the versionConfig they default to false and the version number will set to X.X.X. If includeReleaseTag is set to true the resulting build number will be X.X.X-RELEASE. If includeBuildNumber is set to true the resulting build number will be X.X.X.X. finally if both includeReleaseTag or includeBuildNumber is set to true the resulting build number will be X.X.X.X-RELEASE.

Future Ideas

I believe there is a duplicate load of the local properties. I have tried to fix this but so far when I try to make these changes the properties fail to update correctly. I believe that the initial property load can happen a single time in the main class and do not need to be redeclared in the task files. While I found reference on how to convert between properties and map here, the issue with trying to do this is there are other items in gradle properties context that you would not want written back to the properties file.

Increment value and push to git

SAFE Agile

Semantic versioning lends itself to the SAFE Agile practice. When operating under SAFE methodology you loosely plan a PI at a time (i.e. you plan a quarter at a time) then have standard sprints within that PI which are known as iterations. Understanding this allows you to use semantic versioning to match your agile cycle. See the following

  • Major version = PI version
  • Minor version = PI Sprint version
  • Patch version = PI Daily Version
  • Build Number OR
  • Major version = Release Year
  • Minor version = PI version
  • Patch version = PI Sprint version
  • Build Number If you use semantic versioning as above it will allow you to closely tie your work to your process.


When working on this plugin it is possible to self reference the plugin within the build.gradle file by updating to the following. I have removed the self-referencing portions for publishing cleanliness

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath 'com.benrhine:semantic-versioning-with-build-number:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

plugins {
    id 'com.gradle.plugin-publish' version '1.1.0'

group 'com.benrhine'
version '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'com.benrhine.semantic-versioning-with-build-number'

gradlePlugin {
    website = ''
    vcsUrl = ''
    plugins {
        semanticVersioningWithBuildNumberPlugin {
            id = 'com.benrhine.semantic-versioning-with-build-number'
            displayName = 'Semantic versioning with build number'
            description = 'Flexible semantic versioning with the ability to include a build number of use for SAFE Agile'
            //tags.set(['semantic', 'version', 'build', 'number', 'build number', 'safe', 'agile', 'safe agile'])
            implementationClass = 'com.benrhine.plugins.v1.SemanticVersioningWithBuildNumberPlugin'

repositories {

test {

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.8.1'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.8.1'

versionConfig {
    remoteBuild = true
    artifactType = "SNAPSHOT"
    includeReleaseTag = true
    includeBuildNumber = true
    customVersionPropertiesPath = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/"


A Kotlin version of my semantic versioning plugin






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