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Test Database for SQL Server using Docker Logo created using

A real SQL Server database running on docker for your unit tests.

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DotNet.Testcontainers - I found out about DotNet.Testcontainers after creating this package but I have yet to try it out.

Usage (SQL Server)

Minimal example

// Constructor starts a docker container and waits for SQL Server to be ready
using (var testDatabase = new SqlServerDockerDatabase(new SqlServerDockerDatabaseOptions()))
    // Returns connection string to newly created database server
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString(); 
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database
// Dispose automatically stops and removes docker container

Use a different port

Perhaps you don't want it to use port 1433 because you have another instance of SQL Server running locally. In this example we set the port to 1337 instead by setting the dockerSqlServerHostPort parameter.

var options = new SqlServerDockerDatabaseOptions(dockerSqlServerHostPort: 1337);
using (var testDatabase = new SqlServerDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database

Leave it running after the test completes

Sometimes you're dealing with a particulary pesky problem and you want to connect to the same database against which your tests just ran. This example shows how to leave the the SQL Server running after the test has completed using the stopDockerInstanceOnDispose parameter.

var options = new SqlServerDockerDatabaseOptions(stopDockerInstanceOnDispose: false);
using (var testDatabase = new SqlServerDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database

All options on the table

Sample code showing all options changed. The settings shown in the code below are NOT the defaults. For defaults see Parameter Table

// These are NOT the default values
var options = new SqlServerDockerDatabaseOptions(
    dockerContainerName: "MyTestDatabase",
    dockerSqlServerPassword: "myEvenStronger(!)Password",
    dockerSqlServerHostPort: 1337,
    dockerSqlServerImageName: "",
    dockerSqlServerImageTag: "2017-latest",
    stopDockerInstanceOnDispose: false,
    removeDockerContainerOnDispose: false,
    initialWaitForSqlServerStartupInSeconds: 20,
    secondsToWaitBetweenSqlServerConnectionRetries: 3,
    numberOfTimesToAttemptConnectingToSqlServer: 15
using (var testDatabase = new SqlServerDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database
Parameter Table SqlServer
Parameter Default Description
dockerContainerName First 30 characters of your assembly name The value that appears in the NAMES column if you execute docker ps from the command line
dockerSqlServerPassword yourStrong(!)Password This will be the sa password. Don't make it too simple because otherwise the SQL Server database will reject it because it does not meet certain password complexity requirements. See Microsoft SQL Server Password Policy. This is the same password that is included in the connection string returned by the GetConnectionString() method.
dockerSqlServerHostPort 1433 The port on which Docker will expose the server. Inside the container SQL Server is still running on port 1433 but that is abstracted away by the magic of Docker.
dockerSqlServerImageName The Docker image name used to docker pull ...
dockerSqlServerImageTag 2019-GA-ubuntu-16.04 The Docker image tag used to docker pull ...
stopDockerInstanceOnDispose true If both stopDockerInstanceOnDispose and removeDockerContainerOnDispose are unspecified then the default is true. However, if removeDockerContainerOnDispose is explicitly specified as true then stopDockerInstanceOnDispose is ignored (even if it was specified to be false). Similarly, if stopDockerInstanceOnDispose is specified as false and removeDockerContainerOnDispose is unspecified then removeDockerContainerOnDispose is effectively false. Regardless of these settings the SqlServerDockerDatabase constructor always stops and removes any previous containers with the same name before creating a brand new container.
removeDockerContainerOnDispose true See caveat under the description for stopDockerInstanceOnDispose
initialWaitForSqlServerStartupInSeconds 10 The number of seconds to wait before the SqlServerDockerDatabase constructor begins attempting to connect to the SQL Server to verify it is ready before returning.
secondsToWaitBetweenSqlServerConnectionRetries 5 The number of seconds the SqlServerDockerDatabase constructor waits between attempting to connect to SQL Server to verify it is ready before returning
numberOfTimesToAttemptConnectingToSqlServer 10 The number of times the SqlServerDockerDatabase constructor tries to connect to SQL Server to verify it is ready. If the tries are exhausted then the SqlServerDockerDatabase constructor throws an exception. The last exception thrown by await connection.OpenAsync() is included as an inner exception

More Examples

See more examples at

Usage (Postgres)

Minimal example

// Constructor starts a docker container and waits for SQL Server to be ready
using (var testDatabase = new PostgresDockerDatabase(new PostgresDockerDatabaseOptions()))
    // Returns connection string to newly created database server
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString(); 
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database
// Dispose automatically stops and removes docker container

Use a different port

Perhaps you don't want it to use port 1433 because you have another instance of SQL Server running locally. In this example we set the port to 1337 instead by setting the dockerPostgresHostPort parameter.

var options = new PostgresDockerDatabaseOptions(dockerPostgresHostPort: 1337);
using (var testDatabase = new PostgresDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database

Leave it running after the test completes

Sometimes you're dealing with a particulary pesky problem and you want to connect to the same database against which your tests just ran. This example shows how to leave the the SQL Server running after the test has completed using the stopDockerInstanceOnDispose parameter.

var options = new PostgresDockerDatabaseOptions(stopDockerInstanceOnDispose: false);
using (var testDatabase = new PostgresDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database

All options on the table

Sample code showing all options changed. The settings shown in the code below are NOT the defaults. For defaults see Parameter Table

// These are NOT the default values
var options = new PostgresDockerDatabaseOptions(
    dockerContainerName: "MyTestDatabase",
    dockerPostgresUser: "myuser",
    dockerPostgresPassword: "myevenstrongersecretpassword",
    dockerPostgresHostPort: 1337,
    dockerPostgresImageName: "postgres",
    dockerPostgresImageTag: "14.2-bullseye",
    stopDockerInstanceOnDispose: false,
    removeDockerContainerOnDispose: false,
    initialWaitForPostgresStartupInSeconds: 20,
    secondsToWaitBetweenPostgresConnectionRetries: 3,
    numberOfTimesToAttemptConnectingToPostgres: 15
using (var testDatabase = new PostgresDockerDatabase(options))
    var connectionString = testDatabase.GetConnectionString();
    // Do stuff with a real SQL Server database
Parameter Table Postgres
Parameter Default Description
dockerContainerName First 30 characters of your assembly name The value that appears in the NAMES column if you execute docker ps from the command line
dockerPostgresUser postgres This will be the username used to connect to the database.
dockerPostgresPassword mysecretpassword This will be the password used to connect to the database.
dockerPostgresHostPort 5432 The port on which Docker will expose the server. Inside the container Postgres is still running on port 5432 but that is abstracted away by the magic of Docker.
dockerPostgresImageName postgres The Docker image name used to docker pull ...
dockerPostgresImageTag 14.2-alpine The Docker image tag used to docker pull ...
stopDockerInstanceOnDispose true If both stopDockerInstanceOnDispose and removeDockerContainerOnDispose are unspecified then the default is true. However, if removeDockerContainerOnDispose is explicitly specified as true then stopDockerInstanceOnDispose is ignored (even if it was specified to be false). Similarly, if stopDockerInstanceOnDispose is specified as false and removeDockerContainerOnDispose is unspecified then removeDockerContainerOnDispose is effectively false. Regardless of these settings the PostgresDockerDatabase constructor always stops and removes any previous containers with the same name before creating a brand new container.
removeDockerContainerOnDispose true See caveat under the description for stopDockerInstanceOnDispose
initialWaitForPostgresStartupInSeconds 10 The number of seconds to wait before the PostgresDockerDatabase constructor begins attempting to connect to the SQL Server to verify it is ready before returning.
secondsToWaitBetweenPostgresConnectionRetries 5 The number of seconds the PostgresDockerDatabase constructor waits between attempting to connect to SQL Server to verify it is ready before returning
numberOfTimesToAttemptConnectingToPostgres 10 The number of times the PostgresDockerDatabase constructor tries to connect to SQL Server to verify it is ready. If the tries are exhausted then the PostgresDockerDatabase constructor throws an exception. The last exception thrown by await connection.OpenAsync() is included as an inner exception

More Examples

See more examples at


Test database for dotnet testing







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