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Sound effects and music

milkshakeiii edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 14 revisions

In this page we explain and link to the current sound effects and music.


The music has a fast-paced and cartoony feel. Although the theme will have recognisable melodies, background music will be unobtrusive.

Current tracks include:
Theme – Very unfinished; Work in Progress
Walled in Circles

Sound effects

Sound effects include foam gun sounds, handgun sounds, and UI sounds.

Current gun sound effects include:
Foam gun – The foam popping out of the gun
Handgun – A semi-cartoon gun, might be a bit too heavy depending on the handgun’s fire rate

There are 4 sounds per gun. (Four sounds are used to avoid problematic “broken record” effects.) One method of implementing them would be to alternate randomly among the sounds without playing the same one twice in a row.

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