This is Amber, an Nginx module that provides an alternative route to information when content would otherwise be unavailable. Amber is useful for virtually any organization or individual that has an interest in preserving the content to which their website links.
If you’d like to join the private beta, we welcome critiques and feedback as we progress through testing. As part of the beta, the Berkman Center will incorporate your suggestions to see what works, what doesn't, and what can be improved. You will also receive personal help and support from our team of devs and sysadmins in running Amber on Nginx.
Indicate your interest by contacting
- git
- sqlite3
- PHP 5.3 or higher
- cURL
- php-fpm
The Amber module consists of two components:
- An Nginx module that identifies pages to be cached, schedules them for caching, and links to cached pages
- A caching script that runs periodically to cache new pages and check on the status of existing pages
This documentation contains the following representations:
- $WEBROOT - We represent where the root of your homepage is as $WEBROOT. (For example, in our install our webroot was /usr/local/nginx/html)
- $NGINXCONFDIR -We also represent the Nginx configuration directory as $NGINXCONFDIR. (For example, in our install our Nginx configuration directory was /usr/local/nginx)
- $BUILDDIR -We represent the build directory as $BUILDDIR. (For example, in our install our build directory was /usr/local/src)
- $DATADIR -We represent the data directory as $DATADIR. (For example, in our install our data directory was /var/lib)
- $LOGDIR -We represent the log directory as $LOGDIR. (For example, in our install our log directory was /var/log)
- $WEBROLE -We run all services (nginx, FastCGI, database file owner, & cron), as a single user. We represent this user as $WEBROLE. (For example, in our install our web role user was www-data)
Note that the Amber module reserves the /amber top-level directory. If you already have a top-level directory called Amber, you must modify the instructions. (This refers to the top level directory from the perspective of the web server URLs, not the top level directory on the server.)
Install prerequisites
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git make curl libpcre3 libpcre3-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev php5-cli php5-common php5-sqlite php5-curl php5-fpm zlib1g-dev
Get code
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
sudo git clone
Build nginx
sudo wget
sudo tar xzf nginx-1.6.0.tar.gz
cd nginx-1.6.0
sudo ./configure --add-module=../ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module --add-module=../amber_nginx
sudo make && sudo make install
Create amber directories and install supporting files
sudo mkdir $DATADIR/amber $WEBROOT/amber $WEBROOT/amber/cache
sudo touch $LOGDIR/amber
sudo ln -s $BUILDDIR/amber_common/src/admin $WEBROOT/amber/admin
sudo cp -r $BUILDDIR/amber_common/src/css $BUILDDIR/amber_common/src/js $WEBROOT/amber
sudo cp $BUILDDIR/amber_nginx/amber.conf $NGINXCONFDIR/conf
sudo cp $BUILDDIR/amber_nginx/amber-cache.conf $NGINXCONFDIR/conf
Create amber database
sudo sqlite3 $DATADIR/amber/amber.db < ../amber_common/src/amber.sql
Update permissions
sudo chgrp -R $WEBROLE $DATADIR/amber $WEBROOT/amber
sudo chmod -R g+w $DATADIR/amber $WEBROOT/amber/cache
sudo chmod +x $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginxg/vagrant/ $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginx/vagrant/
sudo chown $WEBROLE $LOGDIR/amber
sudo chgrp $WEBROLE $LOGDIR/amber
Test that amber cron scripts run without failure
sudo -u $WEBROLE $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginx/vagrant/
sudo -u $WEBROLE $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginx/vagrant/
Create Amber cron jobs
sudo cat > /etc/cron.d/amber << EOF
*/5 * * * * $WEBROLE /bin/sh $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginx/vagrant/ --ini=$BUILDDIR/amber_common/src/amber-nginx.ini 2>> $LOGDIR/amber >> $LOGDIR/amber
15 3 * * * $WEBROLE /bin/sh $BUILDDIR/amber_common/deploy/nginx/vagrant/ --ini=$BUILDDIR/amber_common/src/amber-nginx.ini 2>> $LOGDIR/amber >> $LOGDIR/amber
Edit nginx.conf to enable Amber. Edit the root location directive to include amber.conf and amber-cache.conf
location / {
include amber-cache.conf
include amber.conf
Start nginx
sudo $NGINXCONFDIR/sbin/nginx
The Amber nginx module uses the following configuration directives. See the provided amber.conf for examples.
Enable Amber
amber <on|off>
The location of the sqlite3 database file used by Amber to keep track of cached links
amber_db <filename>;
The behavior for cached links that appear to be down
amber_behavior_down <hover|popup|cache>;
The behavior for cached links that appear to be up
amber_behavior_up <hover|popup|cache>;
If the behavior is "hover", the delay in seconds before displaying the hover popup. There are separate configurations for liks that are up or down
amber_hover_delay_up <time in seconds>;
amber_hover_delay_down <time in seconds>;
Specific behavior can be specified for an additional country. The country must be identified, using the ISO code (e.g. US, DE).
amber_country <country_code>
The behavior for the country is set using the usual directives, prefixed by country_
amber_country_behavior_down <hover|popup|cache>;
amber_country_behavior_up <hover|popup|cache>;
amber_country_hover_delay_up <time in seconds>;
amber_country_hover_delay_down <time in seconds>;
Specify additional content mime-types to be processed by Amber (default is text/html)
amber_filter <content-type>
Insert Javascript and CSS required for Amber to function. Required
subs_filter '</head>' '<script type="text/javascript" src="/amber/js/amber.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/amber/css/amber.css"></head>';
Allow access to the Amber Admin page to multiple users
Coming soon!
Create user agent name custom to your domain
Coming soon!
Modify cron processes (keep caches as-is, or update regularly in "live mirror" format)
Coming soon!
For improved security, you must next configure Amber to serve cached content from a separate domain. We recommend that you establish a subdomain for this purpose.
Here is a sample configuration where the site is running at, while cached content is served from
http {
server {
root html;
include amber-cache.conf;
server {
root html;
location /amber/cache {
return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
location / {
include amber.conf;
The caching process is configured through amber.ini
- full documentation is available within the sample configuration file here
Display Farsi version of Javascript and CSS
`subs_filter '</head>' '<script type="text/javascript">var amber_locale="fa";</script><script type="text/javascript" src="/amber/js/amber.js"></script><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/amber/css/amber.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/amber/css/amber_fa.css"></head>';`