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File metadata and controls

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Using Hiera

Hiera is a hierarchical key-value lookup tool from Puppet Labs that, integrated with fpm-cookery, allows you to improve your package builds by:

Configuring Hiera

Controlling the Lookup Hierarchy

By default, FPM-Cookery looks for Hiera data files under the config subdirectory of the directory containing the target recipe. You can override this through the --data-dir option to fpm-cook. You can also set the data file directory via the datadir= class method while defining the recipe class:

class FreshRecipe < FPM::Cookery::Recipe
  datadir = "/somewhere/other/than/#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/config"


Part of the recipe initialization process involves :ref:`automatically applying data<hiera-automatic-application-of-hiera-data>` contained in the files in the current datadir. If you change datadir after the initialize method completes, you must call the apply method manually to reconfigure the recipe according to the files in the the new datadir.

When retrieving recipe data, fpm-cookery observes the following hierarchy of files under datadir, ordered from highest to lowest precedence:

Path Description
"#{recipe.platform}.yaml", "#{recipe.platform}.json" The platform for which the recipe is being built. Corresponds to Facter's operatingsystem fact, except that all characters are lowercase. For instance, if operatingsystem is ArchLinux, recipe.platform will be archlinux.
"#{}.yaml", "#{}.json" The target package type. Options span all package types that FPM can build, including include rpm, apk, deb, osxpkg, and others.
"common.yaml", "common.json" Intended for configuration data that is common to all builds.

You can further influence the lookup hierarchy by setting the environment variable FPM_HIERARCHY. The value should be string containing a colon-separated list of filename stems. For example:

$ FPM_HIERARCHY=centos:rhel:el fpm-cook package

prepends centos, rhel, and el to the search hierarchy, causing fpm-cookery to attempt load data from centos.yaml, rhel.yaml, el.yaml, and their .json counterparts. The final hierarchy is:

  • "centos.yaml"
  • "rhel.yaml"
  • "el.yaml"
  • "#{recipe.platform}.yaml"
  • "#{}.yaml"
  • "common.yaml"

Other Settings

You can exercise more fine-grained control by providing the path to a Hiera configuration file via the --hiera-config option. See the Hiera docs for available configuration file options.

Hiera in Recipes


fpm-cookery provides the lookup class method on all classes that inherit from FPM::Cookery::Recipe, as well as an instance method of the same name. lookup takes one mandatory argument: a key to be looked up in the Hiera data files. If Hiera locates the key, lookup returns the corresponding value; otherwise lookup returns nil.

Writing Data Files

See the Hiera data sources documentation for an overview of Hiera data sources.


Please ensure that your data files use the extensions .yaml or .json, as appropriate -- Hiera ignores files with any other extension.

You'll probably find data files most useful for defining recipe attributes. However, key-value mappings in Hiera data sources need not correspond to recipe attributes -- you can store any data you like as long as it is valid YAML or JSON:

name: custom-package
version: '2.1.6'
  - thing one
  - thing two
  - thing: three
    is_a: hash

(later on...)

  #=> ['thing one', 'thing two', {'thing' => 'three', 'is_a' => 'hash'}]

Interpolation in Data Files

Within a data file, the %{scope("...")} method interpolates values from the following sources:

  • The current recipe class
  • FPM::Cookery::Facts
  • Facter facts

The %{hiera("...")} method interpolates values looked up in the data files themselves.

Say you are on an x86_64 system, and consider the following YAML data:

name: something-clever
version: '0.9.0'
source: '{scope("arch")}/%{hiera("name")}-%{hiera("version")}.tar.gz'

source evaluates like so:

  #=> ''

Symbolized Hash Keys

Ruby's YAML library automatically converts hash keys prefixed with colons into symbols. This is good to know when using Hiera to store data relevant to methods that expect symbols in their arguments -- for instance, source.


  - 'git://'
  - with: git
    tag: 'v1.1.3'


  - 'git://'
  - :with: git
    :tag: 'v1.1.3'

Method Signatures and Unpacking Data Structures

fpm-cookery tries to Do What You Mean when dealing when loading data from Hiera, but there are some subtleties relating to method signatures that you should be aware of.

Methods that expect a single argument are the simplest case -- just provide a single key-value pair:

name: 'myrecipe'

Methods that expect multiple arguments should be given as a list:

  - openssl-devel
  - docker-compose

fpm-cookery will automatically unpack the argument list with Ruby's splat (*) operator when invoking the method.

Methods that expect a hash should be given as a series of key-value pairs:

  SHELLOPTS: xtrace
  PAGER: cat

fpm-cookery will merge these pairs into whatever data is already assigned as the value of the attribute, rather than replacing it.

Some methods expect a heterogeneous list of arguments, source being the most important of these. If you want to pass options to source or other such methods, use the following technique:

  - ''
  - :revision: 92834
    :externals: false

This translates to a Ruby Array:

['', {:revision => 92834, :externals => false}]

For simple sources that consist only of a URL, you can do:

source: 'git://'

Automatic Application of Hiera Data

As part of the recipe initialization process, fpm-cookery calls lookup to retrieve any Hiera-defined values corresponding to recipe attribute names such as name, version, and source. If Hiera can locate the key, fpm-cookery automatically sets the relevant attribute to the retrieved value.

Attributes defined in Hiera data files take precedence over attributes defined in recipe.rb:

--- # common.yaml
# recipe.rb
class NeatoRecipe < FPM::Cookery::Recipe
  source ''

This results in:

NeatoRecipe.source #=>


See the Redis recipe for an example of fpm-cookery and Hiera in action.