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IS31FL3236_WritePWM Function

berndoJ edited this page Sep 9, 2019 · 5 revisions


void IS31FL3236_WritePWM(IS31FL3236_HandleTypeDef* handle, uint8_t channel, uint8_t pwm_value);


  • handle [IS31FL3236_HandleTypeDef*]: The handle instance of the IS31FL3236 chip.
  • channel [uint8_t]: The channel number (0 - 35) to change the PWM value of.
  • pwm_value [uint8_t]: The new PWM-value to write to the given channel.


This function changes the PWM value of a given LED channel (0 - 35). The function IS31FL3236_Update has to be called afterwards to update the LED channels to the new value.


// Set the PWM value of channel (ID) 8 to 200.
IS31FL3236_WritePWM(p_hIS31FL3236, 8, 200);
// Send the chip an update command.