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📯 An (opinionated) attempt at documenting the current status quo in web development (favorite stacks, technologies, best practices).


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Last updated at: 2017-05-27


The web development ecosystem is in constant flux, new favorite tech stacks emerge and darlings fall out favor. Trying to stay on top of these developments and trends is time-consuming, especially when not using certain technologies for a while (sometimes a few months are enough for a whole lot to change).

If you're like you me you want to use the latest and greatest things when starting a new project. Sifting through boat loads of blog posts and HN comments to understand what stack is (somewhat) future-proof takes hours.

This list tries to distill the gist and keep up to date with the current best way™ of doing things.

Target audience

  • Mostly my future self and as a reference I can give to friends
  • Not meant as a beginners tutorial or roadmap of sorts


  • PRs are very welcome, make sure to be opinionated though!
  • This list is not meant to document all options available but the relevant ones


Code editor

Gist: Boils down to personal preference and experience

  • Sublime Text 3 - Despite being not-free is still going strong with a large following and plugin ecosystem
    • Pros: Cross-platform, light-weight and extremely fast & responsive, magic session auto-saving, lots of high quality plugins
  • Atom has a solid user based by now with healthy ecosystem
  • VSCode is picking up steam: Good support from MS, great tooling (e.g. Typescript support)
  • Classics like vim still persist



Language features, transpilers, type safety

Gist: Use ES6/2015 as default, TypeScript et al if you have the need.

  • ES6/ES2015 emerged as the standard of writing JavaScript
    • Frontend
      • Transpile using babel when targeting browsers
    • Backend
      • Avoid transpiling when targeting Node.js
      • Most ES2015 features are natively supported starting from v7.10
        • Notable exception: import statements (use require for now)
  • TypeScript is gaining momentum for larger code bases due to type safety, strong backing by Microsoft, good tooling with VSCode
  • Flow mostly popular in react land (supported by Facebook)
  • Dead/obsolete: Coffeescript


  • Use async/await for control flow and to avoid nested callbacks, wrap callbacks in promises for now

Package manager

& Dependency management

Gist: Use yarn for now but get ready to switch back to npm soon.

  • yarn gained a lot of traction and should be used instead of npm
    • Pros: Much faster, reproducable builds (lock file)
    • Cons: Doesn't handle certain advanced cases (1, 2, 3)
  • npm still the current standard and comes bundled with node
    • Had some big issues (performance, reproducability) that led to development of yarn
    • Starting from v5 they've addressed most issues (speed, package-lock.json)
  • Dead/obsolete: bower (Fronted focus, swallowed by npm/yarn)

Frontend frameworks

Gist: Use React or Vue.js

  • React is the new standard for a while now, no signs that this will change soon
  • Vue.js (dubbed to be more approachable) is up and coming with a dedicated following
  • Angular took a massive hit in popularity with the backwards breaking v2 release

State management



Gist: Use mocha or jest

  • mocha is the current standard
  • jasmine has a similar large following
  • jest is up and coming, especially in conjunction with React code

Build tools and bundlers

Gist: Use webpack with npm scripts (if sufficient)

  • webpack is the current standard, especially for bundling
  • rollup is the new kid on the block, consider using it for libraries
  • gulp not a bundler but a build tool with rich ecosystem
  • Dead/obsolete: Grunt (use Gulp), Browserify (use webpack)


📯 An (opinionated) attempt at documenting the current status quo in web development (favorite stacks, technologies, best practices).







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