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    RT-Extension-AWS-Assets - Manage AWS resources in RT assets

    Manage AWS resources in RT assets

    Works with RT 5.0

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        Add this line:


    Clear your mason cache
            rm -rf /opt/rt5/var/mason_data/obj

    Restart your webserver

    This extension is designed to fetch data for EC2 and RDS instances in
    AWS and create RT asset records for each. It also can fetch information
    on reserved instances and create assets records for these, in a
    different catalog.

    Once you have fetched the above information, you can use linking in RT
    to associate an AWS resource, like an AWS EC2 instance, with a
    reservation you have purchased. The extension provides a page in the RT
    web UI at to match AWS
    resources with reservations based on the service, instance type, and

    The following configuration options need to be set to use this

  AWS API Credentials
    In the AWS IAM console, create keys for external access and set:

        Set($AWS_ACCESS_KEY, 'foo');
        Set($AWS_SECRET_KEY, 'barbaz');

  Asset Catalogs
    Set the following with the names of the catalogs to use for AWS
    resources (like EC2 and RDS instances) and reserved instances.

        Set($AWSAssetsInstanceCatalog, 'AWS Resources');
        Set($AWSAssetsReservedInstancesCatalog, 'AWS Reserved Instances');

  Data Field Mapping
    Information from AWS resources is stored mostly in custom fields on
    assets in RT. Use this configuration to define which custom fields to
    populate. The names mostly map to the name provided by AWS in the API.

    The EC2 and RDS keys are for AWS resources. The EC2:RI and RDS:RI are
    for reserved instances.

        Set($AWSAssetsUpdateFields, {
            'EC2' => ['Instance Type', 'Platform', 'Placement:Tenancy', 'Placement:Availability Zone', 'Tags:Name', 'Tags:customer'],
            'RDS' => ['Instance Type', 'Engine', 'Allocated Storage', 'Availability Zone', 'Name', 'MultiAZ', 'TagList:customer'],
            'EC2:RI' => ['Instance Type', 'Platform', 'Tenancy', 'Reservation Start', 'Reservation End', 'Duration', 'Offering Class', 'Offering Type', 'Name', 'Product Description', 'State'],
            'RDS:RI' => ['Instance Type', 'Platform', 'Reservation Start', 'Reservation End', 'Duration', 'Offering Type', 'Name', 'MultiAZ', 'Product Description', 'State'],

  Asset Linking Page
    This format defines the columns shown on the reservation linking page.

    Set($AWSAssetsLinkFormat, q{'<a
    ame'} .q{,'__CustomFieldView.{AWS ID}__'}
    .q{,'__CustomFieldView.{customer}__'} .q{,'__CustomFieldView.{Instance
    Type}__'} .q{,'__CustomFieldView.{Engine}__'} );

    To link to this page, create a saved search to find any unlinked
    reserved instance records. A search like this should find these records:

        Catalog = 'AWS Reserved Instances' AND DependedOnBy IS NULL AND ( CF.{State} = 'payment-pending' OR CF.{State} = 'active' )

    After creating the search, go to the Advanced page and add this line to
    the Format:

    '<a href="__WebPath__/AWS/LinkAsset.html?id=__id__" target="_blank">Link
    to Resource</a>/TITLE:Link to Resource'

    That will show a column linking to the reservation linking page.

  AWS IDs Used for Assets
    AWS uses different identifiers with different services. This extension
    uses the below mapping of AWS value to RT custom fields on assets. When
    a new asset is created, the named custom fields must exist and they will
    be set. On update, this value is used to load new data from the existing

    EC2 AWS Value: "Instance ID" RT Asset CF: "AWS ID"

    RDS AWS Value: "DBI Resource ID" RT Asset CF: "AWS ID"

    EC2 Reserved Instance
        AWS Value: "Reserved Instances ID" RT Asset CF: "AWS Reserved
        Instance ID"

    RDS Reserved Instance
        AWS Value: "Lease ID" RT Asset CF: "AWS Reserved Instance ID"

    Accept a loaded RT::Asset object and a Paws Instance object.

    All bugs should be reported via email to
    or via the web at
    This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Best Practical Solutions, LLC

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991