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Code and supporting files for the TechDays 2017 session of @rickvdbosch

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Rick van den Bosch @ TechDays 2017

Code and supporting files for the TechDays 2017 session of @rickvdbosch "Going Serverless (2/2): Hands-on with Azure Event Grid"

The slides can be found @

The list of To-Do's:

Setting up BlobStorage for Event Grid

  1. Enable Blob Storage events - Preview
    az feature register --name storageEventSubscriptions --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid
  2. Create a Storage account westcentralus only, blobstorage only
    az storage account create --name <NAME_OF_STORAGE_ACCOUNT> --location westcentralus --resource-group <NAME_OF_RESOURCEGROUP> --sku Standard_LRS --kind storage
  3. Check approval status
    az feature show --name storageEventSubscriptions --namespace Microsoft.EventGrid --query properties.state

Logic App

Configuring the Logic App to trigger on an Event Grid event requires information like

  • Resource type (custom, Microsoft.Storage)
  • Resource name (custom, use
  • Prefix filter (optional, use /blobServices/default/containers/mycontainer/) to filter to the mycontainer container


Please keep RequestBin in mind, the website that shows all requests you send to your temporary URL.

  1. Create an Event Grid Subscription (WebHook)
  2. Configure the endpoint URL in the WebHook subscription
  3. Upload or delete a Blob in your Blob Storage
  4. Refresh the Requestbin and seen what happened :)

Creating and calling a Custom Topic

  1. Create a Resource Group
    az group create --name <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --location westcentralus
  2. Create a custom topic
    az eventgrid topic create --name <TOPIC_NAME> -l westcentralus -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME>
  3. Create a message endpoint (like Requestbin!)
  4. Subscribe to a topic
    az eventgrid topic event-subscription create --name <SUBSCRIPTION_NAME> --endpoint <REQUESTBIN_URL> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --topic-name <TOPIC_NAME>
  5. Send an event to your topic
  • endpoint=$(az eventgrid topic show --name <TOPIC_NAME> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --query "endpoint" --output tsv)
  • key=$(az eventgrid topic key list --name <TOPIC_NAME> -g <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME> --query "key1" --output tsv)
  • body=$(eval echo "'$(curl'")
  • curl -X POST -H "aeg-sas-key: $key" -d "$body" $endpoint
  1. Clean up resources
    az group delete --name <RESOURCEGROUP_NAME>