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Trips Reservation API

A Rails API end-point application for reservation of trips.

API Methods

1. GET /api/v1/trips/

  • lists trips info
  • required params: none

2. POST /api/v1/reservations

  • creates reservation
  • required params: (i)reservor_id, (ii)reserved_trip_date_id
  • requires Authorization provided in header (details in 5th method)

3. GET /api/v1/users/1

  • lists user info and his/her reservations made
  • required params: none
  • requires Authorization provided in header (details in 5th method)

4. POST /api/v1/users

  • creates user
  • required params: (i)username, (ii)password, (iii)password_confirmation

5. POST /api/v1/login

  • sends back (i) token for Authorization, (ii)username, (iii)user_id
  • required params: (i)username, (ii)password

Built With

  • Ruby v2.6.5
  • Ruby on Rails v6.0.4
  • PostgreSQL
  • jbuilder
  • AMS
  • bcrypt
  • Rubocop
  • RSpec, database_cleaner, faker, shoulda-matchers

Live Server

Link to live server

ERD diagram



  - **Terminal(Mac & Linux) or Command Prompt(Windows)**: This is where you will run all commands.
  - **Clone**: clone this repository to your local machine.
  - **Ruby Enviroment**: if you do not have ruby installed visit this [link]( to install.
  - **PostgresSQL**: if you do not have postgreSql installed visit this [link]( to install.
  - **Rails**: install rails gem by running command *$ gem install rails* -v 6.0.4 in your terminal.
  - **bundle**: run $ bundle install. This installs all gems declared in the Gemfile
  - **Database Creation**: run *$ rails db:create* in the terminal to create database on your local machine
  - **Database Migration**: run *$ rails db:migrate* in terminal to run database migrations on your local machine
  - **Environment varaibles**: run *$ export TRIPS_SECRET=$SECRET* in terminal to create env var for secret for token decoding and encoding


Start server with:

    rails server -p 3001

Open http://localhost:3001/ in your browser.


    bundle exec rspec


To deploy heroku

  • Create a heroku account here
  • In your root folder run the following commands
 $ heroku login: Log into heroku CLI in your browser
 $ heroku create $APP_NAME
 $ git push heroku master
 $ heroku run rails db:migrate
 $ heroku run rails c: Trip.create($PARAMS) or TripDate.create($PARAMS)
 example for Trip: 
  Trip.create(title: "ALAMEDIN GORGE", description: "The Alamedin Gorge is one of the four most visited and popular gorges of the Kirghiz Range.", imageUrl: "image_src", tourDetailsText: "Requires basic skills of being in the mountains.", altitudeDifference: "350 m", season: "year around", distanceByCar: "90 km", trekkingDistance: "12 km", cost: "500 KGS")
example for TripDate: 
  TripDate.create(trip_id: 1, date: "30.11.2021")


👤 Azamat Nuriddinov

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
