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How to contribute?

Contributing is easy! Just set-up your machine with the pre-requisites and then follow the steps to set-up the development environment.


Pre-requisites installation

(coming soon)

If there is no automatic script for your configuration, please ensure you have all the pre-requisites installed by following the instructions on the websites listed above.

Setting up the Development enviornment

First of all you need to fork the main repository, then:

git clone{YOUR_USERNAME}/apitry.git
cd src
npm install
npm test

All the tests should be green and you can start hacking.

When you are happy with your changes, please run the tests on the disposable Integration environment.

How to deploy and test the Integration environment?

(work in progress switching to docker)


Pre-requisites installation Automatic install for Ubuntu 12.10 64bit

If there is no automatic script for your configuration, please ensure you have all the pre-requisites installed by following the instructions on the websites listed above.

Running the tests in the Integration environment Creates a base Vagrant ArchLinux box using Packer. Run this only once or if you need to update the vagrant golden box. Creates a new disposable, non-persistent environment. It deploys the application, takes you in via SSH ready to run then your tests or experiments. When you are finished, it destroys the environment.

How to deploy and test the Staging environment?

(Not ready yet!)

How to deploy and test the Production environment? Automatically deploys to a brand new non-persistent, disposable cloud instance following the Blue/Green deployment paradigm.

Development Workflow

(Not quite there yet!)

The aim is to have a completely scripted and automated development workflow.

Development environment: Development is done on the local machine. Unit tests are continuously executed via grunt watch task. Integration, Acceptance and Smoke test executed on demand. The source code is pushed to the develop branch.

Integration environment: A virtual, disposable, non-persistent instance that is automatically created and destroyed via Vagrant. The source code is checked out from the develop branch. Tests are run via the npm test command. Unit, Integration, Acceptance and Smoke tests are executed.

Staging environment: Cloud based, disposable, non-persistent instances that are continuously deployed to Windows Azure with the same script as Production. The source code is checked out from the master branch. Tests are automatically run via the npm test command on deploy. Unit, Integration, Acceptance and Smoke tests are executed. Each time a new release gets deployed, a new instance is created and the old destroyed as in Blue/Green deployment.

Production environment: Cloud based, disposable, non-persistent instances that are continuously deployed to Windows Azure with the same script as Staging. The source code is checked out from the latest tag. Tests are automatically run via the npm test command on deploy. Only Smoke tests are executed. Each time a new release gets deployed, a new instance is created and the old destroyed as in Blue/Green deployment.