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Frontend Routes

betty08300 edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

Our components are organized as follows:

  • Root
    • App
      • NavBar
      • (main component goes here)
      • Footer

The following routes, defined in App, will render components between NavBar and Footer.

  • /
    • Splash
  • /login
    • SessionForm
  • /signup
    • SessionForm
  • /listings
    • ListingIndex
      • ListingIndexItem
  • /listings/new
    • CreateListingForm
  • /listing/:id
    • ListingShow
  • /listing/:id/edit
    • EditListingFrom
  • /cart
    • CartComponent *CartItem
  • /seller/:id
    • SellerComponent
      • SellerItemComponent
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