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Repository files navigation


Getting started

Gwapo is developed using Git and NodeJS v16 LTS.

git clone
cd gwapo
npm install
# if any scraper script fails, re-run it until it succeeds
node scraper/source-materials.js
npm run start

Proposed Site Map

  • /daily => /v2/account/dailycrafting, /v2/account/dungeons, /v2/account/mapchests, /v2/account/worldbosses, /v2/account/raids (actually weekly)
  • /crafting => /v2/account/recipes, /v2/characters, /v2/characters/:id/crafting, /v2/characters/:id/recipes
  • /hero => /v2/account/luck (???)
    • (index as characters) => /v2/characters, /v2/characters/:id/backstory, /v2/characters/:id/core, /v2/account/luck [this is an account-scoped feature, but makes since to live with other stats ???]
      • /:character => /v2/account/buildstorage, /v2/characters/:id/heropoints, /v2/characters/:id/training, /v2/characters/:id/skills, /v2/characters/:id/specializations, /v2/characters/:id/equipment
    • /home => /v2/account/home/cats, /v2/account/home/nodes
    • /mastery => /v2/account/masteries, /v2/account/mastery/points
    • /mounts => /v2/account/mounts/types
  • /pve
    • /dungeons => /v2/account/achievements
  • /pvp => /v2/account/finishers, /v2/account/pvp/heroes, /v2/pvp/games, /v2/pvp/standings, /v2/pvp/stats
  • /vault
    • /bank => /v2/account/bank, /v2/account/inventory, /v2/characters, /v2/characters/:id/inventory
    • /materials => /v2/account/materials, /v2/account/inventory, /v2/characters, /v2/characters/:id/inventory
    • /wallet => /v2/account/wallet
    • /wardrobe [Wardrobe 'unlocks' are distinct because they are visible to other players BUT non-functional] => /v2/account/skins, /v2/account/minis, /v2/account/gliders, /v2/account/emotes, /v2/account/dyes, /v2/account/mounts/skins, /v2/account/outfits, /v2/account/novelties, /v2/account/mailcarriers, /v2/account/titles

No plans for support

/v2/characters/:id/quests, /v2/characters/:id/sab

Routes file structure

Follows similar conventions as Gatsby, Next, Astro where the filesystem mocks an HTTP-serving-HTML server.

Routes called outlet or routes prefixed with _ are presentation-only and do not contribute to paths/URLs. Routes prefixed with : are dynamic and may match any URL segment.


 00 - background
 10 - screen
 20 -
 30 -
 40 -
 50 - secondary navigation
 60 - primary navigation
 70 -
 80 -
 90 -
100 - settings dialog


breakpoint viewport range columns margin gutter
default 0 <= X ? 0.5rem 0.5rem
default 768px/48rem <= X ? 1rem 0.5rem
default 1024/64rem <= X ? 1rem 1rem
default 1280/80rem <= X ? 2rem 1.5rem