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Kotlin 1.1.3

kmongoDSL: A Kotlin DSL for MongoDB

Table of Contents

dependencies for gradle

// First, add JitPack to your repositories
repositories {
    maven { url "" }

// main kmongodsl package: dependens only from org.mongodb:bson
    compile 'com.github.beyondeye:kmongodsl:0.1.0'

An introduction to KMongoDSL

MongoDB aggregation pipeline is very powerful. But writing complex multistage aggregations is error-prone. Also the extensive use of the "$" sign in MongoDB command syntax create many problems in Kotlin where the same symbol is used for triggering string interpolation. KMongo DSL solve this problem and has also several other advantages:

  • Auto completion of name of aggregation stages, operators and operator parameters
  • auto indenting and code folding like regular Kotlin code
  • Directly output BSON without the need to parse a JSON string.

The library


Let's see some example of increasing complexity

Project Stage: select fields to include

in json

  "$project": {
    "fieldToInclude": 1

with kmongodsl

val stage= mongoAggregateStage
            project {

Project Stage: select fields to exclude

in json

  "$project": {
    "fieldToExclude": 0

with kmongodsl

 val stage= mongoAggregateStage
            project {

Project Stage: select renamed fields

in json

  "$project": {
    "fieldNewName": "fieldToInclude"

with kmongodsl

  val stage= mongoAggregateStage
             project {

Project Stage: select a computed field

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_sliced_field": {
      "$slice": ["$fieldtoslice", 1, 10]

with kmongodsl

        val stage= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                    slice("fieldtoslice", 1, 10)

Project Stage: select a computed field, with more general form for operator arguments

In the previous example we saw a short form definition for the slice operator. Not all operators support this. Now we will see the most general form for specifying arguments for operators that take an array of arguments as input

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_sliced_field": {
      "$slice": [
        {"$sum": ["$a", "$b"]},

with kmongodsl

        val stage4= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        marg..{ sum { mfld.."a";mfld.."b" } }

In the code above we see some inportant conventions used in the DSL

  • marg..[expression] is used to specify a general expression as argument
  • fld..[fieldName] is used to specify a field in the source document as argument
  • mval..[constant] is used to specify a literal constant as argument
  • mvar..[variableName] is used to specify a mongodb variable as argument (not in the example)

Also another important thing to note is that in the DSL is possible to specify more than one argument per line by separating them with a semicolumn

Project Stage: $let operator

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_computed_field": {
      "$let": {
        "vars": {
          "var1": "$field1",
          "var2": "$field2"
        "in": {
          "$multiply": [

with kmongodsl

        val stage1= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        vars {
                        in_ { multiply { mvar.."var1";mvar.."var2" } }

Notice that in was renamed in_ because this is a reserved keyword in Kotlin

Project Stage: $map operator

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_computed_field": {
      "$map": {
        "input": "$quizzes",
        "as": "grade",
        "in": {
          "$sum": ["$$grade",2 ]

with kmongodsl

        val stage1= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        input(mfld.."quizzes") //beware of the pitfall of writing input {mfld.."quizzes"}
                        in_ { sum { mvar.."grade";mval..2 } }

Project Stage: $let operator with computed variables definition

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_computed_field": {
      "$let": {
        "vars": {
          "var1": {
            "$sum": ["$field1", "$field2"]
          "var2": "$field2"
        "in": {
          "$multiply": ["$$var1", "$$var2"]

with kmongodsl

        val stage1= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        vars {
                                sum { mfld.."field1"; mfld.."field2" }
                        in_ { multiply { mvar.."var1";mvar.."var2" } }

Project Stage: $zip operator

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_computed_field": {
      "$zip": {
        "inputs": [
          {"$arrayElementAt": ["$matrix", 0]},
          {"$arrayElementAt": ["$matrix", 1]},
          {"$arrayElementAt": ["$matrix", 2]}
        "useLongestLength": true,
        "defaults": "$$defaults"

with kmongodsl

        val stage1= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        inputs {
                            marg..{arrayElementAt { mfld.."matrix"; mval..0 }}
                            marg..{arrayElementAt { mfld.."matrix"; mval..1 }}
                            marg..{arrayElementAt { mfld.."matrix"; mval..2 }}

A very important thing to notice here is that for input fields that are actually an array of expressions (like inputs in the example above), the syntax is to put one expression per line with the syntax marg..<expression> (or also on the same line separated by a semicolumn). This is also true if the expression in the array is not a complex expression, but instead a field in the source document. Also in this case you need to use the marg..<> syntax This is not very intuitive. This is even more confusing because for simple operators (operators that takes a simple array of expressions (like $arrayElementAt, $multiply, etc..) and not an object containing a field that is an array of expressions (like $let,$map,$reduce, etc..) , the syntax is much simpler (as shown in the examples above This complex syntax using marg.. will probably change in the future.

Anyway the autocompletion features of the DSL will help a lot in such cases for remembering the correct syntax Notice that as was also renamed as as_ because it is a reserved keyword in Kotlin

Project Stage: $reduce operator

in json

  "$project": {
    "the_computed_field": {
      "$reduce": {
        "input": "$discounts",
        "initialValue": "$price",
        "in": {
          "$multiply": ["$$value", {"$subtract": [1, "$$this"]}

with kmongodsl

        val stage1= mongoAggregateStage {
            project {
                        in_expr {
                            multiply {
                                marg..{ subtract { mval..1;mvar.."this" }

Disclaimer and known issues

The code is still in development and incomplete (not all mongodb operators and aggregation stages are implemented) and the syntax is not yet final


Copyright 2017 Dario Elyasy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.