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Quick Start

1. Add repositories

repositories {
    maven {
        maven { url '' }

Alternate repository

ext {
    // These 2 properties should be stored in your device gradle properties file and should contain your GitHub PAT user and token
    getGithubUser = {["GITHUB_USER"] }
    getGithubToken = {["GITHUB_TOKEN"] }

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "GitHubPackages"
        url = uri("")
        credentials {
            username = getGithubUser()
            password = getGithubToken()

2. Add the BeyondWords SDK module dependency

Next add a dependency in the build.gradle file of your app module. The following will add a dependency to the library:

implementation ''

where 2.X.X is your preferred version. Currently available version is 2.1.0.

3. Turn on Java 8 support

If not enabled already, you also need to turn on Java 8 support in all build.gradle files depending on the BeyondWords SDK by adding the following to the android section:

compileOptions {
  targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8


Initialising the player

To instantiate a Player you have to use the PlayerBuilder contained in the SDK:

A PlayerBuilder instance is created from one of the following functions

Via Podcast ID

val builder = PlayerBuilder.forPodcastId(context, 1234, 5678)


context: Context

Context used to create the Player

projectId: Long

Id of the BeyondWords project ID

podcastId: Long

BeyondWords podcast ID

Via External ID

val builder = PlayerBuilder.forExternalId(context, 1234, "external id")


context: Context

Context used to create the Player

projectId: Long

Id of the BeyondWords project ID

externalId: Long

The internal article ID

Via Article URL

val builder = PlayerBuilder.forArticleUrl(context, 1234, "article url")


context: Context

Context used to create the Player

projectId: Long

Id of the BeyondWords project ID

articleUrl: String

The article url

Configuring the player builder

import io.beyondwords.player.Player
import io.beyondwords.player.PlayerBuilder

val player = PlayerBuilder.forExternalId(context, projectid, externalid)

Subscribing to events

val player = PlayerBuilder.forExternalId(...).build()

player.addListener(object::Player.EventListener() {
    override void onPrepare() {}

    override void onPlay(duration: Float, progress: Float, advertiser: String?, adUrl: String?) { }

    override void onPause(durationSec: Float, progressSec: Float) {}

    override void onTimeUpdate(durationSec: Float, progressSec: Float) {}

    override void onPlaybackRate(rate: Float) {}

    override void onEnded() {}

Customising the default player UI

The SDK also contains a UI-component: PlaybackControlView.

import io.beyondwords.player.PlaybackControlView

To use it simply instantiate it directly and add to the current view hierarchy, or just add it to your xml layout.

Then bind the player and playback control view:

import io.beyondwords.player.Player
import io.beyondwords.player.PlayerBuilder
import io.beyondwords.player.PlaybackControlView
var player = PlayerBuilder.forExternalId(...).build()
val control = new PlaybackControlView(context)
player = null

Fetching podcast metadata

This can be done in a similar way to play a podcast, you can specify either by using an external id, podcast id or an article url.

import io.beyondwords.player.Player;

val podcastRetriever = PodcastRetriever()

// To fetch via an external id
podcastRetriever.getViaExternalId(projectId, externalId, listener)

// To fetch via an podcast id
podcastRetriever.getViaPodcastId(projectId, podcastId, listener)

// To fetch via an article url
podcastRetriever.getViaArticleUrl(projectId, articleUrl, listener)

Player Styling

The player can be styled from either code, xml or overriding xml resources

Code XML Resource override
playbackControlView.setRoundedProgressCorners app:bw_rounded_progress_corners="false" <bool name="bw_progress_rounded_corners"></bool>
playbackControlView.setBackgroundColour app:bw_background_colour <color name="bw_background_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setTitleTextColour app:bw_title_text_colour <color name="bw_title_text_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setTitleLinkTextColour app:bw_title_link_colour <color name="bw_title_link_text_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setSpeedTextColour app:bw_speed_text_colour <color name="bw_speed_text_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setProgressTextColour app:bw_progress_text_colour <color name="bw_progress_text_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setPlayPauseColour app:bw_play_pause_colour <color name="bw_play_button_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setFastForwardRewindIconColour app:bw_ff_rewind_icon_colour <color name="bw_ff_rewind_icon_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setFastForwardRewindDisplayed app:bw_ff_rewind_icon_displayed <bool name="bw_ff_rewind_icon_displayed"></bool>
playbackControlView.setBackgroundCornerRadius app:bw_background_corner_radius <dimen name="bw_background_corner_radius"></dimen>
playbackControlView.setProgressHeight app:bw_progress_height <dimen name="bw_progress_height"></dimen>
playbackControlView.setProgressBackgroundColour app:bw_progress_background_colour <color name="bw_progress_background_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setProgressPlayedColour app:bw_progress_played_colour <color name="bw_progress_played_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.setProgressBufferedColour app:bw_progress_buffered_colour <color name="bw_progress_buffered_colour"></color>
playbackControlView.updatePlayPauseIcons app:bw_play_button_img and app:bw_pause_button_img R.drawable.ic_bw_play and R.drawable.ic_bw_pause

Added sticky player helper

A small helper class to anchor a player to the top or bottom of a ViewGroup

	anchorToView = <view group to add helper inside>,
    playbackControlView = <player view to anchor>,
    anchor = <PlayerAnchor.TOP or PlayerAnchor.BOTTOM>

Demo app

Run the following command in the terminal:

git clone ./beyondwords_sdk_demo

Then import the project to Android Studio:

File -> New -> Import Project… (navigate to beyondwords_sdk_demo dir)

Public API Documentation


setPendingIntent(intent: PendingIntent?)

PendingIntent to launch when clicking on the notification.

enableUi(enabledUi: Boolean)

Flag to toggle whether a notification should be shown or not.

setNotificationChannelId(notificationChannelId: String)

Set the notification channel id.

setNotificationId(notificationId: Int)

Set the notification id.

setNotificationChannelNameId(@StringRes notificationChannelNameId: Int)

App string resource for the channel name id .

setNotificationChannelDescriptionId(@StringRes notificationChannelDescriptionId: Int)

App string resource for the channel description id.

setNotificationSmallIconId(@DrawableRes notificationSmallIconId: Int)

App drawable resource for the small notification icon.

setNotificationLargeIconId(@DrawableRes notificationLargeIconId: Int)

App drawable resource for the large notification icon.


fun release()

Releases the player. This must be called when the player is no longer required. The player must not be used after calling this method.

fun addListener(listener: EventListener)

Register a listener to receive events from the player. The listener's methods will be called on the thread that was used to construct the player. However, if the thread used to construct the player does not have a Looper, then the listener will be called on the main thread.

fun removeListener(EventListener listener)

Unregister a listener. The listener will no longer receive events from the player.

fun isPrepared(): Boolean

Whether the player is prepared.

fun isReady(): Boolean

Whether the player is ready for playback.

fun isPlaying(): Boolean

Whether the player is playing.

fun isPaused(): Boolean

Determine if the player is currently paused.

fun isEnded(): Boolean

Determine if the player has ended.

fun play()

Begin playback of the audio.

fun pause()

Pause audio playback

fun fastForward()

Fast forward the audio playback by 10 seconds

fun rewind()

Rewind the audio playback by 10 seconds

fun seekTo(positionMs: Long)

Moves to a new location in the media
positionMs Position to move to, in milliseconds

fun getCurrentTime(): Float

Get the current time, in seconds

fun getBufferedTime(): Float

Returns an estimate of the position in the current content up to which data is buffered, in seconds.

fun getDuration(): Float

Get the total duration of the audio article, in seconds

fun getRemainingTime(): Float

Get the time remaining on the audio article, in seconds

fun isPlayingAd(): Boolean

Check whether we're playing an unskippable ad

fun getPlaybackRate(): Float

Get the playback rate

fun setPlaybackRate(rate: Float): Float

Set the playback rate


fun getPlayer(): Player

Get the Player used in the view

fun setPlayer(player: Player)

Set the Player used in the view

fun setPlayPauseColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the play/pause buttons

fun setTitleTextColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the title text

fun setTitleLinkTextColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the title link text

fun setProgressTextColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the progress text

fun setSpeedTextColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the playback speed text

fun setBackgroundColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the player background

fun setBackgroundCornerRadius(radius: Float)

Set the background corner radius

fun setFastForwardRewindIconColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the fast-forward/rewind icons

fun setFastForwardRewindDisplayed(isDisplayed: Boolean)

Flag to display or hide the fast-forward/rewind buttons.

fun setRoundedProgressCorners(hasRoundedCorners: Boolean)

Set if the progress has rounded corners or not.

fun setProgressHeight(height: Int)

Set the height of the playback progress bar

fun setProgressBufferedColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the progress buffered section

fun setProgressPlayedColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the progress played section

fun setProgressUnplayedColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the progress unplayed section

fun setProgressBackgroundColour(@ColorInt colour: Int)

Set the colour of the progress background

fun updatePlayPauseIcons(@DrawableRes playIcon: Int, @DrawableRes pauseIcon: Int)

Update the icons of the play and pause buttons

fun setProgressUpdateListener(listener: ProgressUpdateListener?)

Set the listener to receive updates for playback progress

fun setTimeBarMinUpdateInterval(minUpdateIntervalMs: Int)

Set the time bar minimum update interval

fun show()

Show the player UI

fun hide()

Hide the player UI

fun resetPlayerUi()

Reset the player UI styling to the default values.


The Android SDK for the legacy player







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Contributors 4
