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Create a blank html

add jquery script
add bootstrap css
add bootstrap script

Make a website that has a list of great Saints players, the list should be in a table and have some high level information, like Height, weight, age
When you click a player it shows you their picture and a short bio, nicely formatted
When you click another player it hides the first player and shows the new player
When you are viewing a player it should have an edit box, and when you type in new stuff, and click save, it edits the player's bio
When they try to save text for a player, and its empty, give them an error message!
modals, we need some modals, you think of how you want to incorporate them
use the reactive grid to make it all resize nicely
this should all be in git
make yourself a new project on github, CLONE it, make changes locally, and push them up to github


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