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bgamari committed Jul 10, 2012
0 parents commit e76ce34
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Showing 3 changed files with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
""" circle_fit -- Ben Gamari (2012)
Based on,
L. Maisonobe. "Finding the circle that best fits a set of points" (2007).

import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, mean, sum
import scipy.optimize

def est_center(points):
sx = 0
sy = 0
q = 0
n = points.shape[0]
for i in xrange(0, n-2):
for j in xrange(i+1, n-1):
for k in xrange(j+1, n):
(xi,yi) = points[i]
(xj,yj) = points[j]
(xk,yk) = points[k]
d = (xk-xj)*(yj-yi) - (xj-xi)*(yk-yj)
if abs(d) < 1e-6: continue
xc = (yk-yj) * (xi**2+yi**2) \
+ (yi-yk) * (xj**2+yj**2) \
+ (yj-yi) * (xk**2+yk**2)

yc = (xk-xj) * (xi**2+yi**2) \
+ (xi-xk) * (xj**2+yj**2) \
+ (xj-xi) * (xk**2+yk**2)
sx += +xc / 2 / d
sy += -yc / 2 / d
q += 1
if q == 0:
raise RuntimeError("Not enough non-aligned points")
return sx/q, sy/q

def est_radius(points, center):
return mean(sqrt(sum((points - center[newaxis,:])**2, axis=0)))

def fit_circle(points, c0=None):
ps = points
if c0 is None:
c0 = est_center(points)
print 'Estimated center', c0

d = lambda (cx, cy, r): sqrt((points[:,0]-cx)**2 + (points[:,1]-cy)**2) - r
out = scipy.optimize.leastsq(d, (c0[0], c0[1], 1))
xopt = out[0]
return ((xopt[0], xopt[1]), xopt[2])

22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as signal

def gauss_kern(size, sizey=None):
""" Returns a normalized 2D gauss kernel array for convolutions """
size = int(size)
if not sizey:
sizey = size
sizey = int(sizey)
x, y = np.mgrid[-size:size+1, -sizey:sizey+1]
g = exp(-(x**2/float(size)+y**2/float(sizey)))
return g / g.sum()

def blur_image(im, n, ny=None) :
""" blurs the image by convolving with a gaussian kernel of typical
size n. The optional keyword argument ny allows for a different
size in the y direction.
g = gauss_kern(n, sizey=ny)
improc = signal.convolve(im,g, mode='valid')
return improc
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import sys
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from numpy import cos, sin, pi, r_, c_
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from matplotlib import pyplot as pl
from circle_fit import fit_circle

def prompt_center(d):
points = []
fig = pl.figure()

def onclick(event):
points.append((event.xdata, event.ydata))
pl.plot([event.xdata], [event.ydata], 'w+')

def key_press(event):
if event.key == "enter":

fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', key_press)
((cx,cy), r) = fit_circle(np.array(points))
return (cx,cy)

def cartesian_projection(d, center, r_min=None, r_max=None, nphi=300, nr=100):
r_max = min([center[0], center[1], d.shape[0]-center[0], d.shape[1]-center[1]] + ([r_max] if r_max is not None else []))
if r_min is None: r_min = 0
xs,ys = np.indices(d.shape)
rs, phis = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(r_min, r_max, nr), np.linspace(0, 2*pi, nphi))
sample_pts = (rs * cos(phis) + center[0], rs * sin(phis) + center[1])
samples = griddata((xs.flatten(),ys.flatten()), d.flatten(), sample_pts, method='linear')
return np.rec.fromarrays([rs, phis, samples], names='r,phi,i')

img =[1]).convert('F')
print "Value extrema", img.getextrema()
img = np.array(img, dtype='f')
print "Image size", img.shape
center = np.array(img.shape) / 2

center = prompt_center(img)
print "Image center", center

p = cartesian_projection(img, center)
pl.imshow(p['i'], aspect='auto')

p = p[np.logical_and(100 < p['r'], p['r'] < 400)]
pl.errorbar(p['r'][0,:], np.mean(p['i'], axis=0), yerr=np.std(p['i'], axis=0))

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