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ionic-persistence is a simple Ionic application based on the starter application demoing the Cordova support in persistence.js, in order to persist data with SQLitePlugin/WebSQL.

So, in ionic-persistence playlists can be saved in a WebSQL database when running the application in a browser, and in a SQLite database when running as a mobile application, thanks to the Cordova/PhoneGap SQLitePlugin used by persistence.js.

Persistence.js was added to the application with a Bower command (bower install persistence), and at the time of this writing, the required file was not present; so it was added by hand from persistence.js GitHub repository.

Saving playlists

The application's side menu item "Add Playlist" permits to save a playlist by using a form; when it submitted the AngularJS provider Persistence enters in action.

Persistence provider

ionic-persistence defines this provider in www/js/services.js; Persistence is responsible to define the database schema (mainly a Playlist entity) and configuration; especially, the database name used is app_db. Please, refer to persistence.js documentation for more information.

Application bootstraping

This an important development note: you may note that the ng-app AngularJS directive is not present in index.html file. The Angular module application is bootstraped when the device is ready with the following code in app.js:

window.ionic.Platform.ready(function() {
  angular.bootstrap(document, ['starter']);

Doing tests on Android platform, and without this approach, persistence.js (through will always choose a WebSQL persistence. I'm not sure at 100%, but I guess that it's because the JavaScript code of Cordova-SQLitePlugin is not executed yet.

So with Cordova-SQLitePlugin installed as plugin, and on mobile application, ionic-persistence will create a SQLite database.


Ionic starter application with Persistence.js






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