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madsbk committed Apr 4, 2017
1 parent 9fc3d18 commit 386a7ae
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Showing 3 changed files with 207 additions and 62 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
from benchpress import util
import numpy as np
import math

#import numba

def window(B,a=0.37):
assert (len(B.shape) == 2)
assert (B.shape[0] == B.shape[1])
n = B.shape[0]
wl = np.ones_like(B[0])
b = int(np.ceil((a * (n-1) / 2)))
wl[:b] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(math.pi*(2 * np.arange(b) / (a * (n-1)) - 1)))
wl[-b:] = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(math.pi*(2 * np.arange(b-1,-1,-1) / (a * (n-1)) - 1)))
wl *= wl
w = np.sqrt(wl+wl[:,None])
return B*w

def calcB_vec(B_x0, alpha=0.0,
x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.25,
y_min = 0.0, y_max = 1.0,
z_min = 0.0, z_max = 1.0):

n = len(B_x0)
x = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,num=n, endpoint=False).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
z = np.linspace(z_min,z_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
u = np.arange(n,dtype=B_x0.dtype)

#Making C
C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum((B_x0 * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:,:,None])[:,None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[:,None],-1),-1)
l = np.pi**2 * ((u**2 / y_max)[:,None] + (u**2 / z_max))
l[0,0] = 1.0
r = np.sqrt(l - alpha**2)

# Calculating B
sincos = np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:, None])[:, None, :, None] * (u * np.cos(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None]))[None, :, None, :]
cossin = (u * np.cos(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None]))[:, None, :, None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[None, :, None, :]
temp_x = C * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:, None, :, None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[None, :, None, :]
temp_y = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / z_max * sincos - r * math.pi / y_max * cossin)
temp_z = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / y_max * cossin + r * math.pi / z_max * sincos)
exprx = np.exp((-r * x[:, None, None]))

Bx = np.sum(np.sum(temp_x * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
By = np.sum(np.sum(temp_y * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
Bz = np.sum(np.sum(temp_z * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
return (Bx, By, Bz)

def calcB_loop(B_x0, alpha=0.0,
x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.25,
y_min = 0.0, y_max = 1.0,
z_min = 0.0, z_max = 1.0):

n = len(B_x0)

x = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,num=n,endpoint=False).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
z = np.linspace(z_min,z_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
u = np.arange(n,dtype=B_x0.dtype)

# Making C
C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum((B_x0 * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:,:,None])[:,None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[:,None],-1),-1)
l = np.pi**2 * ((u**2 / y_max)[:,None] + (u**2 / z_max))
l[0,0] = 1.0
r = np.sqrt(l - alpha**2)

# Calculating B
Bx = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
By = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
Bz = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
Bx[:, i, j] = 0
By[:, i, j] = 0
Bz[:, i, j] = 0
temp_x = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
temp_y = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
temp_z = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
exprx = np.empty((n, n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
for k in range(n):
for m in range(n):
sincos = np.sin(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max) * (u[m] * np.cos(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max))
cossin = (u[k] * np.cos(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max)) * (np.sin(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max))
temp_x[k,m] = C[k,m] * (np.sin(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max) * (np.sin(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max)))
temp_y[k,m] = C[k,m] / l[k,m] * (alpha * np.pi / z_max * sincos - r[k,m] * np.pi / y_max * cossin)
temp_z[k,m] = C[k,m] / l[k,m] * (alpha * np.pi / y_max * cossin + r[k,m] * np.pi / z_max * sincos)
for q in range(n):
exprx[k,m,q] = np.exp(-r[m,q] * x[k])
for k in range(n):
for m in range(n):
for q in range(n):
Bx[k, i, j] += temp_x[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]
By[k, i, j] += temp_y[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]
Bz[k, i, j] += temp_z[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]
return (Bx, By, Bz)

def cal_B(B_x0, Bx, By, Bz, u, y, y_max, z, z_max, alpha, C, l, r, x):
n = B_x0.shape[0]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
Bx[:, i, j] = 0
By[:, i, j] = 0
Bz[:, i, j] = 0
temp_x = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
temp_y = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
temp_z = np.empty((n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
exprx = np.empty((n, n, n), dtype=B_x0.dtype)
for k in range(n):
for m in range(n):
sincos = np.sin(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max) * (u[m] * np.cos(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max))
cossin = (u[k] * np.cos(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max)) * (np.sin(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max))
temp_x[k,m] = C[k,m] * (np.sin(np.pi * u[k] * y[i] / y_max) * (np.sin(np.pi * u[m] * z[j] / z_max)))
temp_y[k,m] = C[k,m] / l[k,m] * (alpha * np.pi / z_max * sincos - r[k,m] * np.pi / y_max * cossin)
temp_z[k,m] = C[k,m] / l[k,m] * (alpha * np.pi / y_max * cossin + r[k,m] * np.pi / z_max * sincos)
for q in range(n):
exprx[k,m,q] = np.exp(-r[m,q] * x[k])
for k in range(n):
for m in range(n):
for q in range(n):
Bx[k, i, j] += temp_x[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]
By[k, i, j] += temp_y[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]
Bz[k, i, j] += temp_z[m, q] * exprx[k, m, q]

def calcB_numba(B_x0, alpha=0.0,
x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.25,
y_min = 0.0, y_max = 1.0,
z_min = 0.0, z_max = 1.0):

n = len(B_x0)

x = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,num=n,endpoint=False).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
z = np.linspace(z_min,z_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
u = np.arange(n,dtype=B_x0.dtype)

# Making C
C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum((B_x0 * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:,:,None])[:,None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[:,None],-1),-1)
l = np.pi**2 * ((u**2 / y_max)[:,None] + (u**2 / z_max))
l[0,0] = 1.0
r = np.sqrt(l - alpha**2)

# Calculating B
Bx = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
By = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
Bz = np.empty((n,n,n),dtype=B_x0.dtype)
cal_B(B_x0, Bx, By, Bz, u, y, y_max, z, z_max, alpha, C, l, r, x)
return (Bx, By, Bz)

def main():

B = util.Benchmark()

if B.inputfn is None:
B_x0 = B.random_array((B.size[0],B.size[1]), dtype=B.dtype)
inputfn = B.inputfn if B.inputfn else '../idl_input-float64_512*512.npz'
sd = { 512:1, 256:2, 128:4, 64:8, 32:16, 16:32, 8:64}
h = sd[B.size[0]]
w = sd[B.size[1]]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Only valid sizes are: '+str(sd.keys()))
B_x0 = B.load_array(inputfn, 'input', dtype=B.dtype)[::h,::w]

for _ in range(B.size[2]):
Rx, Ry, Rz = calcB_loop(window(B_x0.copy()))
Rx2, Ry2, Rz2 = calcB_numba(window(B_x0.copy()))
assert np.allclose(Rx, Rx2)

if B.outputfn:
R = Rx+Ry+Rz
B.tofile(B.outputfn, {'res': R, 'res_x': Rx, 'res_y': Ry, 'res_z': Rz})

if __name__ == '__main__':
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Magnetic Field Extrapolation
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,78 +16,38 @@ def window(B,a=0.37):
w = np.sqrt(wl+wl[:,None])
return B*w

def calcB(B, alpha=1.0,

def calcB_vec(B_x0, alpha=0.0,
x_min = 0.0, x_max = 0.25,
y_min = 0.0, y_max = 1.0,
z_min = 0.0, z_max = 1.0):

n = len(B)
x = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,num=n,endpoint=False)
y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,num=n)
z = np.linspace(z_min,z_max,num=n)
u = np.arange(n,dtype=B.dtype)

uy = math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None]
uz = math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None]

sinuy = np.sin(uy)
sinuz = np.sin(uz)
n = len(B_x0)
x = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,num=n, endpoint=False).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
y = np.linspace(y_min,y_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
z = np.linspace(z_min,z_max,num=n).astype(B_x0.dtype,copy=False)
u = np.arange(n,dtype=B_x0.dtype)

# C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum((B * sinuy[:,:,None])[:,None] * sinuz[:,None],-1),-1)
C = np.empty((n,n,n,n))
C[:] = sinuy[:,None,:,None]
C *= B
C *= sinuz[:,None]
C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum(C,-1),-1)

l = math.pi**2 * ((u**2 / y_max)[:,None] + (u**2 / z_max))
# Making C
C = 4.0 / (n-1.0)**2 * np.sum(np.sum((B_x0 * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:,:,None])[:,None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[:,None],-1),-1)
l = np.pi**2 * ((u**2 / y_max)[:,None] + (u**2 / z_max))
l[0,0] = 1.0
r = np.sqrt(l - alpha**2)

C_l = C / l

d5 = (n,n,n,n,n)

# sincos = sinuy[:,None,:,None] * (u * np.cos(uz))[None,:,None,:]
sincos = np.empty(d5)
sincos[:] = sinuy[:,None,:,None]
sincos *= (u * np.cos(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None]))[None,:,None,:]

# cossin = (u * np.cos(uy))[:,None,:,None] * sinuz[None,:,None,:]
cossin = np.empty(d5)
cossin[:] = sinuz[None,:,None,:]
cossin *= (u * np.cos(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None]))[:,None,:,None]

# exprx = np.exp((-r * x[:,None,None]))[:,None,None]
exprx = np.empty(d5)
exprx[:] = -x[:,None,None,None,None]
exprx *= r
exprx = np.exp(exprx)

# temp_x = C * sinuy[:,None,:,None] * sinuz[None,:,None,:]
temp_x = np.empty(d5)
temp_x[:] = sinuy[:,None,:,None]
temp_x *= sinuz[None,:,None,:]
temp_x *= C

# temp_y = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / z_max * sincos - r * math.pi / y_max * cossin)
temp_y = -(math.pi/y_max) * cossin
temp_y *= r
temp_y += (alpha*math.pi/z_max) * sincos
temp_y *= C_l

# temp_z = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / y_max * cossin + r * math.pi / z_max * sincos)
temp_z = (math.pi/z_max) * sincos
temp_z *= r
temp_z += (alpha*math.pi/y_max) * cossin
temp_z *= C_l

Bx = np.sum(np.sum(temp_x * exprx,-1),-1)
By = np.sum(np.sum(temp_y * exprx,-1),-1)
Bz = np.sum(np.sum(temp_z * exprx,-1),-1)
# Calculating B
sincos = np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:, None])[:, None, :, None] * (u * np.cos(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None]))[None, :, None, :]
cossin = (u * np.cos(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None]))[:, None, :, None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[None, :, None, :]
temp_x = C * np.sin(math.pi/y_max * u * y[:,None])[:, None, :, None] * np.sin(math.pi/z_max * u * z[:,None])[None, :, None, :]
temp_y = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / z_max * sincos - r * math.pi / y_max * cossin)
temp_z = C / l * (alpha * math.pi / y_max * cossin + r * math.pi / z_max * sincos)
exprx = np.exp((-r * x[:, None, None]))

Bx = np.sum(np.sum(temp_x * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
By = np.sum(np.sum(temp_y * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
Bz = np.sum(np.sum(temp_z * exprx[:,None,None],-1),-1)
return (Bx, By, Bz)

def main():

B = util.Benchmark()
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