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Project Plan

ABHIJEET BHAGAT edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 4 revisions

Project One: tkrSearch

Team Members (a-z first name)

# Name
1 Abhijeet Bhagat
2 Jeff Hogg
3 Muhammad Kamran
4 Varune Harnarine

Project Links:

Link to Github Projects Board and Wiki :

Project Week Timeline:

Date Subject
Mon 08/17 Project Intro
Wed 08/19 Group Completes Project Plan & Start Basic Tasks
Thurs 08/20 Project Work (No Class)
Fri 08/21 Project Work ( No Class )
Sat 08/22 Project Work in Class - Goal of Version 1
Sun 08/23 Project Work ( No Class )
Mon 08/24 Final Edits & Project Work in Class/Finalize Slides Presentation
Tues 08/25 Project Work (No Class)
Wed 08/26 Project Presentations - BCS Submission DUE

How will you be using Git?

  1. Repo branch and pull model. All contributors on the same repo (no forks).
  2. Master branch to be kept sacred.
  3. Merges in master branch will happen only after at least 1 person reviews.
  4. Anyone can be assigned as a reviewer.
# Git Commit #
1. Terse and to the point conveying what was done probably in present tense.
2. Mention the task id /issue id if available in the comment e.g git commit -m "bug-1 fix container width"
3. Refer:

Stuck time ( How long until you consult a teammate?):

  • 1 hour

Team Working Agreements:

During Sprint Do The Following:
Daily Scrum Call - 5mins
Team members attend daily stand ups @ 6:30pm (T,TH) 10am (sat)
We will be expected to be working on Sun and M,W,F (is this true?)
Should a team member have a conflict, s/he/they updates the slack team channel in advance of the meeting
We believe in in the value of planning collectively as a team
Every Team Member is engaged and involved
Every Team Member is committed to the value of the application over individual recognition.
Every Team Member will practice active listening
Every Team Member will be directly engaged with the work - not answer texts or phone calls, social media, or other off-topic material (with the exception of emergencies -which will be communicated to the team)

Agile Stand-Ups:

Scrum Goals :

  1. What did I work on yesterday?
  2. What am I working on today?
  3. What issues are blocking me?

Project Details:

APIs Used :

  1. Barchart - (Stock market data)
  2. CoinMarketCap - (Cryptocurrency data)

Project Description :

User searches for a stock or cryptocurrency and then is presented with stock/crypto information, current price, % increase/decrease, maybe a chart.

WireFrame Image:

Planning: Design

User Stories

As a <role>, I want <feature> so that <reason>.
1. As a stock /crypto currency investor To know the current price I can take better investment decision
2. As a investor I want to get history of a specific ticker I can take better investment decision
3. As a investor and user of _ TikrSearch _ app I want to search a stock/ currency ticker The data is presented to me.
4. As a frequent visitor to this app I want to save last few searches So that I continue from where i left last time
5. As an advanced user I want to see the graphs So that I can make an informed decision.

MVP Goals

1 as a stock /crypto currency investor To know the current price I can take better investment decision
2 as a investor I want to get history of a specific ticker I can take better investment decision
3 as a investor and user of TikrSearch app I want to search a stock/ currency ticker The data is presented to me.
4 As a frequent visitor to this app I want to save last few searches So that I continue from where i left last time

Stretch Goals

1. Implement charting lib

Planning: Technology

APIs to be Used:

API # API Base URL Parameters What is it?
1${YOUR API KEY}&symbols=${FIRST SEARCH PARAM}%${SECOND SEARCH PARAM}&fields=fiftyTwoWkHigh%2CfiftyTwoWkHighDate%2CfiftyTwoWkLow%2CfiftyTwoWkLowDate

| | Stock Market Data | | 2 | | | Crypto Data |

Postman Screenshot of APIs to be Used:

Libraries to be Used:

Library # Doc Link What does it do? How did you use it?
Mdbootstrap 4.19.1 CSS framework for UI CDN
jQuery It's a JavaScript Selector and animation lib Local File
moment.js Time manipulation lib. Eases the date time handling Local file
Its a visual graph lib CDN
Tabulator Tabulator allows you to create interactive tables in seconds from any HTML Table, JavaScript Array, AJAX data source or JSON formatted data. CDN

Project Reflection

Retrospective Notes:

Team Reflection :

  • What Went Well
  • What Did not go well
  • What can WE improve for next time

Team Member Feedback (directed at your team member(s)):

  • What Went Well
  • What Did not go well
  • What can YOU improve for next time
Team Reflection & Team Member Feedback Google Doc Link
Varune probably can create a document for project retrospection on this google docs

Blog / Medium Post: **create a medium blog explaining the app**

| Blog / Medium Link | | | --- | --- | | Team Member - Abhijeet | (it's a blank page at the moment) | | Team Member # 2 | | | Team Member # 3 | | | Team Member # 4 | |