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Languages Of Code - AoC 2022

What is the Challenge?

The challenge is to solve Advent of Code - 2022 problems everyday in a New Programming Language!!

What is Advent of Code?

Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed computer programming challenges that follow an Advent calendar. It has been running since 2015.

The programming puzzles cover a variety of skill sets and skill levels and can be solved using any programming language. Participants also compete based on speed on both global and private leaderboards

Advent of Code

PS. All solutions posted here are posted after the day has ended.

Hello, Friend

Of course my code in all these languages isn’t idiomatic or optimized. If you feel you can solve the problem in a better way in that language, I’ll be more than happy to Merge your Pull Request!

Naming Convention to follow: <USERNAME>.<FILE EXTENSION> And please have your file in the correct folder (According to day).

Progress So Far

Problem Programming Language Easy Version Hard Version
Day 1: Calorie Counting Perl 🌟 🌟
Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors Java 🌟 🌟
Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization Bash 🌟 🌟
Day 4: Camp Cleanup Elixir 🌟 🌟
Day 5: Supply Stacks D 🌟 🌟
Day 6: Tuning Trouble Lua 🌟 🌟
Day 7: No Space Left On Device TypeScript 🌟 🌟
Day 8: Treetop Tree House Common Lisp 🌟 🌟
Day 9: Rope Bridge Dart 🌟 🌟