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To make smart weighing machine which will reduce human effort in process of manual cataloging of information by providing robust automated system. Also to increase transparency between consumer and farmer by making all the data available to consumer instantly.


Now a day’s farmer uses pen and paper or simple spread sheet to keep track of their farm produce which is prone to human errors. Objective of this project is to build a Weighing Machine which will automatically log the weight of the crop and its other information directly into database with push of one button. With this project, we are also plan to increase transparency between customer and farmers. Customer will know about farm produce in less time instead of waiting days. This can also help to reduce hoarding caused by middle man or retailers. If the middle man tries to hide the stock to increase market price in that case customer will have idea about total farm produced at that time. This concept is not limited to only farmers but this can be applied to any fields like Dairy Products, Fish Markets etc. This weighing machine will be very like other weighing machine in the market and will have all the functionality that standard weighing machine has so it will be easier to use as standard weighing machine. This project will use open source technology such as Raspberry pi, Arduino for hardware, ASP.NET Core for website development etc. All the data which is stored in database will be displayed using web interface. Each user will have their own account protected by password. In this web interface, user will be able to do all the basic task such as adding new item, removing item, adding new location, change password or email etc. Weighing machine will use LCD to display data and will also have keypad to take input from user. It is also important to find weight of which object is being taken to completely automate the entire process. Instead of entering which object is placed on weighing machine manually we can use RFID tags or QR code or Image processing to automatically identify the object so user don’t have to tell the machine about the object.

Note: This is an extension of the project that I worked on at IIT-Bombay under e-Yantra as an intern. But all the source code in this project is NOT taken from project that I worked on at IIT-Bombay.


Weighing machine which is connected to the Internet







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