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SEI45 - Project 02 (Frontend React App)

My second project for the General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive course. A frontend web application built in React that consumes a third-party API. This was a pair-programming exercise to be completed over the course of 2 days. My partner for the project was Rory Fletcher.

Getting Started


  • Clone this repository by running the terminal command git clone
  • In the root folder run the terminal command npm i to install all necessary packages and modules
  • To view the site locally run the terminal command npm run start and navigate to localhost:8000 in your browser


  • You can view a deployed version of the site here

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Bulma CSS Framework
  • NodeJS
  • Axios
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)


This project is a superhero information website. Users can search for their favourite superheroes (or supervillains) and find a wealth of information about their origins, connections, occupations and so much more. The site also includes a nifty comparison tool that allows users to compare the power stats of different superheroes.

Home Page home page
Hero Directory hero directory
Hero Information Page hero info
Hero Comparison Tool hero comparison


Given that this project was our first foray into ReactJS, it does lean heavily on React components. We carefully mapped out which React components would be needed for the different pages of the site. These included several reusable componenets such as the superhero search form and 'hero cards' which display the name of a superhero and their respective power stats.

SuperHero API

  • As stated in the project brief, one of the main requirements for the project is that it consumes a third-party API. For our project we chose the SuperHero API published by Yoann Criber. The API provides all the necessary data for the site. Requests to the API are made on the hero directory, hero display pages and hero comparison tool.

Hero Search Form

  • The search form for the hero directory has a basic setting that allows users to search for superheroes by name, and an advanced setting the allows users to filter search results by gender, alignment, species and publisher. The user can switch between the basic and advanced setting at the push of a button
  • To implement the search functionality we built a seperate form component called HeroSearchForm. The component takes 4 props: a basic search function, an advanced search function, data for the advanced setting of the search form and a function to reset to the search parameters. In addition, it also takes the rest of the state variables from the HeroIndex component in a variable called stateVars.
// The Search form component

// Functionality for the basic & advanced search form
getPublishers = () => {
    const publishers = new Set() => {
      const heroPublisher = item.biography.publisher
      if (!publishers.has(heroPublisher) && !!heroPublisher) publishers.add(heroPublisher)
    return Array(...publishers)

  getAlignments = () => {
    const alignments = new Set() => {
      let heroAlignment = item.biography.alignment
      if (heroAlignment === '-') heroAlignment = 'neutral'
      if (!alignments.has(heroAlignment) && !!heroAlignment) alignments.add(heroAlignment)
    return Array(...alignments)

  getGenders = () => {
    const genders = new Set() => {
      const heroGender = item.appearance.gender
      if (!genders.has(heroGender) && !!heroGender && heroGender !== '-') genders.add(heroGender)
    return Array(...genders)

  getRaces = () => {
    const races = new Set() => {
      const heroRace = item.appearance.race
      if (!races.has(heroRace) && !!heroRace) races.add(heroRace)
    return Array(...races)

  getAdvancedSearchData = () => {
    const publishers = this.getPublishers()
    const alignments = this.getAlignments()
    const genders = this.getGenders()
    const races = this.getRaces()

    this.setState({ advancedSearchData: { publishers, alignments, genders, races }, displayAdvancedSearch: !this.state.displayAdvancedSearch })

  basicSearchFunction = (e) => {
    const searchData = =>
    this.setState({ searchData })

  searchFunction = (e) => {
    const searchParams = this.state.advancedSearchParameters
    searchParams[] =
    const searchData = => (
      (item.biography.alignment === searchParams.alignment || !searchParams.alignment) && 
      (item.appearance.gender === searchParams.gender || !searchParams.gender) && 
      (item.appearance.race === searchParams.race || !searchParams.race) && 
      (item.biography.publisher === searchParams.publisher || !searchParams.publisher)
    this.setState({ searchData, advancedSearchParameters: searchParams })

  resetData = () => {
    this.setState({ searchData:, advancedSearchParameters: { race: '', gender: '', publisher: '', alignment: '' } })

Supehero Comparison Tool

  • The comparison tool allows users to compare their favourite superheroes and see who would 'win' in a hypothetical duel.
  • The tool works by comparing the power stats of the two chosen heroes. The average of each heroes power stats is calculated. The hero with the highest average wins. Once a winner has been found, the user can reset the page and start again.
// Comparison Tool Functionality

findWinner = () => {
    const playerStatNames = Object.keys(this.state.firstChoice.powerstats)
    const playerStatValues = => this.state.firstChoice.powerstats[item])
    const playerTotal = playerStatValues.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i, 0)

    const compStatNames = Object.keys(this.state.secondChoice.powerstats)
    const compStatValues = => this.state.secondChoice.powerstats[item])
    const compTotal = compStatValues.reduce((acc, i) => acc + i, 0)

    if (playerTotal > compTotal) {
      this.setState({ winner: 'firstChoice', gameInPlay: true })
    } else if (compTotal > playerTotal) {
      this.setState({ winner: 'secondChoice', gameInPlay: true })
    } else {
      this.setState({ gameInPlay: true })
    console.log('First Choice:', playerTotal, 'Second Choice:', compTotal)

  resetPage = () => {
      gameInPlay: false, 
      gotFirstChoice: false, 
      gotSecondChoice: false, 
      winner: '', 



  • Search form: by far the most difficult part of the project was the implementation of the superhero search form. Allowing the user to switch between the basic and advanced setting required us to keep track of all the advanced search parameters and all the possible values that these parameters could have; luckily, we were able to extract these values from the API response data.
  • Hero comparison: the most challenging aspect of the comparison tool was implementing the method by which users choose their heroes. Before a user can choose their second choice they must first choose - and confirm - their first choice; both choices have to be confirmed before the user can find the winner. This requires a littany booleans to keep track of the users choices and whether or not those choices have been confirmed. Looking back, it is fair to say that this is needlessly complicated.

Room for Improvement

  • Design & Styling: Given that this project was completed in the space of 48 hours, the design & styling of the website are obviously not what they could be. In the planning phase of the project we had hoped to implement a few animations for the hero comparison tool. And although the website has been built with the Bulma css framework, there are still a few minor issues with responsiveness.

Future Features

  • Super Teams: The one MVP feature that we couldn't quite get to in the given time frame was Super Teams. This would've been an extension of the superhero comparision tool. Users would be able to assemble teams of heroes and compare their cumulative powerstats against one another.


An information website for superheroes






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