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Bank tech test

Simulating an interview standard tech test in week 9 of Makers Academy.
I have created a simple ruby application that allows a user to create and interact with a bank account with these given requirements:

Getting started

Enter the following commands in your terminal:

  • Clone the repository and change into the directory: git clone && cd bank_tech_test
  • Install the required gems: bundle install


  • An example using IRB:
    • require './lib/account'
    • account =
    • account.deposit(30)
    • account.withdraw(12)
    • account.print_summary

date || credit || debit || balance
2018-08-15|| 30 || || 50
2018-08-15|| || 12 || 38

Usage example


You should be able to interact with your code via a REPL like IRB or the JavaScript console. (You don't need to implement a command line interface that takes input from STDIN.)
Deposits, withdrawal.
Account statement (date, amount, balance) printing.
Data can be kept in memory (it doesn't need to be stored to a database or anything).
Acceptance criteria
Given a client makes a deposit of 1000 on 10-01-2012
And a deposit of 2000 on 13-01-2012
And a withdrawal of 500 on 14-01-2012
When she prints her bank statement
Then she would see:

date || credit || debit || balance  
14/01/2012 || || 500.00 || 2500.00  
13/01/2012 || 2000.00 || || 3000.00  
10/01/2012 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00  

User Stories

As a User,
So I can keep my money in one place,
I would like to open a Bank Account

As a User,
So I can add my money to my account,
I would like to be able to make deposits

As a User,
So I can pay my bills,
I would like to be able to withdraw my money

As a User,
So I can keep track of my spending,
I would like to print a statement of my transactions

Test coverage

  • Tested using Rspec

  • Coverage report generated by running rspec
  • To see full test coverage report enter open coverage/index.html in your terminal. test-coverage

Made using

  • Ruby


Bibi Collins


Simulating a tech test






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