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test periodic orbits for sdde
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remove unused code in Hopf.jl
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rveltz committed May 8, 2023
1 parent b68de29 commit 5ec9e68
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Showing 7 changed files with 93 additions and 218 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Problems.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ BK.isSymmetric(::ConstantDDEBifProblem) = false
BK.getVectorType(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem{Tvf, Tdf, Tu, Td, Tp, Tl, Tplot, Trec}) where {Tvf, Tdf, Tu, Td, Tp, Tl <: Lens, Tplot, Trec} = Tu
BK.getLens(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem) = prob.lens
BK.hasAdjoint(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem) = true
BK.hasAdjointMF(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem) = false
BK.getDelta(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem) = prob.δ
BK.d2F(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem, x, p, dx1, dx2) = BK.d2F(prob.VF, x, p, dx1, dx2)
BK.d3F(prob::ConstantDDEBifProblem, x, p, dx1, dx2, dx3) = BK.d3F(prob.VF, x, p, dx1, dx2, dx3)
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215 changes: 0 additions & 215 deletions src/codim2/Hopf.jl
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Expand Up @@ -320,221 +320,6 @@ function BK.continuationHopf(prob::AbstractDDEBifurcationProblem,

function BK.continuationHopf(prob_vf::AbstractDDEBifurcationProblem, alg::BK.AbstractContinuationAlgorithm,
hopfpointguess::ArrayPartition, par,
lens1::Lens, lens2::Lens,
eigenvec, eigenvec_ad,
options_cont::ContinuationPar ;
updateMinAugEveryStep = 0,
normC = norm,
bdlinsolver::BK.AbstractBorderedLinearSolver = MatrixBLS(),
jacobian_ma::Symbol = :autodiff,
computeEigenElements = false,
usehessian = true,
massmatrix = LinearAlgebra.I,
kwargs...) where {Tb, vectype}
@assert lens1 != lens2 "Please choose 2 different parameters. You only passed $lens1"
@assert lens1 == BK.getLens(prob_vf)

# options for the Newton Solver inheritated from the ones the user provided
options_newton = options_cont.newtonOptions
threshBT = 100options_newton.tol

hopfPb = HopfDDEProblem(
BK._copy(eigenvec_ad), # this is a ≈ null space of (J - iω I)^*
BK._copy(eigenvec), # this is b ≈ null space of J - iω I
# do not change linear solver if user provides it
@set bdlinsolver.solver = (isnothing(bdlinsolver.solver) ? options_newton.linsolver : bdlinsolver.solver);
usehessian = usehessian,
massmatrix = massmatrix)

# Jacobian for the Hopf problem
if jacobian_ma == :autodiff
# hopfpointguess = vcat(hopfpointguess.u, hopfpointguess.p)
prob_h = BK.HopfMAProblem(hopfPb, BK.AutoDiff(), hopfpointguess, par, lens2, prob_vf.plotSolution, prob_vf.recordFromSolution)
opt_hopf_cont = @set options_cont.newtonOptions.linsolver = DefaultLS()
elseif jacobian_ma == :finiteDifferencesMF
hopfpointguess = vcat(hopfpointguess.u, hopfpointguess.p)
prob_h = FoldMAProblem(hopfPb, FiniteDifferences(), hopfpointguess, par, lens2, prob_vf.plotSolution, prob_vf.recordFromSolution)
opt_hopf_cont = @set options_cont.newtonOptions.linsolver = options_cont.newtonOptions.linsolver
prob_h = HopfMAProblem(hopfPb, nothing, hopfpointguess, par, lens2, prob_vf.plotSolution, prob_vf.recordFromSolution)
opt_hopf_cont = @set options_cont.newtonOptions.linsolver = HopfLinearSolverMinAug()

# this functions allows to tackle the case where the two parameters have the same name
lenses = BK.getLensSymbol(lens1, lens2)

# current lyapunov coefficient
eTb = eltype(hopfpointguess)
hopfPb.l1 = Complex{eTb}(0, 0)
hopfPb.BT = one(eTb)
hopfPb.GH = one(eTb)

# this function is used as a Finalizer
# it is called to update the Minimally Augmented problem
# by updating the vectors a, b
function updateMinAugHopf(z, tau, step, contResult; kUP...)
# we first check that the continuation step was successful
# if not, we do not update the problem with bad information!
success = get(kUP, :state, nothing).converged
(~modCounter(step, updateMinAugEveryStep) || success == false) && return true
x = getVec(z.u, hopfPb) # hopf point
p1, ω = getP(z.u, hopfPb)
p2 = z.p # second parameter
newpar = set(par, lens1, p1)
newpar = set(newpar, lens2, p2)

a = hopfPb.a
b = hopfPb.b

# expression of the jacobian
J_at_xp = jacobian(hopfPb.prob_vf, x, newpar)

# compute new b
T = typeof(p1)
newb = hopfPb.linbdsolver(J_at_xp, a, b, T(0),, T(1); shift = Complex(0, -ω), Mass = hopfPb.massmatrix)[1]

# compute new a
JAd_at_xp = hasAdjoint(hopfPb) ? jad(hopfPb.prob_vf, x, newpar) : adjoint(J_at_xp)
newa = hopfPb.linbdsolver(JAd_at_xp, b, a, T(0),, T(1); shift = Complex(0, ω), Mass = adjoint(hopfPb.massmatrix))[1]

hopfPb.a .= newa ./ normC(newa)
# do not normalize with dot(newb, hopfPb.a), it prevents BT detection
hopfPb.b .= newb ./ normC(newb)

# we stop continuation at Bogdanov-Takens points

isbt = isnothing(contResult) ? true : isnothing(findfirst(x -> x.type in (:bt, :ghbt, :btgh), contResult.specialpoint))

# if the frequency is null, this is not a Hopf point, we halt the process
if abs(ω) < threshBT
@warn "[Codim 2 Hopf - Finalizer] The Hopf curve seems to be close to a BT point: ω ≈ . Stopping computations at ($p1, $p2). If the BT point is not detected, try lowering Newton tolerance or dsmax."

# call the user-passed finalizer
finaliseUser = get(kwargs, :finaliseSolution, nothing)
resFinal = isnothing(finaliseUser) ? true : finaliseUser(z, tau, step, contResult; prob = hopfPb, kUP...)

return abs(ω) >= threshBT && isbt && resFinal

function testBT_GH(iter, state)
z = getx(state)
x = getVec(z, hopfPb) # hopf point
p1, ω = getP(z, hopfPb) # first parameter
p2 = getp(state) # second parameter
newpar = set(par, lens1, p1)
newpar = set(newpar, lens2, p2)

probhopf = iter.prob.prob

a = probhopf.a
b = probhopf.b

# expression of the jacobian
J_at_xp = BK.jacobian(probhopf.prob_vf, x, newpar)

# compute eigenvector
T = typeof(p1)
ζ = @. z.x[2] + im * z.x[3]
ζ ./= normC(ζ)

# test function for Bogdanov-Takens
probhopf.BT = ω

return probhopf.BT, probhopf.GH

# the following allows to append information specific to the codim 2 continuation to the user data
_printsol = get(kwargs, :recordFromSolution, nothing)
_printsol2 = isnothing(_printsol) ?
(u, p; kw...) -> (; zip(lenses, (getP(u, hopfPb)[1], p))..., ω = getP(u, hopfPb)[2], l1 = hopfPb.l1, BT = hopfPb.BT, GH = hopfPb.GH, BK.namedprintsol(BK.recordFromSolution(prob_vf)(getVec(u, hopfPb), p; kw...))...) :
(u, p; kw...) -> (; BK.namedprintsol(_printsol(getVec(u, hopfPb), p; kw...))..., zip(lenses, (getP(u, hopfPb)[1], p))..., ω = getP(u, hopfPb)[2], l1 = hopfPb.l1, BT = hopfPb.BT, GH = hopfPb.GH)

prob_h = reMake(prob_h, recordFromSolution = _printsol2)

# eigen solver
eigsolver = HopfDDEEig(BK.getsolver(opt_hopf_cont.newtonOptions.eigsolver))

# event for detecting codim 2 points
if computeEigenElements
event = PairOfEvents(ContinuousEvent(2, testBT_GH, computeEigenElements, ("bt", "gh"), threshBT), BifDetectEvent)
# careful here, we need to adjust the tolerance for stability to avoid
# spurious ZH or HH bifurcations
@set! opt_hopf_cont.tolStability = 10opt_hopf_cont.newtonOptions.tol
event = ContinuousEvent(2, testBT_GH, false, ("bt", "gh"), threshBT)

prob_h = reMake(prob_h, recordFromSolution = _printsol2)

# solve the hopf equations
br = continuation(
prob_h, alg,
(@set opt_hopf_cont.newtonOptions.eigsolver = eigsolver);
kind = BK.HopfCont(),
linearAlgo = BorderingBLS(solver = opt_hopf_cont.newtonOptions.linsolver, checkPrecision = false),
normC = normC,
finaliseSolution = updateMinAugEveryStep ==0 ? get(kwargs, :finaliseSolution, BK.finaliseDefault) : updateMinAugHopf,
event = event
@assert ~isnothing(br) "Empty branch!"
return correctBifurcation(br)

# function BK.continuationHopf(prob::AbstractDDEBifurcationProblem,
# br::BK.AbstractBranchResult, ind_hopf::Int64,
# lens2::Lens,
# options_cont::ContinuationPar = br.contparams;
# alg = br.alg,
# startWithEigen = false,
# normC = norm,
# kwargs...)
# hopfpointguess = HopfPoint(br, ind_hopf)
# ω = hopfpointguess.p[2]
# bifpt = br.specialpoint[ind_hopf]

# @assert ~isnothing(br.eig) "The branch contains no eigen elements. This is strange because a Hopf point was detected. Please open an issue on the website."

# @assert ~isnothing(br.eig[1].eigenvecs) "The branch contains no eigenvectors for the Hopf point. Please provide one."

# ζ = geteigenvector(br.contparams.newtonOptions.eigsolver, br.eig[bifpt.idx].eigenvecs, bifpt.ind_ev)
# ζ ./= normC(ζ)
# ζad = conj.(ζ)

# p = bifpt.param
# parbif = BK.setParam(br, p)

# hopfpointguess = ArrayPartition(hopfpointguess.u, real(ζ), imag(ζ), hopfpointguess.p)

# if startWithEigen
# # computation of adjoint eigenvalue
# λ = Complex(0, ω)
# # jacobian at bifurcation point
# L = BK.jacobian(prob, bifpt.x, parbif)

# # jacobian adjoint at bifurcation point
# _Jt = ~BK.hasAdjoint(prob) ? adjoint(L) : jad(prob, bifpt.x, parbif)

# ζstar, λstar = BK.getAdjointBasis(_Jt, conj(λ), br.contparams.newtonOptions.eigsolver; nev = br.contparams.nev, verbose = false)
# ζad .= ζstar ./ dot(ζstar, ζ)
# end

# return BK.continuationHopf(br.prob, alg,
# hopfpointguess, parbif,
# BK.getLens(br), lens2,
# ζ, ζad,
# options_cont ;
# normC = normC,
# kwargs...)
# end

# structure to compute the eigenvalues along the Hopf branch
struct HopfDDEEig{S} <: BK.AbstractCodim2EigenSolver
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/codim2/codim2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ for op in (:HopfDDEProblem,)

@inline hasHessian(pb::$op) = hasHessian(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.hasHessian(pb::$op) = BK.hasHessian(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.isSymmetric(pb::$op) = false
@inline hasAdjoint(pb::$op) = hasAdjoint(pb.prob_vf)
@inline hasAdjointMF(pb::$op) = hasAdjointMF(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.hasAdjoint(pb::$op) = BK.hasAdjoint(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.hasAdjointMF(pb::$op) = BK.hasAdjointMF(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.isInplace(pb::$op) = BK.isInplace(pb.prob_vf)
@inline BK.getLens(pb::$op) = BK.getLens(pb.prob_vf)
jad(pb::$op, args...) = jad(pb.prob_vf, args...)
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/codim2.jl
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Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ brhopf = continuation(br, 1, (@lens _.c),
bothside = true,
startWithEigen = true)


brhopf2 = continuation(br, 2, (@lens _.c),
setproperties(br.contparams, detectBifurcation = 1, dsmax = 0.01, maxSteps = 100, pMax = 1.1, pMin = -0.1,ds = -0.01);
verbosity = 0, plot = false,
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/normalform.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ BK.isInplace(prob)

DDEBifurcationKit.newtonHopf(br, 2)
# SDDE, test dummy Hopf normal form
function humpriesVF(x, xd, p)
Expand Down
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions test/pocoll-sdde.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# using Revise, Plots
using DDEBifurcationKit, Parameters, Setfield, LinearAlgebra
using BifurcationKit
const BK = BifurcationKit
const DDEBK = DDEBifurcationKit

# sup norm
norminf(x) = norm(x, Inf)

function humpriesVF(x, xd, p)
@unpack κ1,κ2,γ,a1,a2,c = p
-γ * x[1] - κ1 * xd[1][1] - κ2 * xd[2][1]

function delaysF(x, par)
par.a1 + par.c * x[1],
par.a2 + par.c * x[1],

pars = (κ1=0.,κ2=2.3,a1=1.3,a2=6=4.75,c=1.)
x0 = zeros(1)

prob = SDDDEBifProblem(humpriesVF, delaysF, x0, pars, (@lens _.κ1))

optn = NewtonPar(verbose = false, eigsolver = DDE_DefaultEig())
opts = ContinuationPar(pMax = 13., pMin = 0., newtonOptions = optn, ds = -0.01, detectBifurcation = 3, nev = 3, )

alg = PALC()
br = continuation(prob, alg, opts; verbosity = 0, plot = false, bothside = true)

# plot(br)
# computation of periodic orbit
# continuation parameters
opts_po_cont = ContinuationPar(dsmax = 0.05, ds= 0.001, dsmin = 1e-4, pMax = 12., pMin=-5., maxSteps = 3,
nev = 3, tolStability = 1e-8, detectBifurcation = 0, plotEveryStep = 20, saveSolEveryStep=1)
@set! opts_po_cont.newtonOptions.tol = 1e-9
@set! opts_po_cont.newtonOptions.verbose = true

# arguments for periodic orbits
args_po = ( recordFromSolution = (x, p) -> begin
xtt = BK.getPeriodicOrbit(p.prob, x, nothing)
_max = maximum(xtt[1,:])
_min = minimum(xtt[1,:])
return (amp = _max - _min,
max = _max,
min = _min,
period = getPeriod(p.prob, x, nothing))
plotSolution = (x, p; k...) -> begin
xtt = BK.getPeriodicOrbit(p.prob, x, nothing)
plot!(xtt.t, xtt[1,:]; label = "x", k...)
plot!(br; subplot = 1, putspecialptlegend = false)
normC = norminf)

probpo = PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem(200, 2; N = 1)
br_pocoll = @time continuation(
br, 2, opts_po_cont,
alg = PALC(tangent = Bordered()),
# regular continuation options
# verbosity = 2, plot = true,
ampfactor = 1/0.467829783456199 * 0.1,
δp = 0.01,
callbackN = (state; k...) -> begin
xtt = BK.getPeriodicOrbit(probpo,state.x,nothing)
# plot(xtt.t, xtt[1,:], title = "it = $(") |> display
printstyled(color=:red, "amp = ", BK.amplitude(xtt[:,:],1),"\n")
printstyled(color=:green, "T = ", (state.x[end]),"\n")
@show state.x[end] < 15 && BK.cbMaxNorm(10.0)(state; k...)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ using Test

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