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Implement experiment that simulate "Online variational Bayes for LDA"
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bigartm committed Jan 3, 2015
2 parents 7d6c80c + 67497c7 commit 0ba7260
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 0 deletions.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions src/python/experiments/
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
# BigARTM version: v0.5.5
# This example implements online algorithm where topic model is updated several times during one scan of the collection.
# The trick here is to check every 10 ms the number of items processed so far, and synchronize topic model if the number
# of processed items exceeds certain threshold. The decay_weight and apply_weight in model.Synchronize() are set
# according to Online variational Bayes for LDA algorithm (Matthew D. Hoffman).

# Quality of the model is controlled on held out test collection.
# To prepare train and test data for this example you should download the following archive:
# Then unpack it into 'enron_train' folder, randomly select several .batch files and move them into
# 'D:\datasets\enron_test' folder.

import artm.messages_pb2, artm.library, sys, time, random

train_batches_folder = 'D:\\datasets\\enron_train\\'
test_batches_folder = 'D:\\datasets\\enron_test\\'

numTopics = 32

numProcessors = 2 # This value defines how many concurrent processors to use for calculation.

numInnerIters = 20 # Typical values of this parameter are between 10 and 50. The larger it is the better for
# convergence, but large values will increase runtime proportionally to this parameter.

kappa = -0.5 # This parameter is introduced by Online variational Bayes for LDA algorithm. Recommended value is '-0.5'.

tau0 = 4 # This value defines controls how quickly to adjust 'rho' value in Online variational Bayes algorithm.
# The 'rho' value will effectively change after (tau0 * S) documents. Please check if (tau0 * S) is of the
# same order of magnitude as the overall size of your collection.

S = 1000 # This value defines after how many documents to update topic model in the online algorithm.
# This value should not be smaller than numProcessors * numDocumentsPerBatch, where
# numDocumentsPerBatch is equal to the number of items stored in each batch. For the 'enron' task,
# downloaded from, numDocumentsPerBatch = 500.

unique_tokens = artm.library.Library().LoadDictionary(train_batches_folder + 'dictionary')

master_config = artm.messages_pb2.MasterComponentConfig()
master_config.processors_count = numProcessors
master_config.cache_theta = True
master_config.disk_path = train_batches_folder

perplexity_collection_config = artm.messages_pb2.PerplexityScoreConfig()
perplexity_collection_config.model_type = artm.library.PerplexityScoreConfig_Type_UnigramCollectionModel
perplexity_collection_config.dictionary_name =

# Create master component and infer topic model
with artm.library.MasterComponent(master_config) as master:
dictionary = master.CreateDictionary(unique_tokens)
perplexity_score = master.CreatePerplexityScore(config = perplexity_collection_config)

items_processed_score = master.CreateItemsProcessedScore()

# Configure the model
model = master.CreateModel(config = artm.messages_pb2.ModelConfig(), topics_count = numTopics, inner_iterations_count = numInnerIters)
model.Initialize(dictionary) # Initialize random

start_time = time.time()
master.InvokeIteration(1) # Invoke one scan of the entire collection

done = False
next_items_processed = S
while (not done):
done = master.WaitIdle(10) # Wait 10 ms and check if the number of processed items had changed
current_items_processed = items_processed_score.GetValue(model).value
if done or (current_items_processed >= next_items_processed):
next_items_processed = current_items_processed + S # set next model update
rho = pow(tau0 + current_items_processed / S, kappa) # calculate decay_weight and apply_weight
model.Synchronize(decay_weight=1-rho, apply_weight=rho) # Synchronize topic model.
print "Items processed : %i " % current_items_processed,
print "Accumulated perplexity : %.3f " % perplexity_score.GetValue(model).value,
print "Elapsed time : %.3f " % (time.time() - start_time)

topic_model = master.GetTopicModel(model) # retrieve Phi matrix
theta_matrix = master.GetThetaMatrix(model) # retrieve Theta matrix

# Calculate sparsity of the Phi matrix
zeros = 0.0
for token_index in range(0, len(topic_model.token_weights)):
weights = topic_model.token_weights[token_index]
for topic_index in range(0, len(weights.value)):
if (weights.value[topic_index] < (0.001 / len(topic_model.token))):
zeros += 1.0
print "Sparsity of the Phi matrix : %.3f" % (zeros / (len(topic_model.token_weights) * numTopics))

# Calculate sparsity of the Theta matrix on train data
zeros = 0.0
for item_index in range(0, len(theta_matrix.item_weights)):
weights = theta_matrix.item_weights[item_index]
for topic_index in range(0, len(weights.value)):
if (weights.value[topic_index] < (0.001 / numTopics)):
zeros += 1.0
print "Sparsity of the Theta matrix on Train items: %.3f" % (zeros / (len(theta_matrix.item_weights) * numTopics))

# Perform one more iteration to calculate Perplexity on the entire train dataset
print "Train Perplexity = %.3f" % perplexity_score.GetValue(model).value

# Now we would like to calculate perplexity of the model on held out datasets, stored in test_batches_folder.
# Ideally we would like to do so by passing test_batches_folder to master.InvokeIteration(), but this is not supported
# at the moment. An alternative is to create a new MasterComponent, and copy our topic model into it.
test_master_config = artm.messages_pb2.MasterComponentConfig()
test_master_config.disk_path = test_batches_folder
with artm.library.MasterComponent(test_master_config) as test_master:
test_dictionary = test_master.CreateDictionary(unique_tokens)
test_perplexity_score = test_master.CreatePerplexityScore(config = perplexity_collection_config)
test_model = test_master.CreateModel(topics_count = numTopics, inner_iterations_count = numInnerIters)
test_model.Overwrite(topic_model) # restore previously saved topic model into test_master
print "Test Perplexity = %.3f" % test_perplexity_score.GetValue(test_model).value

# Retrieve and analyze test_theta_matrix (if you need this in your experiment)
# test_theta_matrix = test_master.GetThetaMatrix(test_model)

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