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File metadata and controls

185 lines (163 loc) · 7.52 KB


The sections below list example commands for running the different XHMM and DECA benchmarks reported in the DECA publication. For clarity specific paths have been changed to generic "/path/to/...". Different analyses would vary the number of cores (or YARN executors) and the number of samples.

Running XHMM

Two scripts for running the multiple XHMM commands are distributed in the scripts/ directory. The specific commands for running XHMM on the workstation (with 16 threads):

$DECA_SRC/scripts/ -x /path/to/20130108.exome.targets.gc.txt -x /path/to/ -p 16 -t xhmm.time.txt xhmm/DATA.2535.RD.txt xhmm/DATA.2535
$DECA_SRC/ -t xhmm.time.txt xhmm/DATA.2535.PCA_normalized.filtered.sample_zscores.RD.txt xhmm/DATA.2535

The same scripts are used on the Hadoop cluster, but launched with YARN distributed shell (requesting 204800M and 16 cores, so as to obtain an entire cluster node).

Running DECA CNV discovery

The specific command for running CNV discovery on the workstation is below.

/usr/bin/time -f "%C\t%E\t%U\t%M\t%K" --append -o deca.time.txt \
    deca-submit \
        --master local[16] \
        --driver-class-path $DECA_JAR \
        --conf spark.local.dir=/path/to/temp/directory \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
        --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
        --executor-memory 96G \
        --driver-memory 16G 
        -- \
        normalize_and_discover \
        -exclude_targets 20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt \
        -min_some_quality 29.5 \
        -print_metrics \
        -I DATA.2535.RD.txt \
        -o DATA.2535.gff3

The specific command when running DECA on the Hadoop cluster (with a varying number of executors, as set by the $EXEC variable, and different minimum split sizes for HDFS, set by $SPLIT_MB) is below. The split size was set to generate one task per executor core during SVD (i.e. 152MB for 10 executor cores). The default value was 8MB.

/usr/bin/time -f "%C\t%E\t%U\t%M\t%K" --append -o deca.time.txt \
    deca-submit \
        --master yarn \
        --deploy-mode cluster \
        --num-executors $EXEC \
        --executor-memory 72G \
        --executor-cores 5 \
        --driver-memory 72G \
        --driver-cores 5 \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
        --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=4096 \
        --conf spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead=4096 \
        --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
        --conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=$(( $SPLIT_MB * 1024 * 1024 )) \
        --conf spark.default.parallelism=$(( $EXEC * 5 )) \
        --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \
        --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35" \
        -- normalize_and_discover \
        -min_partitions $(( $EXEC * 5 )) \
        -exclude_targets hdfs://path/to/20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt \
        -min_some_quality 29.5 \
        -print_metrics \
        -I "hdfs://path/to/DATA.2535.RD.txt" \
        -o "hdfs://path/to/DATA.2535.gff3"

The specific command when running DECA on AWS EMR on a cluster of 4 8-core i3.2xlarge nodes is below.

deca-submit \
    --master yarn \
    --deploy-mode cluster \
    --num-executors 7 \
    --executor-memory 22G \
    --executor-cores 4 \
    --driver-memory 22G \
    --driver-cores 5 \
    --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
    --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
    --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false \
    --conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=$(( 104 * 1024 * 1024 )) \
    --conf spark.default.parallelism=28 \
    --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35" \
    -- normalize_and_discover \
    -min_partitions 28 \
    -exclude_targets "s3a://path/to/20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt" \
    -min_some_quality 29.5 \
    -print_metrics \
    -I "s3a://path/to/DATA.2535.RD.txt" \
    -o "s3a://path/to/DATA.2535.RD.gff3" \

The specific command when running DECA on Databricks is below.

    "--class", "org.bdgenomics.deca.cli.DecaMain",
    "--conf", "spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer"
    "--conf", "spark.kryo.registrator=org.bdgenomics.deca.serialization.DECAKryoRegistrator",
    "--conf", "spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true",
    "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3.impl=com.databricks.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
    "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl=com.databricks.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
    "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3n.impl=com.databricks.s3a.S3AFileSystem",
    "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.canned.acl=BucketOwnerFullControl",
    "--conf", "spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.acl.default=BucketOwnerFullControl",
    "--conf", "spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true",
    "-exclude_targets", "s3a://path/to/20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt",
    "-min_some_quality", "29.5",
    "-I", "s3a://path/to/DATA.2535.RD.txt",
    "-o", "s3a://path/to/DATA.2535.RD.gff3",

The 20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt file is the concatenation of 20130108.exome.targets.gc.txt and files, which are in turn generated from 20130108.exome.targets.interval_list as described in the XHMM tutorial. 20130108.exome.targets.interval_list is generated from the BED file distributed by the 1000 Genomes project.

Running DECA coverage

The specific command for running on the coverage analyses on the workstation:

/usr/bin/time -f "%C\t%E\t%U\t%M\t%K" --append -o deca.time.txt \
    deca-submit \
        --master local[16] \
        --driver-class-path $DECA_JAR \
        --conf spark.local.dir=/path/to/temp/directory \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
        --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
        --executor-memory 96G \
        --driver-memory 16G 
        -- \
        coverage \
        -L 20130108.exome.targets.filtered.interval_list \
        -print_metrics \
        -I /path/to/bam1.bam ... /path/to/bam50.bam \
        -o DECA.50.RD.txt

and on the Hadoop cluster with a dynamic number of executors:

/usr/bin/time -f "%C\t%E\t%U\t%M\t%K" --append -o deca.time.txt \
    deca-submit \
        --master yarn \
        --deploy-mode cluster \
        --executor-memory 72G \
        --executor-cores 5 \
        --driver-memory 72G \
        --driver-cores 5 \
        --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 \
        --conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=4096 \
        --conf spark.yarn.driver.memoryOverhead=4096 \
        --conf spark.kryo.registrationRequired=true \
        --conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=268435456 \
        --conf spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=true \
        -- coverage \
        -L hdfs://path/to/20130108.exome.targets.filtered.interval_list  \
        -print_metrics \
        -I "hdfs://path/to/bam.list" -l \
        -o "hdfs://path/to/DECA.2535.RD.txt

Due to limits on command line length, coverage often needs to be invoked with a file containing a list of bam files (indicated by -l option in the example above) instead of the bam files themselves.

The 20130108.exome.targets.filtered.interval_list file was generated by removing all targets in 20130108.exome.targets.exclude.txt from 20130108.exome.targets.interval_list.