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bigdatr startr

generator-bigdatr-startr npm


npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-bigdatr-startr
yo bigdatr-startr



Builds out a full app scaffold with client & server


Command Description
grunt default Starts the app in development mode
grunt build Builds out a production version of the app
grunt build:development Builds out static files without minification
grunt test Runs all tests
grunt testing Starts the testing environment


A generator for a simple static client that queries apis for dynamic data.


  • Integrated deployment to S3 Cloudfront with s3_website
  • Hashing of asset filenames to allow for aggressive caching
  • asset management and bundling with file-loader
  • Prerending of react jsx to HTML for super quick loading with static-site-generator-webpack-plugin
  • Testing with ava
  • Test coverage with nyc
  • docs with jsdonk
  • Bundling with babel and webpack

Getting started

The generator will run yarn install and yarn run build-dev for you. yarn run build-dev will create the necessary html files to run the app locally.

To start developing, run the watch command:

yarn watch

This will start webpack-dev-server at the port you specified in the setup.


Command Description
yarn run ava Run ava tests
yarn run build Runs a production build of the app, including prerendering and file hashing
yarn run build-dev Runs a development build of the app. Needs to be run before yarn run watch
yarn run check-coverage Checks test coverage
yarn run docs Builds out documentation using jsdoc/jsdonk
yarn run flow Runs a flow check of the source code
yarn run lint Runs eslint on source code
yarn run lint-fix Attempts to fix eslint errors
yarn run test Runs tests and coverage checks
yarn run test-all Runs all tests, flow, and linting
yarn run watch Boots up webpack-dev-server for devving

Serverless [λ]

A generator for serverless services.


  • Uses serverless to manage lambda functions
  • Has serverless-offline for local development
  • Custom bundler script to ensure that only required files are deployed to lambda
  • Uses local version of serverless so that it doesn't have to be installed globally and for reproduceable builds across multiple enviroments.
  • Babel transpilation so you can do fun es2015 stuff.
  • Testing with ava
  • Test coverage with nyc
  • docs with jsdonk


Command Description
yarn run ava Run ava tests
yarn run build Runs a production build of the service in preparation for deployment
yarn run watch Starts up serverless-offline for local development
yarn run watch-nocache Starts up serverless-offline with --skipCacheInvalidation flag and nodemon to avoid this bug
yarn run deploy Deploys to lambda dev stage
yarn run docs Builds out documentation using jsdoc/jsdonk
yarn run flow Runs a flow check of the source code
yarn run lint Runs eslint on source code
yarn run lint-fix Attempts to fix eslint errors
yarn run test Runs tests and coverage checks
yarn run test-all Runs all tests, flow, and linting


Yeoman generator for quick-start apps






No packages published

Contributors 4

