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198 lines (133 loc) · 7.61 KB

Title 1: _profitLoss function of the PerpMath calculate the PnL incorrectly




The calculation of PnL in _profitLoss function of PerpMath is wrong.

Vulnerability Detail

The _profitLoss function calculates and returns pnl based on passed params of position and price.

    function _profitLoss(FlatcoinStructs.Position memory position, uint256 price) internal pure returns (int256 pnl) {
        int256 priceShift = int256(price) - int256(position.lastPrice);
        int256 profitLossTimesTen = (int256(position.additionalSize) * (priceShift) * 10) / int256(price);

        if (profitLossTimesTen % 10 != 0) {
            return profitLossTimesTen / 10 - 1;
        } else {
            return profitLossTimesTen / 10;

First, following params may be passed to this function.

  • position.additionalSize is 22
  • price is 30
  • priceShift is 3

In this case, the profitLossTimesTen is 22 * 3 * 10 / 30 = 22

Next, think of the following params.

position.additionalSize is 20 price is 30 priceShift is 3

In this case, the profitLossTimesTen is 20 * 3 * 10 / 30 = 20

In first condition the PnL is 1 and last conditin, PnL is 2. This is not fair.


Above wrong calculation may leads to loss of user's fund.

Tool used

Manual Review


The _profitLoss function should be updated as follow.

    function _profitLoss(FlatcoinStructs.Position memory position, uint256 price) internal pure returns (int256 pnl) {
        int256 priceShift = int256(price) - int256(position.lastPrice);
        int256 profitLossTimesTen = (int256(position.additionalSize) * (priceShift) * 10) / int256(price);

-       if (profitLossTimesTen % 10 != 0) {
-           return profitLossTimesTen / 10 - 1;
-       } else {
-           return profitLossTimesTen / 10;
-       }
+       return profitLossTimesTen / 10;

Title 2: checkSkewMax function of the FlatcoinValut contract calculate the longSkewFraction incorrectly.




In order to accurately calculate the longSkewFraction, it is necessary to subtract the _additionalSkew amount from the stableCollateralTotal instead of adding it to the sizeOpenedTotal. And it may result in the bypassing of the skew check, leading to an excessive skew towards the long side within the system since the FlatcoinVault.checkSkewMax is utilized to determine whether the skew is disabled.

Vulnerability Detail

To calculate the longSkewFraction correctly, the additonalSkew should be subtracted from the stableCollateralTotal instead of being added to the sizeOpenedTotal

   function checkSkewMax(uint256 _additionalSkew) public view {
        // check that skew is not essentially disabled
        if (skewFractionMax < type(uint256).max) {
            uint256 sizeOpenedTotal = _globalPositions.sizeOpenedTotal;

            if (stableCollateralTotal == 0) revert FlatcoinErrors.ZeroValue("stableCollateralTotal");

@>      uint256 longSkewFraction = ((sizeOpenedTotal + _additionalSkew) * 1e18) / stableCollateralTotal;

            if (longSkewFraction > skewFractionMax) revert FlatcoinErrors.MaxSkewReached(longSkewFraction);


Due to wrong calculation in checkSkewMax function, the system would be too skewed towards the long.

Tool used

Manual Review


checkSkewMax function should be updated as follow.

   function checkSkewMax(uint256 _additionalSkew) public view {
        // check that skew is not essentially disabled
        if (skewFractionMax < type(uint256).max) {
            uint256 sizeOpenedTotal = _globalPositions.sizeOpenedTotal;

            if (stableCollateralTotal == 0) revert FlatcoinErrors.ZeroValue("stableCollateralTotal");

-          uint256 longSkewFraction = ((sizeOpenedTotal + _additionalSkew) * 1e18) / stableCollateralTotal;
+          uint256 longSkewFraction = (sizeOpenedTotal * 1e18) / (stableCollateralTotal - _additionalSkew);

            if (longSkewFraction > skewFractionMax) revert FlatcoinErrors.MaxSkewReached(longSkewFraction);

Title 3: In settleFundingFees function of FlatcoinVault contract, _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is updated incorrectly.


Since the signature of the _fundingFees is wrong, the _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is updated incorrectly.

Vulnerability Detail

In the protocol, they execute settleFundingFees function of the FlatcoinValut contract to settle the funding fees. However, the _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal would be updated incorrectly due to _fundingFees has the wrong signature.

    function settleFundingFees() public returns (int256 _fundingFees) {
        (int256 fundingChangeSinceRecomputed, int256 unrecordedFunding) = _getUnrecordedFunding();

        // Record the funding rate change and update the cumulative funding rate.
        cumulativeFundingRate = PerpMath._nextFundingEntry(unrecordedFunding, cumulativeFundingRate);

        // Update the latest funding rate and the latest funding recomputation timestamp.
        lastRecomputedFundingRate += fundingChangeSinceRecomputed;
        lastRecomputedFundingTimestamp = (block.timestamp).toUint64();

        // Calculate the funding fees accrued to the longs.
        // This will be used to adjust the global margin and collateral amounts.
        _fundingFees = PerpMath._accruedFundingTotalByLongs(_globalPositions, unrecordedFunding);

        // In the worst case scenario that the last position which remained open is underwater,
        // we set the margin deposited total to 0. We don't want to have a negative margin deposited total.
@>      _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = (int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) > _fundingFees)
            ? uint256(int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) + _fundingFees)
            : 0;


To be correct, the signature of the _fundingFees should be -.


Due to wrong signature of the _fundingFees, _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal is calculated incorrectly.

Tool used

Manual Review


The signature of the _fundingFees should be - in calculation.

    function settleFundingFees() public returns (int256 _fundingFees) {
        (int256 fundingChangeSinceRecomputed, int256 unrecordedFunding) = _getUnrecordedFunding();

        // Record the funding rate change and update the cumulative funding rate.
        cumulativeFundingRate = PerpMath._nextFundingEntry(unrecordedFunding, cumulativeFundingRate);

        // Update the latest funding rate and the latest funding recomputation timestamp.
        lastRecomputedFundingRate += fundingChangeSinceRecomputed;
        lastRecomputedFundingTimestamp = (block.timestamp).toUint64();

        // Calculate the funding fees accrued to the longs.
        // This will be used to adjust the global margin and collateral amounts.
        _fundingFees = PerpMath._accruedFundingTotalByLongs(_globalPositions, unrecordedFunding);

        // In the worst case scenario that the last position which remained open is underwater,
        // we set the margin deposited total to 0. We don't want to have a negative margin deposited total.
-       _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = (int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) > _fundingFees)
+       _globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal = (int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) > -_fundingFees)
            ? uint256(int256(_globalPositions.marginDepositedTotal) + _fundingFees)
            : 0;
