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229 lines (187 loc) · 11.4 KB

Title 1: The amounts of token for buyers and creators isn't calculated correctly based on received due to incorrect updating total emitted amount.




The amounts of token for buyers and creators isn't accurately calculated.

Proof of Concept

ERC20TokenEmitter enables anyone to purchase the ERC20 governance token at any time through buyToken function. The buyToken function sends a portion of the paid ETH to protocolRewards. And then calculates the amount of tokens to be distributed to buyers and creators at a certain ratio based on the remaining ETH. The buyToken function calculates the amount of ETH according to the specified ratio and then calls the getTokenQuoteForEther function to calculate the each amount of tokens to be distributed to buyers and creators, respectively.

        //Tokens to emit to creators
        int totalTokensForCreators = ((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment) > 0
            ? getTokenQuoteForEther((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment)
            : int(0);
        // Tokens to emit to buyers
        int totalTokensForBuyers = toPayTreasury > 0 ? getTokenQuoteForEther(toPayTreasury) : int(0);

However, since the buyToken function doesn't accurately update emittedTokenWad state(total amount of emitted token), which is used for calculating the token issuance amount in getTokenQuoteForEther function, the calculated value is different from the amount that should actually be minted.

        //Transfer ETH to treasury and update emitted
        emittedTokenWad += totalTokensForBuyers;
        if (totalTokensForCreators > 0) emittedTokenWad += totalTokensForCreators;

As you can see above code, it updates emittedTokenWad state after calculating token amounts for both of buyers and creators. This cause incorrect calculation of minting token. Let me explain with example. let's assume that ERC20TokenEmitter is initialized with following params:

  • creatorrateBps: 2_000
  • entropyRateBps: 5_000
  • target price: 1 ether
  • decay percent: 10 %
  • per time unit: 10 ether

Alice is trying to call buyToken function with over 5 ether by passing her address as addresses param, and 10_000(100%) as basisPointSplits param. Assume that remaining ETH value is 5 ether after sending a portion of msg.value to protocolRewards. Then, the amount of ETH which will be used to mint for buyers is 4 ether: 5 * (10000 - 2000) / 10000 = 4 (ether)

	uint256 toPayTreasury = (msgValueRemaining * (10_000 - creatorRateBps)) / 10_000;

And, the amount of ETH which will be used to mint for creators is 0.5 ether: (5 - 4) * 5000 / 10000 = 0.5 (ether) (5 - 4) - 0.5 = 0.5 (ether)

    //Ether directly sent to creators
    uint256 creatorDirectPayment = ((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) * entropyRateBps) / 10_000;
    //Tokens to emit to creators
    int totalTokensForCreators = ((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment) > 0
        ? getTokenQuoteForEther((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment)
        : int(0);

And total amount of minting token is getTokenQuoteForEther(4 ether) + getTokenQuoteForEther(0.5 ether). But buyTokenAmount isn't update the emittedTokenWad between calculating token amount for crators and buyers. It causes wrong calculating price of token based on paid ETH for buyers because VRGDA's calculation is based on total supply and paid ETH amount. As a result, more ERC20 token is minted than expected. You can check result through the following test:

	function testComparingTokenAmountWithUpdatingEmittedAmount() public {
        address alice = makeAddr("Alice");, 100000 ether);


        address[] memory recipients = new address[](1);
        recipients[0] = address(1);
        uint256[] memory bps = new uint256[](1);
        bps[0] = 10_000;

        // ensure that enough volume was bought for the day, so purchase expectedVolume amount first
        erc20TokenEmitter.buyToken{ value: expectedVolume }(
                builder: address(0),
                purchaseReferral: address(0),
                deployer: address(0)

        // first, calculate the actual amount of tokens for buyers and creators.
        int256 for_buyer_1 = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(4 ether);
        int256 for_creators_1 = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(0.5 ether);

        // first, calculate the amount of tokens for buyers and creators with updating emittedTokenWad btw them.
        int256 for_buyer_2 = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(4 ether);
        erc20TokenEmitter.setEmittedTokenWad(erc20TokenEmitter.emittedTokenWad() + for_buyer_2);
        int256 for_creators_2 = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(0.5 ether);

        emit log_string("Current Calc: ");
        emit log_int(for_buyer_1 + for_creators_1);
        emit log_string("Calc with updating emittedTokenWad btw them: ");
        emit log_int(for_buyer_2 + for_creators_2);

        // Assert that the new token amount is less than the previous tokenAmount
        assertGt(for_buyer_1 + for_creators_1, for_buyer_2 + for_creators_2, "");

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

Move line 188 to line 182:

        uint256 creatorDirectPayment = ((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) * entropyRateBps) / 10_000;
        //Tokens to emit to creators
        int totalTokensForCreators = ((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment) > 0
            ? getTokenQuoteForEther((msgValueRemaining - toPayTreasury) - creatorDirectPayment)
            : int(0);

+		if (totalTokensForCreators > 0) emittedTokenWad += totalTokensForCreators;

        // Tokens to emit to buyers
        int totalTokensForBuyers = toPayTreasury > 0 ? getTokenQuoteForEther(toPayTreasury) : int(0);   // @audit-issue execute `getTokenQuoteForEther` function only once based on total ether with subtracting `creatorDirectorPayment`.

        //Transfer ETH to treasury and update emitted
        emittedTokenWad += totalTokensForBuyers;
-       if (totalTokensForCreators > 0) emittedTokenWad += totalTokensForCreators;

Title 2: In Erc20TokenEmitter, treasury and creators can bypass the preventing them from buying tokens by including themselves in addresses param.




Treasury and creators of ERC20TokenEmitter can bypass the restriction of preventing them from buying tokens.

Proof of Concept

According to the invariants of revolution protocol, treasury and creatorsAddress of ERC20TokenEmitter should not be able to buy tokens. But they can bypass this restriction by including themselves in addresses param of buyToken function. In buyToken function, it reverts if msg.sender is address of treasury or creators to prevent them from buying tokens. But if addresses param includes address of treasury or creators, minted tokens for buyers will be distributed to them and it can break the invariant of preventing buying tokens.

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
            if (totalTokensForBuyers > 0) {
                // transfer tokens to address
                _mint(addresses[i], uint256((totalTokensForBuyers * int(basisPointSplits[i])) / 10_000));
            bpsSum += basisPointSplits[i];

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

		for (uint256 i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
+			require(msg.sender != treasury && msg.sender != creatorsAddress, "Funds recipient cannot buy tokens");
            if (totalTokensForBuyers > 0) {
                // transfer tokens to address
                _mint(addresses[i], uint256((totalTokensForBuyers * int(basisPointSplits[i])) / 10_000));
            bpsSum += basisPointSplits[i];

Additionally, you should add logic that check if treasury or creators of emiiter is included in ArtPiece creators when start auction or creat new piece. Without it, the auction can fall into DoS due to above restriction code.

Title 3: Since buyToken function has no slippage checking, users can get less tokens than expected when they buy tokens directly




Users can buy NontransferableERC20Token by calling buyToken function directly. At that time, the expected amount of tokens they will receive is determined based on current supply and their paying ether amount. But, due to some transactions(such as settleAuction or another user's buyToken) which is running in front of caller's transaction, they can get less token than they expected.

Proof of Concept

The VRGDAC always exponentially increase the price of tokens if the supply is ahead of schedule. Therefore, if another transaction of buying token is fronrun against a user's buying token transaction, the token price can arise than expected.

For instance, let's assume that ERC20TokenEmitter is initialized with following params:

  • target price: 1 ether
  • decay percent: 10 %
  • per time unit: 10 ether To avoid complexity, we will assume that the supply of token so far is consistent with the schedule. When Alice tries to buy token with 5 ether, expected amount is calculated by getTokenQuoteForEther(5 ether) and the value is about 4.87 ether. However, if Bob's transaction to buy tokens with 10 ether is executed before Alice, the real amount which Alice will receive is about 4.43 ether.

You can check result through following test:

	function testBuyTokenWithoutSlippageCheck() public {
        address alice = makeAddr("Alice");
        address bob = makeAddr("Bob");, 100000 ether);, 100000 ether);

        address[] memory recipients = new address[](1);
        recipients[0] = address(1);
        uint256[] memory bps = new uint256[](1);
        bps[0] = 10_000;

        // expected amount of minting token when alice calls buyToken
        int256 expectedAmount = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(5 ether);

        // assume that bob calls buy token with 10 ether
        erc20TokenEmitter.buyToken{ value: 10 ether }(
                builder: address(0),
                purchaseReferral: address(0),
                deployer: address(0)


        // calculate the amount of tokens which alice will actually receive
        int256 realAmount = erc20TokenEmitter.getTokenQuoteForEther(5 ether);


        emit log_string("Expected Amount: ");
        emit log_int(expectedAmount);
        emit log_string("Real Amount: ");
        emit log_int(realAmount);

        assertLt(realAmount, expectedAmount, "Alice should receive less than expected if Bob frontrun buyToken");

Therefore, Alice will get about 0.44 ether less tokens than expected since there is no any checking of slippage in buyToken function.

Tools Used

VS Code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add slippage checking to buyToken function. This slippage checking should be executed only when the user calls buyToken function directly. In other words, it should not be executed when settleAuction calls buyToken function.