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πŸ—’οΈ Unstyled building blocks to compose typescript playgrounds ⚑ Powered by solid-js with integrations for monaco-editor.


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@bigmistqke/repl provides unstyled building blocks to create TypeScript playgrounds directly in the browser, featuring adaptable editor integration. Currently, it supports both the feature-rich Monaco Editor and the lighter Shiki Editor It supports real-time transpilation of TypeScript into ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and facilitates seamless imports of external dependencies, including their type definitions, making it ideal for both quick prototyping and complex browser-based IDE development.

Click here for a line-by-line explanation of the above example and here for a live-demo.


  • Modular Editor Integration: Start with Monaco Editor for a fully featured IDE-like experience or Shiki Editor for a more minimal editor. The architecture is designed to accommodate additional editors as needed.
  • Real-time Transpilation: Transpile TypeScript into ESM on-the-fly, enabling immediate feedback and iteration.
  • Automatic Dependency Management: Effortlessly manage imports of external libraries and their associated types, streamlining the development process.
  • Configurable and Extensible: Tailor the setup to your needs with configurable TypeScript compiler settings, and easily extend functionalities through a flexible API.

Table of Contents


Import package from package manager.

npm install `@bigmistqke/repl`
yarn add `@bigmistqke/repl`
pnpm install `@bigmistqke/repl`

Components Documentation

Repl Component

Initializes the Repl environment by dynamically loading the required libraries (Babel, TypeScript and monaco-editor) and any Babel presets/plugins defined in the props. Configures and instantiates Runtime, which sets up FileSystem, TypeRegistry and FrameRegistry. The component ensures no children are rendered until all dependencies are fully loaded and the optionally provided onSetup-prop has been resolved.

It provides access for its descendants to its internal Runtime through the useRuntime-hook.


    resolveJsonModule: true,
    esModuleInterop: true,
    files: {
      // Add 2 files to the virtual file-system.
      sources: {
        // One exporting a sum-function.
        'src/sum.ts': `export const sum = (a: number, b: number) => a + b`,
        // Another importing this function and exporting a subtract-function.
        'src/index.ts': `import { sum } from "./sum";
          export const sub = (a: number, b: number) => sum(a, b * -1)`,
  onSetup={({ fileSystem }) => {
    createEffect(async () => {
      // Get the module-url of the File at a given path.
      const moduleUrl = fileSystem.get('src/index.ts')?.module.url
      if (!moduleUrl) return
      // Import the subtract-function of the module.
      const { sub } = await import(moduleUrl)
      // Call the function.
      console.log(sub(2, 1)) // Will log 1


  • babel: Configuration for Babel transformations.
    • presets: Array of string identifiers for Babel presets.
    • plugins: Array of plugins or strings for Babel transformations.
  • cdn: Cdn to import external dependencies from, defaults to
  • initialState: Defines the initial state of the filesystem with predefined files and content.
    • files:
      • sources: Record of virtual path and source-code (.js/.jsx/.ts/.tsx/.css).
      • alias: Record of package-name and virtual path.
    • types:
      • sources: Record of virtual path and source-code (.d.ts).
      • alias: Record of package-names and virtual path.
  • mode: Theme mode for the editor, either light or dark.
  • onSetup:
    • A function that runs after the editor setup is complete. It allows access to the Runtime for custom initialization scripts; for example pre-loading a local package.
    • The initial file-system state will only be processed after this callback returns. This callback can be async.
  • typescript: Configuration options for the TypeScript compiler, equal to tsconfig.json.


type ReplProps = ComponentProps<'div'> & Partial<ReplConfig>

type ReplConfig = {
  babel: {
    presets: string[]
    plugins: (string | babel.PluginItem)[]
  cdn: string
  initialState: {
    files: {
      sources: Record<string, string>
      alias: Record<string, string>
    types: {
      sources: Record<string, string>
      alias: Record<string, string[]>
  mode: 'light' | 'dark'
  onSetup: (replContext: Runtime) => Promise<void> | void
  typescript: TypescriptConfig
  actions?: {
    saveRepl?: boolean

Repl.Frame Component

Manages individual <iframe/> containers for isolated execution environments.


  style={{ flex: 1 }}
    padding: '0px',
    margin: '0px',


  • name: An identifier for the (Frame)(#frame). Defaults to default.
  • bodyStyle: CSS properties as a string or JSX.CSSProperties object to apply to the <iframe/> body.


type FrameProps = ComponentProps<'iframe'> &
    name: string
    bodyStyle: JSX.CSSProperties | string

Repl.DevTools Component

Repl.DevTools embeds an iframe to provide a custom Chrome DevTools interface for debugging purposes, provided by chii and chobitus.

This component connects to a Repl.Frame with the same name prop to display and interact with the frame's runtime environment, including console outputs, DOM inspections, and network activities. If no name is provided it will default to default.


// To debug a frame named 'example':
<Repl.Frame name="example" />
<Repl.DevTools name="example" />


  • props: Props include standard iframe attributes and a unique name used to link the DevTools with a specific Repl.Frame.


type ReplDevToolsProps = ComponentProps<'iframe'> & { name: string }


  • Returns the iframe element that hosts the embedded Chrome DevTools, connected to the specified Repl.Frame.


// Example usage to integrate the DevTools with a named frame:
<Repl.Frame name="exampleFrame" />
<Repl.DevTools name="exampleFrame" />

Repl.TabBar Component

A minimal wrapper around <For/> to assist with navigating between different files opened in the editor.


<Repl.TabBar style={{ flex: 1 }}>
  {({ path }) => <button onClick={() => setCurrentPath(path)}>{path}</button>}


  • children: A callback with the path and the corresponding File as arguments. Expects a JSX.Element to be returned.
  • paths: An array of strings to filter and sort existing paths.


type TabBarProps = ComponentProps<'div'> & {
  children: (arg: { path: string; file: File | undefined }) => JSXElement
  paths: string[]

Editor Integrations

Repl.MonacoProvider and Repl.MonacoEditor Component

Repl.MonacoEditor embeds a monaco-editor instance for editing files. This editor supports integrated typing assistance, including auto-completions and type-checking, and offers the standard keybindings expected in code editors.

The Repl.MonacoProvider component is responsible for initializing Monaco and making it available to descendant components via context. This setup enables multiple instances of monaco-editor to utilize a single Monaco instance. It is essential that all Repl.MonacoEditor components are nested within a Repl.MonacoProvider.


    style={{ flex: 1 }}
    onMount={editor => {
      createEffect(on(currentPath, () => editor.focus()))


  • path: The file path in the virtual file system to bind the editor to.
  • onMount: Callback function that executes when the editor is mounted, with the current monaco-editor as argument.


type EditorProps = ComponentProps<'div'> & {
  path: string
  onMount?: (editor: MonacoEditor) => void

Repl.ShikiEditor Component

Repl.ShikiEditor is a tiny, minimal text editor built on the shiki syntax highlighting library, which utilizes TextMate grammar. Internally, it is composed of a standard <textarea/> with syntax-highlighted HTML rendered underneath.

In contrast to the Repl.MonacoEditor, Repl.ShikiEditor lacks type-checking and type-information capabilities, and it does not modify any existing key-bindings. As such, it is not ideal for full featured playgrounds, but is well-suited for simpler applications such as articles and documentation.


<Repl.ShikiEditor style={{ flex: 1 }} path={currentPath()} />


  • path: The file path in the virtual file system to bind the editor to.
  • themes: A light/dark shiki-theme


type EditorProps = ComponentProps<'div'> & {
  path: string
  themes: {
    dark: string
    light: string



Hook to interact with the internal Runtime of @bigmistqke/repl. This class contains the virtual FileSystem, TypeRegistry and FrameRegistry.

This hook should be used in a descendant of Repl, otherwise it will throw.


const { frameRegistry, fileSystem } = useRuntime()

const frame = frameRegistry.get('default')
const entry = fileSystem.get('src/index.ts')



type useRuntime = (): Runtime

Internal APIs Documentation



The Runtime class serves as the central coordination point of the Repl environment, integrating essential libraries and configurations necessary for its operation. It orchestrates interactions between various subsystems, including the file system, frame registry, type management, and code transpilation. This setup ensures a cohesive and efficient development environment within the browser.

Key Methods and Properties

  • config: Configurations for the runtime environment that ensure mandatory settings like 'cdn' are always included. The 'cdn' is crucial for loading external libraries such as TypeScript.
  • fileSystem: Manages file operations within the virtual file system. It is responsible for creating, retrieving, managing, and manipulating files and directories. See FileSystem.
  • frameRegistry: Handles the registration and management of iframe containers for isolated code execution. This is crucial for maintaining security and stability by sandboxing different parts of code execution. See FrameRegistry.
  • typeRegistry: Manages TypeScript type definitions within the system. This component is essential for providing accurate type information, enhancing code quality and IntelliSense in the editor. See TypeRegistry.
  • import: Manages the import of modules and dependencies from URLs or package names, streamlining the integration of external libraries and frameworks. see Import.
  • transpiler: Utilizes Babel and Typescript to transform code according to specified typescript-config, babel-presets and -plugins.
  • toJSON(): Serializes the current state of the REPL into a JSON format. This method is useful for saving the state of the environment for later restoration or sharing.
  • initialize(state): Sets up the initial state of the file system and type registry based on provided configurations. This method ensures that all necessary files and types are preloaded and ready for use.
  • download(name): Allows users to download the current state of the REPL as a JSON file. This functionality is helpful for backing up configurations or sharing them with others. The default filename is repl.config.json, but it can be customized.


class Runtime {
    public libs: {
      typescript: Ts,
      babel: Babel,
      babelPresets: any[],
      babelPlugins: Babel.PluginItem[]
    config: ReplConfig,

  config: Mandatory<ReplConfig, 'cdn'>
  fileSystem: FileSystem
  frameRegistry: FrameRegistry
  typeRegistry: TypeRegistry
  import: Import
  transpiler: Transpiler

  initialize(): void
  toJSON(): ReplState
  download(name: string = 'repl.config.json'): void

Import utility

The Import utility-class facilitates the importation of external packages into the REPL environment by managing the fetching and parsing of a package.json file. This utility class enables importing dependencies that are not uploaded to an esm-friendly cdn like

This class is available from Runtime.import.

Key Properties and Methods

  • fromPackageJson(url): Asynchronously imports a package by parsing its package.json from the specified URL. This method oversees the entire process from fetching the package.json, parsing it, resolving paths, loading scripts, and integrating type definitions, ensuring all components are properly configured within the REPL environment.


const runtime = useRuntime()

This method is particularly useful for dynamically loading packages that are not pre-bundled with the application, allowing for a more flexible and expandable development environment.


class Import {
  constructor(public runtime: Runtime) {}
  async fromPackageJson(url: string): Promise<void>

Transpiler utility

The Transpiler utility-class within the REPL environment is designed to manipulate and transform TypeScript module declarations within the provided code. This class is available from Runtime.transpiler

Key Properties and Methods

  • transformModuleDeclarations(code, callback): Transforms import/export declarations based on the criteria defined in the callback. The callback can directly modify the nodes by returning updated nodes, or it can remove nodes by returning false. If an exception is thrown within the callback, it halts further execution. It is used internally by TypeRegistry and JsModule.


const runtime = useRuntime()
const updatedCode = runtime.transpiler.transformModuleDeclarations(originalCode, node => {
  if (node.moduleSpecifier.text.includes('old-path')) {
    node.moduleSpecifier.text = 'new-path'


class Transpiler {
  constructor(private runtime: Runtime) {}

    code: string,
    callback: (node: ts.ImportDeclaration | ts.ExportDeclaration) => void | false,
  ): string | undefined {
    // Transformation logic...


The FileSystem API manages a virtual file system, allowing for the creation, retrieval, and manipulation of files as well as handling imports and exports of modules within the monaco-editor environment.

Key Methods and Properties

  • create(path): Creates and returns a new File instance at the specified path.
  • get(path): Retrieves a File instance by its path.
  • has(path): Checks if a File exists at the specified path.
  • resolve(path): Resolves a path according to TypeScript resolution rules, supporting both relative and absolute paths. Returns File or undefined.
  • importFromPackageJson(url): Imports a package from a specified URL by parsing its package.json.
  • initialize(): Initializes the file system with the specified initial state, including preloading files and setting aliases.


class FileSystem {
    public repl: Runtime,

  alias: Record<string, string>
  config: ReplConfig
  packageJsonParser: PackageJsonParser
  typeRegistry: TypeRegistry

  addProject(files: Record<string, string>): void
  all(): Record<string, File>
  create(path: string): File
  get(path: string): File | undefined
  has(path: string): boolean
  importFromPackageJson(url: string): Promise<void>
  initialize(): void
  resolve(path: string): File | undefined
  toJSON(): {
    files: {
      sources: Record<string, string>
      alias: Record<string, string>
    types: {
      sources: Record<string, string>
      alias: Record<string, string[]>


Abstract class representing a source-file withing the virtual FileSystem.


JsFile extends from File and is linked to a JsModule, managing JavaScript files within the virtual `FileSystem.

Key Methods and Properties

  • module: Linked to a JsModule for handling JavaScript execution specifics.
  • get(): Retrieves the current source code.
  • set(value): Updates the source code.
  • toJSON(): Serializes the source code to a JSON-compatible string.


class JsFile extends File {
  module: JsModule
  constructor(runtime: Runtime, path: string) {}


CssFile extends from File and is linked to a CssModule, specializing in CSS file management.

Key Methods and Properties

  • module: Associated with a CssModule for CSS management.
  • get(): Retrieves the current CSS content.
  • set(value): Updates the CSS content.
  • toJSON(): Returns the CSS content as a JSON-compatible string.


class CssFile extends File {
  module: CssModule
  constructor(path: string) {}


Abstract class representing an esm-representation of a given source-file withing the virtual FileSystem.


JsModule represents a JavaScript module within the runtime, extending the generic Module class. It is responsible for transpilation and execution of JavaScript code, managing dependencies, and tracking CSS imports.

Key Methods and Properties

  • url: Retrieves the currently active module URL.
  • generate(): Generates a new URL for an ES Module based on current source code.
  • dispose(frame): Cleans up module-specific artifacts or bindings from the provided frame.


class JsModule extends Module {
  generate: Accessor<string | undefined>
  url: string | undefined
  dispose(frame: Frame)
  constructor(runtime: Runtime, file: JsFile) {}


CssModule manages CSS content, transpiling stylesheets into executable JavaScript modules that dynamically apply styles within a document.

Key Methods and Properties

  • url: Retrieves the currently active module URL.
  • generate(): Generates executable JavaScript to apply styles dynamically.
  • dispose(frame): Removes the style element from the document.


class CssModule extends Module {
  generate: Accessor<string | undefined>
  url: string | undefined
  dispose(frame: Frame)
  constructor(file: CssFile) {}


Manages a registry of Frame instances, each associated with its distinct Window.

Key Methods and Properties

  • add(name, window): Adds a new Frame with the given name and window reference.
  • delete(name): Removes a Frame from the registry.
  • get(name): Retrieves a Frame by name.
  • has(name): Checks if a Frame exists by name.
class FrameRegistry {
  add(name: string, window: Window): void
  delete(name: string): void
  get(name: string): Frame
  has(name: string): boolean


Represents an individual <iframe/> within the application. It offers method to inject and execute JsFile and CssFile into its Window. Creation of Frame is done internally by the Repl.Frame component.

Key Methods and Properties

  • injectFile(file): Injects the module of a given File into the frame's Window.
  • injectModuleUrl(url): Injects a given module-url into the frame's Window.
class Frame {
  constructor(public window: Window)
  injectModuleUrl(file: File): HTMLScriptElement | undefined
  injectFile(file: File): HTMLScriptElement | undefined
  dispose(file: File): void


The TypeRegistry class manages TypeScript type definitions across the application, enhancing the editor's IntelliSense by maintaining accurate type information and resolving type definitions from various sources.

Key Methods and Properties

  • initialize(initialState): Initializes the registry with predefined types and aliases.
  • toJSON(): Converts the current state of the registry into a JSON object for serialization.
  • aliasPath(packageName, virtualPath): Maps a package name to an aliased path.
  • set(path, value): Adds or updates a type definition in the registry.
  • has(path): Checks if a type definition is already registered.


type TypeRegistryState = {
  alias: Record<string, string[]>
  sources: Record<string, string>

class TypeRegistry {
  sources: Record<string, string>
  alias: Record<string, string[]>
  import: TypeImport

  constructor(runtime: Runtime) {}

TypeImport utility

TypeImport utitilies assists the TypeRegistry by importing type definitions from URLs or package names.

It is available through TypeRegistry.import.

Key Methods and Properties

  • fromUrl(url, packageName): Imports type definitions from a URL if they are not already cached.
  • fromPackageName(packageName): Imports type definitions based on a package name by resolving it to a CDN path.
  • initialize(initialState: Partial): Caches the initial state of type sources and aliases to prevent re-fetching.


class TypeImport {
  constructor(runtime: Runtime, typeRegistry: TypeRegistry) {}
  async fromUrl(url: string, packageName?: string): Promise<void>
  async fromPackageName(packageName: string): Promise<void>


Simple Example

This basic example illustrates the core functionality of setting up a TypeScript playground using @bigmistqke/repl. It demonstrates how to initialize the REPL environment, load a simple TypeScript file, and execute a function from it within the browser. This example is ideal for those new to @bigmistqke/repl, showcasing how straightforward it is to get started with creating browser-based development environments. For a more interactive experience, check out the live demo.

  // Initialize repl-state
    files: {
      'src/index.ts': 'export const greet = (): string => "Hello, world!";',
  onSetup={({ fileSystem }) => {
    // Get file from file-system
    const file = fileSystem.get('src/index.ts')
    // Get esm-url from file
    const moduleUrl = file?.module.url
    // Import module and call its function
    import(moduleUrl).then(module => console.log(module.greet()))

Advanced Example

This application demonstrates complex interactions between various components and hooks, designed to facilitate an interactive and intuitive coding environment directly in the browser. Click here for a live-demo.

import { Repl, useRuntime, JsFile } from '@bigmistqke/repl'
import { solidReplPlugin } from '@bigmistqke/repl/plugins'
import { createEffect, createSignal, mapArray, on, onCleanup } from 'solid-js'
import { JsxEmit } from 'typescript'

// Main component defining the application structure
const App = () => {
  // State management for the current file path, initialized to 'src/index.tsx'
  const [currentPath, setCurrentPath] = createSignal('src/index.tsx')

  // Setting up the editor with configurations for Babel and TypeScript
  return (
        // Babel preset for SolidJS
        presets: ['babel-preset-solid'],
        // Plugin to enhance SolidJS support in Babel
        plugins: [solidReplPlugin],
        // Preserve JSX to be handled by another transformer (e.g., Babel)
        jsx: JsxEmit.Preserve,
        // Specify the JSX factory functions import source
        jsxImportSource: 'solid-js',
        // Enable all strict type-checking options
        strict: true,
      // Initialize repl's state
        files: {
          'src/index.css': `body { background: blue; }`,
          'src/index.tsx': `import { render } from "solid-js/web";
            import "./index.css"
            const Counter = () => {
              const [count, setCount] = createSignal(0)
              const increment = () => setCount(count => count + 1)
              return <button onClick={increment}>{count()}</button>
            render(Counter, document.body)`,
      // CSS class for styling the Repl container-component
      // Event called when all dependencies are loaded
      onSetup={async ({ fileSystem, frameRegistry }) => {
        createEffect(() => {
          // Access the default frame
          const frame = frameRegistry.get('default')
          if (!frame) return

          // Get the current main file
          const entry = fs.get(currentPath())
          if (entry instanceof JsFile) {
            // Inject the JS file into the iframe for execution

            // Cleanup action to remove injected scripts on component unmount
            onCleanup(() => frame.window.dispose?.())

            // Process CSS imports and inject them into the iframe
              mapArray(entry.cssImports, css => createEffect(() => frame.injectFile(css))),
      <div style={{ overflow: 'hidden', display: 'flex', 'flex-direction': 'column' }}>
        <Repl.TabBar class={{ display: 'flex' }}>
          {({ path }) => <button onClick={() => setCurrentPath(path)}>{path}</button>}
        <Repl.Editor style={{ flex: 1 }} path={currentPath()} />
        style={{ flex: 1 }}
        bodyStyle={{ padding: '0px', margin: '0px' }} // Style for the iframe body

export default App


The main inspiration of this project is my personal favorite IDE: solid-playground. Some LOC are copied directly, p.ex the css- and js-injection into the iframe.


πŸ—’οΈ Unstyled building blocks to compose typescript playgrounds ⚑ Powered by solid-js with integrations for monaco-editor.







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