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This project was developed in a couple of days for a test assignment and needs many improvement to make it perfect. Jupyter Notebook and Pandas were used to extract the data from Pandas Data Frame was used to insert the data into MySQL database. Flask was used for writing Rest APIs. Bootstrap, HTML, JavaScript, Jquery was used in front-end. HighChart.Js was used for data visualization.

Note: This project is not intended for production deployment.

To run this project:

  1. Create a database in MySQL named "application" with a table named "records".Import database_structure.sql to generate the database schema OR import database_structure_with_data.sql to generate database along with scraped data.
  2. If database is created with database_structure.sql (a database with no data), run the OR testing-ground.scraping.ipynb in Jupyter Notebook to extract the data and insert it into MySQL database.
  3. Download the code and open it in your sublime. Use Python3
  4. Install all the necessary imports using the pip tool. (Install Flask, flask_sqlalchemy, pymysql, pandas)
  5. Run (CTRL + B)


  1. Home Page Alt text

  2. Data Visualization Page Alt text

CRUD Operation

Create, Update, Get and Delete APIs were implemented to work with the data in the database. Adding OR Updating data may cause discrepancies in some cases since I scurried to finish the job.