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File metadata and controls

63 lines (40 loc) · 2.99 KB


The aws-simple-pipeline package reads the file named buildspec.yml that it finds in the root directory, where you have to initialize its PipelineStack class.

You can describe all steps that you need, directly in the buildspec.yml file, or you can run an external script for each step, that you can test it on your client.

You have to manage a git token in bin/cdk.ts, and you can create it by AWS console or aws-cli:

aws secretsmanager create-secret \
    --name /aws-simple-pipeline/secrets/github/token \
    --secret-string '{"github-token":"YOUR_TOKEN"}'

There are many methods for creating a secret object because it can be replicated automatically, but it is not the purpose of this guide. Now, we only need to create it once for all our implementations.


You need to create the infrastructure of your aws-saving solution for

  • your test, because you want to improve a feature
  • a CI/CD system, because you want to use aws-saving solution on your AWS account

For the Continuous Integration (CI)

You can use some bash scripts for testing each step

  •, for running all bash scripts with one command
  •, for loading all requirements
  •, for testing the code
  •, for deploying on AWS account the infrastructure of your aws-saving solution
  •, for testing the resources integration

For the CD system

You have to use the files bin/cdk.ts and buildspec.yml

  • CD is Continuous Delivery, if you set manualApprovalExists = true on the file bin/cdk.ts
  • CD is Continuous Deployment, if you set manualApprovalExists = false on the file bin/cdk.ts

You can save the buildspec.yml file in the same directory of bin/cdk.ts file, and it will be loaded without defining anything.

Or you can also save it in another folder,

  • you have to set buildspecPath = 'relative/path/from/repo/root/buildspec.yml' on the file bin/cdk.ts
  • you can find some examples on the follow repositories

For managing many environments in parallel

If you use the command cdk deploy, you will create a pipeline with that project name with two environments: one named staging and one named production.

But if you need to manage more environments, like for my-development, your-development, and so on, you can use at least two methods: