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This website is purely for my Think Project and it's under MIT license!

I chose to open source it because I think the code here is not optimised because this project is for me to learn front-end and back-end dev, so please don't use this code for production (XXS vulnerabilities might be present). Feel free to create pull requests or issues if you want to help improve this website

Tools I have used

  • Appwrite (Database)
  • Express (Static file serving)
  • Cheerio (Server side rendering)
  • express-session (Express session storage)
  • sessionstore (Session store for express-session)
  • express-rate-limit (Add rate limit to requests)
  • connect-busboy (Stream for file uploading)
  • fast-folder-size (Calculate folder size with Sysinternals DU or DU)
  • express-easy-zip (Create zip files)
  • uuid (Generte UUID for ids)

How to setup yourself

  1. Make sure you have Git and Nodejs installed on your machine
  2. Clone this repo: git clone Online-Storage-System
  3. Go into the directory: cd Online-Storage-System
  4. Install all necessary packages: npm i
  5. Set up configurations in config.example.json and rename it to config.json
  6. Run the program: node .