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Demo iOS application built to highlight Clean Architecture concepts

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WeatherApp - iOS - MVP + Clean Architecture Demo

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High Level Layers

MVP Concepts

Presentation Logic
  • View - The View works with the Presenter to display the data and it notifies the Presenter about the user’s actions.

    • All UIViewController, UIView, UITableViewCell subclasses belong to the View layer
    • Usually the view is dumb - it shouldn't contain any complex logic. Most of the times we don't need write Unit Tests for it.
  • Presenter - contains the presentation logic

    • Usually we have one Presenter per scene (view controller)
    • The presenter triggers the business logic and tells the view when to update. It therefore interacts with the model and fetches and transforms data from the model to update the view
    • It doesn't reference the concrete type of the View, but rather it references the View protocol that is implemented usually by a UIViewController subclass
    • The presenter should not have, if possible, a dependency to ay iOS framework classes
    • It should be a plain Swift class and not reference any iOS framework - this makes it easier to reuse it maybe in a macOS application
    • It should be covered by Unit Tests
  • Configurator - injects the dependency object graph into view controller

    • Contains very simple logic and we don't need to Unit Test it
  • Router - contains navigation / flow logic from one scene (view controller) to another

    • Usually we try to keep it really simple and we don't write Unit Tests for it
    • It is usually referenced only by the Presenter

Clean Architecture Concepts

Application Logic
  • UseCase / Interactor - contains the application / business logic for a specific use case in your application
    • Mediates between the presenter and the data. It takes direction from the presenter.
    • It is referenced by the Presenter. The Presenter can reference multiple UseCases since it's common to have multiple use cases on the same screen
    • It controls Entities and communicates with Gateways to retrieve / persist the entities
    • The Gateway protocols should be defined in the Application Logic layers and implemented by the Gateways & Framework Logic
    • The separation ensures that the Application Logic depends on abstractions and not on actual frameworks / implementations
    • It should be covered by Unit Tests
  • Entity - plain Swift classes / structs
    • Represents application data.
Gateways & Framework Logic
  • Gateway - contains actual implementation of the protocols defined in the Application Logic layer

    • We can implement for instance a LocalPersistenceGateway protocol using CoreData or Realm
    • We can implement for instance an ApiGateway protocol using URLSession or Alamofire
    • We can implement for instance a UserSettings protocol using UserDefaults
    • It should be covered by Unit Tests
  • Persistence / API Entities - contains framework specific representations

    • For instance we have a CoreDataCity that is a NSManagedObject subclass
    • The CoreDataCity would not be passed to the Application Logic layer but rather the Gateways & Framework Logic layer would have to "transform" it to a City entity defined in the Application Logic layer
  • Framework specific APIs - contains implementations of iOS specific APIs such as sensors / bluetooth / camera

We would like to create list of cities with ability to add and remove a city to the list. Also the list should be persisted locally. As mentionded before, we will define a protocol to the Application Logic layer and we will implement it at Gateways & Framework Logic layer.

The protocol:

typealias FetchCitiesEntityGatewayCompletionHandler = (_ cities: Result<[City]>) -> Void
typealias AddCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler = (_ cities: Result<City>) -> Void
typealias DeleteCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler = (_ cities: Result<Void>) -> Void

protocol CitiesGateway {
    func fetchCities(completionHandler: @escaping FetchCitiesEntityGatewayCompletionHandler)
    func add(parameters: AddCityParameters,
             completionHandler: @escaping AddCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler)
    func delete(city: City, completionHandler: @escaping DeleteCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler)

And the implementation

class CacheCitiesGateway: CitiesGateway {
    let localPersistenceCitiesGateway: LocalPersistenceCitiesGateway
    init(localPersistenceCitiesGateway: LocalPersistenceCitiesGateway) {
        self.localPersistenceCitiesGateway = localPersistenceCitiesGateway
    // MARK: - CitiesGateway
    func fetchCities(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<[City]>) -> Void) {
        localPersistenceCitiesGateway.fetchCities(completionHandler: completionHandler)
    func add(parameters: AddCityParameters, completionHandler: @escaping AddCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler) {
        self.localPersistenceCitiesGateway.add(parameters: parameters, completionHandler: completionHandler)
    func delete(city: City, completionHandler: @escaping DeleteCityEntityGatewayCompletionHandler) {
        self.localPersistenceCitiesGateway.delete(city: city, completionHandler: completionHandler)

What is the LocalPersistenceCitiesGateway in the CacheCitiesGateway. Its the actual implementation of the protocol defined on the Application Logic layer. LocalPersistenceCitiesGateway encapsulates code for CoreData framework. LocalPersistenceCitiesGateway belongs to Gateways & Framework Logic layer. The separation ensures that the Application Logic depends on abstractions and not on actual frameworks / implementations.

Its time to define a UseCase. UseCase contains the application / business logic for a specific use case in our application. We will define the use case that displays the persisted cities in the list. The actual task is to fetch the cities.

typealias DisplayCitiesUseCaseCompletionHandler = (_ cities: Result<[City]>) -> Void

protocol DisplayCitiesUseCase {
    func displayCities(completionHandler: @escaping DisplayCitiesUseCaseCompletionHandler)

class DisplayCitiesUseCaseImplementation: DisplayCitiesUseCase {
    let citiesGateway: CitiesGateway
    init(citiesGateway: CitiesGateway) {
        self.citiesGateway = citiesGateway
    //MARK: - DisplayCitiesUseCase
    func displayCities(completionHandler: @escaping DisplayCitiesUseCaseCompletionHandler) {
        self.citiesGateway.fetchCities { result in
            // Do any additional processing & after that call the completion handler

As you might notice the citiesGateway object will hold an object of CacheCitiesGatewaybecause CacheCitiesGateway is also of type CitiesGateway. UseCases referenced by the Presenter.

The Presenter triggers the business logic and tells the view when to update. As we mention before, Presenter doesn't reference the concrete type of the View, but rather it references the View protocol that is implemented usually by a UIViewController subclass.

protocol CitiesView: class {
    func refreshCitiesView()

protocol CitiesPresenter {
    var numberOfCities: Int { get }
    func viewDidLoad()

class CitiesPresenterImplementation: CitiesPresenter {
    fileprivate weak var view: CitiesView?
    fileprivate let displayCitiesUseCase: DisplayCitiesUseCase
    var cities = [City]()

	var numberOfCities: Int {
        return cities.count

    func viewDidLoad() {
        self.displayCitiesUseCase.displayCities { (result) in
            switch result {
            case let .success(cities):
                print("success cities = \(cities)")
            case let .failure(error):
                print("error = error = \(error)")

    fileprivate func handleCitiesReceived(_ cities: [City]) {
        self.cities = cities


The UIViewController never interacts with data/ logic directly. Only through the Presenter. For instance

class CitiesTableViewController: UITableViewController, CitiesView {
	override func viewDidLoad() {
	override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
        return presenter.numberOfCities

	// MARK: - CitiesView
	func refreshCitiesView() {
        print("called from Presenter")
        tableView.reloadSections([0], with: .automatic)
  • The following Unit Tests have been written:
    • CitiesPresenterTest - highlights how you can test the presentation logic

    • CoreDataCitiesGatewayTest - highlights how you can test a CoreData gateway

    • ApiClientTest - highlights how you can test the API / Networking layer of your application by substituting the URLSession stack


MVP & Other presentation patterns

Clean Architecture


Demo iOS application built to highlight Clean Architecture concepts







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