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oped - Quadruped ROS Package

OPED is open source development framework for mammal-type quadruped robot using Dynamixel AX-12/AX-18 series. This framework is based on champ controller library "𓃡 CHAMP Quadruped Controller ROS Package".

The software has been modified to control the robot's joints using Dynamixel AX-12/AX-18 series as the actuator. `

Core Features:

  • Fully Autonomous (using ROS navigation Stack).
  • Setup-assistant to configure newly built robots.
  • Gazebo simulation environment.
  • Lightweight C++ header-only library that can run on both SBC and micro-controllers.

Supported Hardware:


  • RPLidar A1M8 - WIP


  • MPU6500 - WIP
  • MPU6050 - WIP


  • Raspberry Pi 3 model B+

    This should also work on Single Board Computers that support Ubuntu 18 capable of running ROS Navigation Stack and have a I2C peripheral devices capable of running IMU.


  • Dynamixel AX12


  • Ubuntu 18.04 (ROS Melodic)

1. Installation

1.1. Clone and install all dependencies:

sudo apt install -y python-rosdep
sudo apt install -y ros-melodic-dynamixel-sdk
cd <your_ws>/src
git clone
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

1.2. [On RaspberryPi] Install i2c dev, imu_tools, and lidar

sudo apt-get install i2c-tools python-smbus
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-imu-tools
cd <your_ws>/src
git clone
git clone

1.3. Create udev rules (for hardware)

1 udev rules for ydlidar
    roscd ydlidar_ros/startup
    sudo chmod 777 ./*
    sudo sh
 2 udev rules for U2D2 (USB TO DYNAMIXEL 2)
    cd <your_ws>/src/oped/hardware_install
    sudo chmod 777 ./*
    sudo sh

1.4. Build your workspace:

cd <your_ws>
source <your_ws/>/devel/setup.bash

2. Walking demo in Gazebo:

2.1.1. Run the base driver and gazebo:

roslaunch oped_config gazebo.launch rviz:=true

You can select the world, just edit the gazebo.launch on oped_gazebo package. The world is in world folder on oped_gazebo package.

2.1.2. Run the teleop node:

roslaunch oped_teleop teleop.launch

Hold the key until the robot move.

2.3. Autonomous Navigation (using champ's robot model):

2.3.1. Run the Gazebo environment:

 roslaunch oped_config test_gazebo_stable.launch

2.3.2. Run amcl and move_base:

roslaunch oped_config test_navigate_stable.launch rviz:=true

To navigate:

  • Click '2D Nav Goal'.
  • Click and drag at the position you want the robot to go.

WIP - need to tune some parameters of amcl, slam, and path planning on oped_config package

WIP - autonomous navigation on maze using champ's robot model

roslaunch oped_config gazebo_stable.launch
roslaunch oped_config navigate_stable.launch rviz:=true

WIP - autonomous navigation on maze using my own robot

roslaunch oped_config gazebo.launch
roslaunch oped_config navigate.launch rviz:=true