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HOWTO use multiple database files

Jens Heine edited this page Mar 8, 2024 · 1 revision

If you want to store your accounts in multiple different database files, do it like this.

First start p as usual. Then create a new database with the opendatabase command:

[p.db] pshell> opendatabase mary.db
Database does not exist.
Enter password for new database    : 
Confirm password for new database  : 
Creating new p database: "mary.db" ...
Creating new UUID for database: a611e26e-418b-4a0b-b465-83209bb742ce
Creating an UNENCRYPTED database without any password!
Database Name            : 
Database UUID            : a611e26e-418b-4a0b-b465-83209bb742ce
Database Filename        : /home/peter/p/mary.db
Database Created         : 2024-03-08 22:48:50
Database Schema Version  : 8
SQLite Database Version  : 3.37.2
Database Encrypted       : No
Database Size            : 64.0 Kb
Database Last Changed    : 2024-03-08 22:48:50
Accounts (valid/invalid) : 0 (0/0)
Account history entries  : 0
Shell history entries    : 0
Aliases                  : 0
Deleted account UUID's   : 0
Last Merge Database      : 
Last Merge Date          : 
Merge history entries    : 0
Merge history details    : 0
Unmerged changes         : Yes
Note: You have unmerged changes in your local database.
[mary.db] pshell> 

Now you have 2 database files: p.db and mary.db

If you want to switch between them, just execute opendatabase without an argument:

[mary.db] pshell> opendatabase
Which database do you want to access?

1 - mary.db
2 - p.db

Enter number: 2

Enter database password:

The next time when you start the p priogram, you will be asked which database you want to open:

peter@linux:~/p$ ./p 

[p] by Jens Heine <> version: 2024.03.08

Which database do you want to access?

1 - mary.db
2 - p.db

Enter number: 

For more information, have a look at the help:

[mary.db] pshell> help opendatabase


 opendatabase [<DATABASE_FILENAME>]

 Try to open a p database file with the name DATABASE_FILENAME. If the
 database does not exist, a new one with the filename will be created. If you
 use the command without a database filename and there are multiple database
 files in the current directory, you will be asked to choose one from the
 With this command you can switch between multiple named p databases.

[mary.db] pshell>
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