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phenomis: An R package for post-processing and univariate analysis

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This package provides methods to perform the statistical analysis of phenomics datasets (e.g. in proteomics and metabolomics). These methods include the reading of datasets (as 3 table dataMatrix, sampleMetadata and variableMetadata .tsv files) into a SummarizedExperiment or MultiAssayExperiment object (reading), quality control (inspecting) and transformation (transforming) of the dataMatrix, reduction of chemical redundancy (reducing), and univariate hypothesis testing (hypotesting). Multivariate analysis and feature selection can be further performed with the ropls and biosigner packages, respectively. Finally, features can be annotated based on their m/z (and rt) values against public or local databases (annotating; based on the biodb package). See the phenomis vignette for a detailed example of the analysis of a metabolomics dataset.

Note that the SummarizedExperiment and MultiAssayExperiment formats are favored over the ExpressionSet and MultiDataSet formats, although the latter ones are still maintained.


Natacha Lenuzza, Alyssa Imbert, Pierrick Roger and Etienne A. Thevenot.


Etienne A. Thévenot (

Data Sciences team (Odiscé)

Medicines and Healthcare Technologies Department CEA, INRAE, Université Paris Saclay, MetaboHUB 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France




3 tabular file format used for import/export

Input (i.e. preprocessed) data consists of a 'samples times variables' matrix of intensities (datMatrix numeric matrix), in addition to sample and variable metadata (sampleMetadata and variableMetadata data frames). Theses 3 tables can be conveniently imported to/exported from R as tabular files:


The following methods are available:

Methods Description Returned class
SummarizedExperiment Create a SummarizedExperiment object SummarizedExperiment
makeSummarizedExperimentFromExpressionSet SummarizedExperiment
assayNames Get or set the names of assay() elements character
assay Get or set the ith (default first) assay element matrix
assays Get the list of experimental data numeric matrices SimpleList
rowData Get or set the row data (features) DataFrame
colData Get or set the column data (samples) DataFrame
metadata Get or set the experiment data list
dim Get the dimensions (features of interest x samples) integer
dimnames Get or set the dimension names list of length 2 character/NULL
rownames Get the feature names character
colnames Get the sample names character
as(, "SummarizedExperiment") Convert an ExpressionSet to a SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment


The following methods are available (Ramos et al., 2016):

Methods Description Returned class
MultiAssayExperiment Create a MultiAssayExperiment object MultiAssayExperiment
ExperimentList Create an ExperimentList from a List or list ExperimentList
colData Get or set data that describe the patients/biological units DataFrame
experiments Get or set the list of experimental data objects as original classes experimentList
assays Get the list of experimental data numeric matrices SimpleList
assay Get the first experimental data numeric matrix matrix, matrix-like
sampleMap Get or set the map relating observations to subjects DataFrame
metadata Get or set additional data descriptions list
rownames Get row names for all experiments CharacterList
colnames Get column names for all experiments CharacterList
mae[i, j, k] Get rows, columns, and/or experiments MultiAssayExperiment
mae[i, ,] i: GRanges, character, integer, logical, List, list MultiAssayExperiment
mae[,j,] j: character, integer, logical, List, list MultiAssayExperiment
mae[,,k] k: character, integer, logical MultiAssayExperiment
mae[[i]] Get or set object of arbitrary class from experiments (Varies)
mae[[i]] Character, integer, logical
mae$column Get or set colData column vector (varies)
complete.cases Identify subjects with complete data in all experiments vector (logical)
duplicated Identify subjects with replicate observations per experiment list of LogicalLists
mergeReplicates Merge replicate observations within each experiment MultiAssayExperiment
intersectRows Return features that are present for all experiments MultiAssayExperiment
intersectColumns Return subjects with data available for all experiments MultiAssayExperiment
prepMultiAssay Troubleshoot common problems when constructing main class list
longFormat Return a long and tidy DataFrame with optional colData columns DataFrame
wideFormat Create a wide DataFrame, one row per subject DataFrame
c Concatenate an experiment MultiAssayExperiment
upsetSamples Generalized Venn Diagram analog for sample membership upset

ExpressionSet and MultiDataSet classes

A legacy representation of ID-based datasets, supported for convenience and supplanted by SummarizedExperiment and MultiAssayExperiment.

Biobase methods Description
exprs(eset) 'variable times samples' numeric matrix - dataMatrix
pData(eset) sample metadata data frame - sampleMetadata
fData(eset) variable metadata data frame - variableMetadata
sampleNames(eset) sample names
featureNames(eset) variable names
dims(eset) 2-element numeric vector of 'Features' and 'Samples' dimensions
varLabels(eset) Column names of the sampleMetadata, pData(eset)
fvarLabels(eset) Column names of the variableMetadata, fData(eset)

MultiDataSet class for multiple datasets

MultiDataSet methods Description Returned class
as.list(mae) Get the list of data matrices List
mds2mae Convert a MultiDataSet to a MultiAssayExperiment MultiAssayExperiment


The package can be installed from github with devtools::install_github("odisce/phenomis").


See the phenomis vignette for a detailed example of the analysis of a metabolomics dataset.

Please cite

  • Imbert, A., Rompais, M., Selloum, M., Castelli, F., Mouton-Barbosa, E., Brandolini-Bunlon, M., Chu-Van, E., Joly, C., Hirschler, A., Roger, P., Burger, T., Leblanc, S., Sorg, T., Ouzia, S., Vandenbrouck, Y., Médigue, C., Junot, C., Ferro, M., Pujos-Guillot, E., de Peredo, A. G., Fenaille, F., Carapito, C., Herault, Y., & Thévenot, E. A. (2021). ProMetIS, deep phenotyping of mouse models by combined proteomics and metabolomics analysis. Scientific Data, 8(1). doi:10.1038/s41597-021-01095-3

  • Thévenot, E.A., Roux, A., Xu, Y., Ezan, E., and Junot, C. (2015). Analysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations with age, body mass index and gender by implementing a comprehensive workflow for univariate and OPLS statistical analyses. Journal of Proteome Research 14, 3322--3335. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00354


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