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Tests Overview (Coming soon)

Testing a MuscleX Installation

Tests are provided to ensure results from an installation match expected results across different devices and dependency versions. Tests can be run from the command line or from the GUI.

GUI Testing

A testing module is provided in the launcher GUI. If no log is found, this procedure will run the first time the GUI is launched on a device. To use the GUI testing module,

  1. Launch the MuscleX GUI
  2. Click Run Tests in the bottom right corner
  3. Click Run Tests again at the top of the window to run all module tests
  4. If you'd only like to run the GPU tests, click run GPU Test and the test will determine if pyopencl is installed properly and if MuscleX can access a GPU

Command Line testing

Open a terminal window and run musclex test to run all tests. Output from tests will be printed to the command line. Use musclex test_gpu to only run the GPU tests.

Testing Methodology

The testing suite in musclex_test/tests/ is used for verifying that MuscleX produces predictable results across version changes. Each module is tested independently using The module test runs in two modes - testrecord and testverify. In testrecord, module output is serialized to Pickle files for a particular set of input test data. In testverify, the same data is processed again and serialized to Pickle files, but is then compared to the files produced in testrecord mode. If any of these comparisons fail, it's deemed a failing test and the location of the failure is returned to the user.

This approach provides a couple of important assurances. For developers, it ensures that no unexpected changes in module behavior come up that are caused by changes across versions. For installers, this verifies that an installation is behaving in the way developers expected. The testing framework also provides a tool for ensuring the reproducibility of results across devices.


When a new version is pushed that causes changes in test output, a new set of test data should be recorded. To do this starting from the root of the repository:

  1. Change directory to the test directory.
cd musclex_test/tests/
  1. Run in testrecord mode.
python testrecord

Serialized Pickle files will be written to <modulename>/test_pickles. One file is written for each field in a module object's info class variable.

- An example of testrecord output.


Once output data has been recorded using testrecord, tests can be run using testverify. testverify mode processes the same input data as testrecord, and compares the output against the data in <module_name>/test_pickles.

To run the whole testing suite use the following command from the root of the repository:

python -m unittest discover -s musclex_test

A successful test should produce output similar to the following: -

Testing Data

Test data used is found in /musclex_test/tests/test_images. Each time data in this directory is changed, testrecord should be rerun.

Given a module and corresponding settings, test Pickle files are written to folders in <module_name>/test_pickles_<settings_name>. In testverify mode, a directory <module_name>/tmp_verify_<settings_name> is utilized to store generated Pickle files that are used for comparison, but are deleted at the end of the test. A keeppickles argument is included in the module_test function and can be changed to True to keep the testverify Pickle objects. If a test fails, these temporary Pickle objects are kept to be used for comparison.

Test Suite Summary

The unittest suite is in musclex_test/tests/ It uses Python's unit testing framework to run tests for each module under different configurations and provides a summary of the results. They can all be run using the instructions for running in testverify mode given above. A summary of each test that's defined in the unittest suite is given below.

These default test settings were taken from examples in the tests folder in the root directory.

Equator Image Test - testEquatorImage

This test case runs a testverify pass for the following settings configurations.

settingsA = {
    "left_sigmac" : 1.0,
    "right_sigmac" : 1.0,
    "orientation_model" : 0,
    "nPeaks" : 2,
    "model" : "Gaussian",
    "isSkeletal" : True,
    "mask_thres" : -1.0,
    "90rotation" : False,
    "blank_mask" : False
settingsB = {
    "left_sigmac" : 1.0,
     "right_sigmac" : 1.0,
    "orientation_model" : 0,
    "nPeaks" : 5,
    "model" : "Voigt",
    "isSkeletal" : True,
    "mask_thres" : -1.0,
    "90rotation" : False,
    "blank_mask" : False

Data input: test_images

Pickles to compare to: eq/test_pickles_settingsA, eq/test_pickles_settingsB

To run only this test: python musclex_test/tests/ MuscleXTest.testEquatorImage

Quadrant Folder Test - testQuadrantFolder

The following settings are used.

settingsQF = {
    'bgsub' : 'None',
    'sigmoid' : 0.0,
    'no_cache' : True,
    'orientation_model' : 0

Data input: test_images

Pickles to compare to: qf/test_pickles_settingsQF

To run only this test: python musclex_test/tests/ MuscleXTest.testQuadrantFolder

Diffraction Centroids Test - testDiffractionCentroids

The following settings are used.

settingsDC = {
      'orientation_model' : 0,
      '90rotation' : False,
      'no_cache' : True

Data input: test_images

Pickles to compare to: dc/test_pickles_settingsDC

To run only this test: python musclex_test/tests/ MuscleXTest.testDiffractionCentroids

Projection Traces Test - testProjectionTraces

The following settings are used.

settingsPT = {
      'boxes' : {'box1' : ((200, 800),(500, 600))},
      'bgsubs' : {'box1' : 0},
      'types' : {'box1' : 'h'},
      'peaks' : {'box1' : [100]},
      'bgsub' : 'None',
      'sigmoid' : 0.0,
      'no_cache' : True,
      'orientation_model' : 0

Data input: test_images

Pickles to compare to pt/test_pickles_settingsPT

To run only this test: python musclex_test/tests/ MuscleXTest.testProjectionTraces

Scanning Diffraction Test - testScanningDiffraction

Default settings are used (an empty settings dictionary is used to initialize processing).

Data input: test_images/di_test_data

Pickles to compare to di/test_pickles_settingsDI

To run only this test: python musclex_test/tests/ MuscleXTest.testScanningDiffraction

HDF Read Test - testHDFRead

This test checks to make sure h5py can read data from the HDF file generated by Scanning Diffraction.

Data input: test_images/di_test_data/test.hdf

Pickle to compare to test_images/hdf_record/hdfdata_record.p

pyFAI Integration Test - testGPUIntegratePyFAI

Verifies that the pyFAI integration function works properly when using the csr_ocl integration method. Even if pyopencl is not installed, this function should work with or without a GPU.

GPU Device Test - testOpenCLDevice

Attempts an import of pyopencl and, if successful, lists the GPU devices available. This test passes if OpenCL and GPU acceleration is available and fails otherwise. Failing this test could indicate a problem with the pyopencl installation or imply that GPU acceleration is not available on your device.