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216 lines (183 loc) · 7.12 KB

File metadata and controls

216 lines (183 loc) · 7.12 KB

v3.13.5 (2024.2)

Bug Fixes

  • backbone
    • Fixed interactive behaviour when missing sequences
  • mutateside
    • Fixed bug. Mutated residue was deleted when using --rebuild

v3.13.3 (2023.2)

Extended functions

  • input
    • Added assembly download from wwpdb.
    • Added --overwrite_cache to refresh cached structures.
    • improved recognition of CA-only structures.
    • Added automated sequence download for retrieved structure in PDB format
    • --sequence accepts remote download as pdb:{pdb_id}
    • Added remote downloads (structure and sequence) from plain URL's (http(s) only).
  • output
    • Added optional logging of building errors (as --build-warnings).
    • Improved phrasing for some log errors.
  • run_time
    • Atom limit check made after download to avoid useless work.
    • Added --time_limit to avoid too lengthy runs. Useful on massive analysis.
  • add_hydrogen
    • Full list of residues now requires --verbose.


  • input
    • Use of alternative pdb servers (--pdb_servers) for biounits/assemblies. Command-line parameter retained for back-compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • input
    • Default download moved to https (instead of ftp) to avoid detected network restrictions.
  • sequences.
    • Fixed errors in sequence recognition when non-protein and non-na chain.
    • Fixed FASTA headers when no gaps.
  • models/chains/sequences. Fixed errors when differences in chain composition among models. All models are now analyzed as independent entities.
  • Added error message when --rebuild is applied to N term residue. Fix pending.

v3.12.1 (2022.4)

Extended functions

  • amide
    • Added --fix auto option to automatically find best fix combination.
  • chains
    • Added --rename. fixes empty chain labels.
    • Added --renumber. allow to renumber/reorganize chains and residues.
    • Added --rem_inscodes. removes insertion codes on renumbering.
    • Added --rebuild. rebuild chains labels and residue ids from backbone connectivity.
  • inscodes
    • Added --renumber. Rebuild residue numbering to remove insertion codes.
  • models
    • Added --build_complex. Converts biounit's selected models into actual complexes.
  • sequences
    • Added --output_fasta. Writes sequences found in an external FASTA file.
  • json
    • Extended information on json summary output.
  • input format
    • File format for remote download can be defined using extension as in pdb:2ki5.pdb
  • output format
    • Added mmCif output (only atom records).
  • input management
    • Added --nocache to avoid caching downloaded structures.
    • Added --copy_input to recover a copy of the input structure.
    • Added --coords_only to discard chain labels and residue ids from input. Used to revover faulty structure files.

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing defaults for Notebook execution.
  • Ionized/tautomeric residue names recognized.
  • Fixed behaviour of structure headers output with missing entries.

v3.10.1 (2022.3)

Extended functions

  • Structure details
    • Added hydrogen atoms count
  • Input files
    • Support for PQR format
  • backbone, sequences
    • Input Sequences are automatically assigned to the appropriate chain. No special requirements for FASTA headers
  • add_hydrogen
    • Extended to support Nucleic Acids
  • sequences
    • Structure sequence is always reported even in the absence of canonical one
  • chains
    • Unlabelled chains can be fixed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed banner format
  • Fixed residue id on metals output
  • Removed required usage N and C terms 4-letter residue names except of requested output

v3.9.11 (2021.4)

New Functions

  • Support for PDBQT files
  • add_hydrogen
    • Multiple charge sets accepted (currently ADP, CMIP)

v3.9.10 (2021.4)

New Functions

Extended functions

  • Adding new option --keep_canonical_resnames to revert output to canonical residue names when modified by any operation.

  • models

    • Select multiple models
    • Superimpose current models
    • Output models as multiple PDB files

Bug Fixes

  • add_hydrogen
    • Extended to Nucleic Acids
    • added option to keep canonical residue names

Bug Fixes

  • add_hydrogen
    • Forced upper case for FF names

v3.9.9 (2021.4)

Bug Fixes

  • Remove pinned numpy dependency

v3.9.7 (2021.4)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed tests
  • Fixed behaviour with --non_interactive and missing command options

v3.9.6 (2021.4)

Extended functions

  • Jupyter Notebook support extended

    • Help(command) function
    • Settings accepted also as Python dictionaries-
  • add_hydrogen

    • Added support for multiple atom type sets (currently ADP, CMIP)
    • Added support for pqr, pdbqt, cmip output formats following file extension
    • Added support for pqr input format
    • Terminal residue names available on 3 or 4 letter (N-, C-) codes
  • command_list

    • Added support for inline command lists
  • mutationside

    • Added support for RNA mutations

Bug Fixes

  • Fix charge assignment for modified residues and terminals
  • Fixed wrong assigment of RNA residues as protein
  • Fixed tests
  • Fixed behaviour with --non_interactive and missing command options

V3.8.5 (2021.2)

New functions

  • sequences
    • prints both canonical and structural sequences (protein or NA).

Extended functions

  • mutateside

    • added support for mutation of DNA/RNA residues
    • --na_seq allows to set a desired final sequence in a single operation (for DNA duplexes)
  • chains

    • allows to select chains according to molecular type (protein | dna | rna | na).
    • Improved guess of chain type.
  • getss

    • can now mark CYS residues as part of SSBonds. Further commands like add_hydrogen reacts accordingly
  • load

    • can now be used to convert downloaded cif to pdb format using --force_save
  • Modeller based commands

    • adapted to support Modeller >= 10.1
  • several commands

    • adapted to work with NA chains
  • Extended support for verbosity

    • Default verbosity has been reduced to errors and warnigs
    • --nv --quiet removes all progress reports
    • -v adds extra progress report (original default)

Bugs fixed

  • clashes, add_hydrogen did not work for modified or cap residues
  • mutateside crashed when trying to delete already modified atoms
  • added error message when chains will remove all chains in the structure
  • added error message when mutateside has no available mutations

v3.7.3 (2021.1)

Extended functionality

  • Added support for biopython 1.78

Bugs fixed

  • backbone
    • added error messages for incorrect or missing FASTA sequences
    • backbone reconstruction crashed when not all chains sequences were available even if missing chains where not needed


New functions

  • --rename_terms
    • Rename N and C terms as NXXX, CXXX

Extended functions:

  • mutateside & fixside --rebuild
    • Use Modeller for building the side chains, include conformational search
  • backbone --extra_gap
    • Allows to use more residues from the built model to fill backbone breaks (experimental)
  • add_hydrogen --add_charges
    • Adds point charges to atoms and produces a PDBQT output suitable for autodock

Bug fixes

  • --debug
    • Psutils import failed even when --debug was not requested
  • backbone
    • Residue internal pointers corrupted when backbone was modified