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Added OpenBR to Bob score file conversion function
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siebenkopf committed Oct 5, 2015
1 parent d72d342 commit 5b7f3a0
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149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions bob/measure/
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Expand Up @@ -165,3 +165,152 @@ def _write_matrix(filename, matrix):
# OK, now finally write the file in the desired format
_write_matrix(mask_file, mask)
_write_matrix(matrix_file, matrix)

def write_score_file(
models_ids = None,
probes_ids = None,
model_names = None,
probe_names = None,
score_file_format = '4column',
replace_nan = None
"""Writes the Bob score file in the desired ``score_file_format`` (four or five column), given the OpenBR matrix and mask files.
In principle, the score file can be written based on the matrix and mask files, and the format suffice the requirements to compute CMC curves.
However, the contents of the score files can be adapted.
If given, the ``models_ids`` and ``probes_ids`` define the **client ids** of model and probe, and they have to be in the same order as used to compute the OpenBR matrix.
The ``model_names`` and ``probe_names`` define the **paths** of model and probe, and they should be in the same order as the ids.
In rare cases, the OpenBR matrix contains NaN values, which Bob's score files cannot handle.
You can use the ``replace_nan`` parameter to decide, what to do with these values.
By default (``None``), these values are ignored, i.e., not written into the score file.
This is, what OpenBR is doing as well.
However, you can also set ``replace_nan`` to any value, which will be written instead of the NaN values.
Keyword parameters:
matrix_file : str
The OpenBR matrix file that should be read.
Usually, the file name extension is ``.mtx``
mask_file : str
The OpenBR mask file that should be read.
Usually, the file name extension is ``.mask``
score_file : str
The 4 or 5 column style score file that should be written.
models_ids : [str] or ``None``
The client ids of the models that will be written in the first column of the score file.
If given, the size must be identical to the number of models (gallery templates) in the OpenBR files.
If not given, client ids of the model will be identical to the **gallery index** in the matrix file.
probes_ids : [str] or ``None``:
The client ids of the probes that will be written in the second/third column of the four/five column score file.
If given, the size must be identical to the number of probe templates in the OpenBR files.
It will be checked that the OpenBR mask fits to the model/probe client ids.
If not given, the probe ids will be estimated automatically, i.e., to fit the OpenBR matrix.
model_names : [str] or ``None``
A list of model path written in the second column of the five column score file.
If not given, the model index in the OpenBR file will be used.
.. note::
This entry is ignored in the four column score file format.
probe_names : [str] or ``None``
A list of probe path to be written in the third/fourth column in the four/five column score file.
If given, the size must be identical to the number of probe templates in the OpenBR files.
If not given, the probe index in the OpenBR file will be used.
score_file_format : one of ``('4column', '5column')``
The format, in which the ``score_file`` should be written.
replace_nan : float or ``None``:
If NaN values are encountered in the OpenBR matrix (which are not ignored due to the mask being non-NULL), this value will be written instead.
If ``None``, the values will not be written in the score file at all.
def _read_matrix(filename):
## Helper function to read a matrix file as written by OpenBR
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
# get version
header = f.readline()
assert header[:2] == "S2"
# skip gallery and probe files
# read size and type of matrix
size = f.readline()
splits = size.rstrip().split()
# TODO: check the endianess of the magic number stored in split[3]
assert splits[0][0] == 'M'
w,h = int(splits[1]), int(splits[2])
# read matrix data
data = numpy.fromfile(f, dtype={'B':numpy.uint8, 'F': numpy.float32}[splits[0][1]])
assert data.shape[0] == w*h
data.shape = (w,h)
return data

# check parameters
if score_file_format not in ("4column", "5column"):
raise ValueError("The given score file format %s is not known; choose one of ('4column', '5column')" % score_file_format)
# get type of score file
four_col = score_file_format == "4column"

# read the two matrices
scores = _read_matrix(matrix_file)
mask = _read_matrix(mask_file)

# generate the id lists, if not given
if models_ids is None:
models_ids = [str(g+1) for g in range(mask.shape[1])]
assert len(models_ids) == mask.shape[1]

if probes_ids is None:
probes_ids = []
# iterate over all probes
for p in range(mask.shape[0]):
# get indices, where model and probe id should be identical
equal_indices = numpy.where(mask[p] == 0xff)
if len(equal_indices):
# model id found, use the first one
# no model found; add non-existing id
assert len(probes_ids) == mask.shape[0]
# check that the probes client ids are in the correct order
for p in range(mask.shape[0]):
for g in range(mask.shape[1]):
if mask[p,g] == 0x7f:
if models_ids[g] == probes_ids[p]: raise ValueError("The probe id %s with index %d should not be identical to model id %s with index %d" % (probes_ids[p], p, models_ids[g], g))
elif mask[p,g] == 0xff:
if models_ids[g] != probes_ids[p]: raise ValueError("The probe id %s with index %d should be identical to model id %s with index %d" % (probes_ids[p], p, models_ids[g], g))

# generate model and probe names, if not given
if not four_col and model_names is None:
model_names = [str(g+1) for g in range(mask.shape[1])]
if probe_names is None:
probe_names = [str(p+1) for p in range(mask.shape[0])]

# iterate through the files and write scores
with open(score_file, 'w') as f:
for g in range(mask.shape[1]):
for p in range(mask.shape[0]):
if mask[p,g]:
score = scores[p,g]
# handle NaN values
if numpy.isnan(score):
if replace_nan is None: continue
score = replace_nan
# write score file
if four_col:
f.write("%s %s %s %3.8f\n" % (models_ids[g], probes_ids[p], probe_names[p], score))
f.write("%s %s %s %s %3.8f\n" % (models_ids[g], model_names[g], probes_ids[p], probe_names[p], score))
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions bob/measure/
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"""Tests the IO functionality of bob.measure."""

import bob.measure
import numpy
import tempfile, os, shutil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,3 +118,56 @@ def test_openbr_search():


def test_from_openbr():
# This function tests that the conversion from the OpenBR matrices work as expected
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bob_test')

# define input files
openbr_extensions = ('.mtx', '.mask')
matrix_file, mask_file = ['scores%s' % ext, 'bob.measure') for ext in openbr_extensions]

score_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, "scores")
load_functions = {'4col' : bob.measure.load.four_column, '5col' : bob.measure.load.five_column}

for variant in ('4col', '5col'):
# first, do not define keyword arguments -- let the file get the model and probe ids being created automatically
bob.measure.openbr.write_score_file(matrix_file, mask_file, score_file, score_file_format="%sumn"%variant)
assert os.path.exists(score_file)
# read the score file with bobs functionality
columns = list(load_functions[variant](score_file))

# check the contents
assert len(columns) == 2000

# now, generate model and probe names and ids
model_type = {"4col" : "%d", "5col" : "s%d"}[variant]
dev_ids = (3,4,7,8,9,13,15,18,19,22,23,25,28,30,31,32,35,37,38,40)
model_names = ["s%d" % c for c in dev_ids]
probe_names = ["s%d/%d" %(c,i) for c in dev_ids for i in (1,3,6,8,10)]
models_ids = ["%d" % c for c in dev_ids]
probes_ids = ["%d" % c for c in dev_ids for i in (1,3,6,8,10)]

bob.measure.openbr.write_score_file(matrix_file, mask_file, score_file, models_ids=models_ids, probes_ids=probes_ids, model_names=model_names, probe_names=probe_names, score_file_format="%sumn"%variant)

# check that we re-generated the bob score file
reference_file ='scores-cmc-%s.txt' % variant, 'bob.measure')

# assert that we can (almost) reproduce the score file
# ... read both files
columns = list(load_functions[variant](score_file))
reference = list(load_functions[variant](reference_file))
assert len(columns) == len(reference)
for i in range(len(columns)):
for j in range(len(columns[i])-1):
# check that the model and probe names are fine
assert columns[i][j] == reference[i][j], str(columns[i]) + " != " + str(reference[i])
# check that the score is close (OpenBR write scores in float32 precision only)
assert abs(columns[i][-1] - numpy.float32(reference[i][-1])) <= 1e-8, str(columns[i][-1]) + " != " + str(reference[i][-1])
assert numpy.isclose(columns[i][-1], reference[i][-1], atol = 1e-3, rtol=1e-8), str(columns[i][-1]) + " != " + str(reference[i][-1])

32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion doc/guide.rst
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Expand Up @@ -411,7 +411,10 @@ Score file conversion
Sometimes, it is required to export the score files generated by Bob to a different format, e.g., to be able to generate a plot comparing Bob's systems with other systems.
In this package, we provide source code to convert between different types of score files.

One of the supported formats is the matrix format that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) uses, and which is supported by OpenBR.
Bob to OpenBR

One of the supported formats is the matrix format that the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) uses, and which is supported by OpenBR_.
The scores are stored in two binary matrices, where the first matrix (usually with a ``.mtx`` filename extension) contains the raw scores, while a second mask matrix (extension ``.mask``) contains information, which scores are positives, and which are negatives.

To convert from Bob's four column or five column score file to a pair of these matrices, you can use the :py:func:`bob.measure.openbr.write_matrix` function.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,10 +451,37 @@ It specifies the number of highest scores per probe that should be kept.
If the ``search`` parameter is set to a negative value, all scores will be kept.
If the ``search`` parameter is higher as the actual number of models, ``NaN`` scores will be appended, and the according mask values will be set to ``0`` (i.e., to be ignored).

OpenBR to Bob

On the other hand, you might also want to generate a Bob-compatible (four or five column) score file based on a pair of OpenBR matrix and mask files.
This is possible by using the :py:func:`bob.measure.openbr.write_score_file` function.
At the basic, it takes the given pair of matrix and mask files, as well as the desired output score file:

.. code-block:: py
>>> bob.measure.openbr.write_score_file('openbr.mtx', 'openbr.mask', 'four-column-sore-file')
This score file is sufficient to compute a CMC curve (see `CMC`_), however it does not contain relevant client ids or paths for models and probes.
Particularly, it assumes that each client has exactly one associated model.

To add/correct these information, you can use additional parameters to :py:func:`bob.measure.openbr.write_score_file`.
Client ids of models and probes can be added using the ``models_ids`` and ``probes_ids`` keyword arguments.
The length of these lists must be identical to the number of models and probes as given in the matrix files, **and they must be in the same order as used to compute the OpenBR matrix**.
This includes that the same same-client and different-client pairs as indicated by the OpenBR mask will be generated, which will be checked inside the function.

To add model and probe path information, the ``model_names`` and ``probe_names`` parameters, which need to have the same size and order as the ``models_ids`` and ``probes_ids``.
These information are simply stored in the score file, and no further check is applied.

.. note:: The ``model_names`` parameter is used only when writing score files in ``score_file_format='5column'``, in the ``'4column'`` format, this parameter is ignored.

.. include:: links.rst

.. Place youre references here:
.. _`The Expected Performance Curve`:
.. _`The DET curve in assessment of detection task performance`:
.. _`plot()`:
.. _openbr:

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