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Merge pull request #213 from janezd/spiralogram
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Spiralogram: Reimplementation in pyqtgraph
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ajdapretnar committed Jul 12, 2022
2 parents 026771c + b1a8e5c commit 6792489
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,894 additions and 918 deletions.
131 changes: 0 additions & 131 deletions orangecontrib/timeseries/

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255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions orangecontrib/timeseries/
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@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
import dataclasses
from datetime import date
import calendar
from typing import Dict, Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from import DiscreteVariable, ContinuousVariable
from Orange.util import utc_from_timestamp

from orangecontrib.timeseries import Timeseries, truncated_date

def moving_sum(x, width, shift=1):
s = np.nancumsum(x)
return np.hstack((s[width - 1:width] - 0,
s[shift + width - 1::shift]
- s[shift - 1:-width:shift]))

def moving_count_nonzero(x, width, shift=1):
return moving_sum((x != 0) & np.isfinite(x), width, shift)

def moving_count_defined(x, width, shift=1):
return moving_sum(np.isfinite(x), width, shift)

def _windowed(x, width, shift):
if width > x.size:
return np.empty((0, 1)) # we need a 2d array, but 0 rows
return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(
shape=(1 + (x.size - width) // shift, width),
strides=(shift * x.strides[0], x.strides[0])

def windowed_func(func, x, width, shift):
return func(_windowed(x, width, shift), axis=1)

def windowed_span(x, width, shift):
windows = _windowed(x, width, shift)
return np.nanmax(windows, axis=1) - np.nanmin(windows, axis=1)

def _windowed_weighted(x, weights, shift):
xnans = np.isnan(x)
if not np.any(xnans):
return np.sum(_windowed(x, len(weights), shift) * weights, axis=1)

# Recompute weights for each line so that the total sum is the same
# after skipping the weights that correspond to nan
# If the sum of weights is 1, this is just "renormalization"
x = x.copy()
windows = _windowed(x, len(weights), shift)
nans = np.isnan(windows)
total_weight = np.sum(weights)
weights = np.repeat(weights[None, :], len(windows), axis=0)
weights[nans] = 0
x[xnans] = 0
weightsums = np.sum(weights, axis=1) / total_weight
no_data = weightsums == 0
weightsums[no_data] = 1
res = np.sum(windows * weights, axis=1) / weightsums
res[no_data] = np.nan
return res

def windowed_linear_MA(x, width, shift):
weights = np.arange(1, width + 1, dtype=float)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
return _windowed_weighted(x, weights, shift)

def windowed_exponential_MA(x, width, shift):
alpha = 2 / (width + 1.0)
weights = alpha * (1 - alpha) ** np.arange(width - 1, -1, -1)
weights /= np.sum(weights)
return _windowed_weighted(x, weights, shift)

def windowed_cumsum(x, width, shift):
return np.nancumsum(x)[width - 1::shift]

def windowed_cumprod(x, width, shift):
return np.nancumprod(x)[width - 1::shift]

def windowed_mode(x, width, shift):
modes, counts = windowed_func(
partial(stats.mode, nan_policy='omit'),
x, width, shift)
modes = modes[:, 0]
# If counts == 0, all values were nan
modes =
modes[counts[:, 0] == 0] = np.nan
return modes

def windowed_harmonic_mean(x, width, shift):
windows = _windowed(x, width, shift)
return stats.hmean(windows, axis=1)
except ValueError:
r = np.full(len(windows), np.nan)
for i, window in enumerate(windows):
r[i] = stats.hmean(window)
except ValueError:
return r

def block_mode(x):
mode = stats.mode(x, nan_policy='omit').mode
return float(mode) if mode.size else np.nan

class AggDesc:
short_desc: str
transform: Callable
block_transform: Callable
_long_desc: str = ""
supports_discrete: bool = False
count_aggregate: bool = False
cumulative: Optional[Callable] = None
same_scale: bool = False

def __new__(cls, short_desc, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls)
AggOptions[short_desc] = self
return self

def long_desc(self):
return self._long_desc or self.short_desc.title()

def pmw(*args):
return partial(windowed_func, *args)

AggOptions: Dict[str, AggDesc] = {}
AggDesc("mean", pmw(np.nanmean), np.nanmean, "Mean value",
AggDesc("sum", moving_sum, np.nansum)
AggDesc('product', pmw(np.nanprod), np.nanprod)
AggDesc('min', pmw(np.nanmin), np.nanmin, "Minimum",
AggDesc('max', pmw(np.nanmax), np.nanmax, "Maximum",
AggDesc('span', windowed_span,
lambda x: np.nanmax(x) - np.nanmin(x), "Span")
AggDesc('median', pmw(np.nanmedian), np.nanmedian,
AggDesc('mode', windowed_mode, block_mode,
supports_discrete=True, same_scale=True)
AggDesc('std', pmw(np.nanstd), np.nanstd, "Standard deviation", same_scale=True)
AggDesc('var', pmw(np.nanvar), np.nanvar, "Variance")
AggDesc('lin. MA', windowed_linear_MA, None, "Linear MA", same_scale=True)
AggDesc('exp. MA', windowed_exponential_MA, None, "Exponential MA",
AggDesc('harmonic', windowed_harmonic_mean, stats.hmean, "Harmonic mean",
AggDesc('geometric', pmw(stats.gmean), stats.gmean, "Geometric mean",
AggDesc('non-zero', moving_count_nonzero,
lambda x: np.sum((x != 0) & np.isfinite(x)), "Non-zero count",
supports_discrete=True, count_aggregate=True)
AggDesc('defined', moving_count_defined,
lambda x: np.sum(np.isfinite(x)), "Defined count",
supports_discrete=True, count_aggregate=True)
AggDesc('cumsum', windowed_cumsum, None, "Cumulative sum",
AggDesc('cumprod', windowed_cumprod, None, "Cumulative product",

class PeriodDesc:
name: str
struct_index: int
periodic: Union[bool, int]
attr_name: str
value_as_period: bool = True
names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None
names_option: Optional[str] = None
value_offset: int = 0

def __new__(cls, name, *args, **kwargs):
self = super().__new__(cls)
PeriodOptions[name] = self
return self

PeriodOptions = {}
PeriodDesc("Years", 0, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Months", 1, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Days", 2, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Hours", 3, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Minutes", 4, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Seconds", 5, False, "Time"),
PeriodDesc("Month of year", 1, 12, "Month",
names_option="Use month names",
PeriodDesc("Day of year", 2, 366, "Day",
PeriodDesc("Day of month", 2, 31, "Day"),
PeriodDesc("Day of week", 2, 7, "Day",
names_option="Use day names",
PeriodDesc("Hour of day", 3, 24, "Hour")

def time_blocks(data: Timeseries,
period: PeriodDesc,
attr_name: Sequence[str],
use_period_names: bool):
times = (utc_from_timestamp(x)
for x in data.get_column_view(data.time_variable)[0])
if period.periodic:
if period.value_as_period:
times = [x.timetuple()[period.struct_index] for x in times]
elif == "Day of week":
times = [d.weekday() for d in times]
elif == "Day of year":
times = [d.toordinal() - date(d.year, 1, 1).toordinal() + 1
for d in times]
times = np.array(times) + period.value_offset
if period.names and use_period_names:
attribute = DiscreteVariable(attr_name, values=period.names)
attribute = ContinuousVariable(attr_name)
ind = period.struct_index
times = (truncated_date(x, ind) for x in times)
times = [calendar.timegm(x.timetuple()) for x in times]
attribute = data.time_variable.copy(name=attr_name)

periods, period_indices, counts = \
np.unique(times, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
if == "Month of year" and not use_period_names:
periods += 1

return attribute, periods, period_indices, counts

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